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Posts posted by Monkee

  1. 1 minute ago, DEF said:

    Oooh, jealous of the meet and great tickets. I was to late for them.

    Iā€™ve had a massive crush on Dr Karl for years and both him and Susan were the first confirmed guests. Iā€™ve met him twice - once at a Neighbours Night in Sydney and once after a pantomime he was in in Sevenoaks - and I turned into a knob both times so god knows what Iā€™ll be like at the M&G!

    And Iā€™m telling you now, if Jason Donovan is announced then I will absolutely lose my shit. I was seriously obsessed with him when I was younger.

  2. How have I missed this conversation about Neighbours?! Iā€™m genuinely devastated. Iā€™ve not missed an episode in years and I Sky+ it every day even when I go on holidays. Iā€™m going to miss it immensely!Ā 

    The subtle in-jokes recently have been brilliant. I liked it when, looking through Haroldā€™s Memory Book, someone quipped about how much Lucy Robinsonā€™s changed over the years and looks like 3 different people. NB Sheā€™s been played by 3 actresses over the years for those who didnā€™t know. Edit: missed @Merzbowalready mentioning this.

    My friend and I had tickets for a Neighbours Reunion that was meant to happen in 2020 and got cancelled. So when the Farewell Tour was announced we had the option of transferring the tickets or getting a refund. Of course we transferred (for amazing seats at the London Palladium) and then also upgraded to a meet and greet. I canā€™t tell you how ridiculously excited I am about this.

    Also, The Guardian ran an article last week asking people to submit their favourite memories and what Neighbours means to you. I practically write a novel. Got an email yesterday asking if they could include my submission in an article. Not sure when itā€™s coming out yet though.

  3. Iā€™ve started trying to compliment at least one random person each day as I just think itā€™s a nice thing to do and it makes me smile too.

    Yesterday I saw two girls of about maybe 10/11 when I was walking home. One had a Marvin the Martian skirt on so as I walked past I said, ā€œCool skirt!ā€ and they just looked at each other giggling so I looked back and said, ā€œItā€™s very cool!ā€ And she shyly called back ā€œThank you!ā€ as they crossed the road.

    Then today I saw a woman with a multi-coloured animal print skirt on and told her I really liked it as I went past. She thanked me and (in typical lady style, no idea why 99% of women do this) told me it was only Ā£6.99 from Shein.

    Randomly complimenting someone not only makes them happy but it really lifts my mood too. I was having a bit of a shitty day today until I saw the lady with the great skirt.

    Try it. If your worried about maybe coming across as creepy or a bit weird just go for something looking ā€œcoolā€ or ā€œfunkyā€ rather than ā€œI really like yourā€¦ā€ which could sound odd. Shoes are always a good one even for guys, ā€œCool shoes!ā€ can work on anyone. And that a little throwaway compliment for you might just be the highlight of someone elseā€™s day.

  4. Bit of a long shot but is anyone interested in 2 tickets to see Sam Fender in Finsbury Park on Friday (15 July)? Face value Ā£55 each.

    Bought as a birthday present for my nephew whoā€™s apparently ā€œdouble bookedā€ himself and now Iā€™m stuck with them.

  5. 33 minutes ago, Egg Shen said:

    I had no idea about the Ten Club thing, should have guessed though, all big shows have those VIP areas these days, well worth the extra money. We were pretty rammed in we were stood originally and could see people just wandering about in the Ten Club area with loads of space, i was very envious.

    It was about Ā£60 to upgrade from a standard GA ticket. After being close to the front for Stereophonics (and being at London Film & Comic Con earlier in the day) I was knackered when Pearl Jam came on but I was able to sit up against the rear barriers and watch the screen. I still had a pretty good view of the stage where I was sitting too.

    It was such a great atmosphere though. So many random chats with people. I was on my own (unforeseen circumstances) and I loved it. One guy gave me his free Amex water bottle, I gave a woman some plasters as her shoes were rubbing her, and I ended up dancing with a hilarious drunk guy.

  6. 15 minutes ago, Arch Stanton said:

    Fantastic photos! I was there yesterday too, what a glorious day for it. First time for me seeing Pearl Jam and they absolutely lived up to expectation. I hope I get another chance to see them.Ā 

    @Egg ShenĀ Didn't notice any issues with the sound where we were, but then we were fairly close to a speaker tower.

    First time seeing Pearl Jam for me too. I was mostly there for Stereophonics but absolutely loved Pearl Jam and Johnny Marr too. I only bought the ticket just over a week ago as I was keeping an eye on the weather.

    @Egg ShenĀ I had a GA ticket but when I went to look at merch I saw the upgrades booth. I wanted a Ten Club ticket originally but theyā€™d sold out online so I didnā€™t mind paying the extra. It was definitely worth it.

    I also had no issue with sound. The Rolling Stones a couple of weeks ago sounded amazing and Iā€™ve been to a few Hyde Park gigs over the years without issue. Although, having said that, Iā€™ve been lucky with weather every time Iā€™ve been so Iā€™ve no idea what itā€™d be like with some wind thrown in.

  7. Saw Johnny Marr, Stereophonics and Pearl Jam at Hyde Park earlier and absolutely bloody loved it all. What a fantastic day.

    Really pleased with my photos too. Wish Iā€™d taken my proper camera when I saw the Rolling Stones a couple of weeks ago. These were taken with a little digital camera with a brilliant zoom.






  8. 7 hours ago, HarmonicGenerator said:

    I did not choose a lanyard so itā€™s a mere Ā£4.50 delivery for me. I clicked past all those optional things for fear the tickets would disappear - got on at about 17.15 so think I was just in time for the 4days.Ā 

    I think with 2023 being the 40th anniversary of Return of the Jedi, Ewok delivery is a given.

    I got onto the site at 6.25pm and the Jedi and 4-day tickets were sold out. By the time I messaged my friend to tell her the pricing for Saturday tickets then went back to the website it said theyā€™d sold out. I refreshed a couple of times hoping a few would be re-released and I was lucky.

    I didnā€™t dare mess around with the extras though in case I lost the tickets. I wasnā€™t really bothered about the lanyards/pins, etc. though so if didnā€™t matter.

    You and @johnnyboymust be rolling in it to get 4 x single tickets though! I was gritting my teeth at just the Saturday.

  9. On 6/2/2022 at 12:10 PM, Accident Prone said:

    Off to Slam Dunk tomorrowā€¦

    Iā€™m going too but mainly for Alexisonfire. My mate got free tickets and Iā€™m only 20 mins away so weā€™re heading up later this afternoon.

  10. On 5/5/2022 at 7:37 PM, PunkStep said:

    How long have the queues been for some of the big rides, eg Velocicoaster?

    We got to Islands of Adventure around 10-ish and it was about 45mins for the Velocicoaster so it really wasnā€™t too bad. We got a Special Assistance Pass though as my friend canā€™t stand in line for long periods of time so itā€™s like a virtual queue. Hagridā€™s was quite long (maybe 60-90mins) and Gringottā€™s was a bit shorter (about 60 mins) from what we can remember.

    Rise of the Resistance was longer (maybe 90-120mins) and Smugglerā€™s Run was a bit shorter but then we were at Hollywood Studios on May the 4th and it was busy.

    The Lighting Lanes and paid-for LLs have been really useful though and, once we got the hang of it, really easy to use too. We managed to stack a few throughout the day. The trick is to get the one you want as early in the day as possible because once youā€™ve done it then you can book another. You can stack two at the same time too in some cases depending on the times you want.

    Today we did Epcot and got Test Track for 11.30am (booked at 7am, went back to sleep) and then at 11am we could book another one so we got Mission: Space for 12pm which meant that we came off one and went straight on the next. Staying on-site has definitely helped get LLs for the most popular rides but no idea whatā€™s left at 9am if youā€™re off-site.

  11. 6 hours ago, johnnyboy said:

    Coming round the corner and seeing the Falcon for the first time is a feeling I never want to forget.Ā  She's definitely got it where it counts.

    I actually got choked up on RotR and felt a bit overwhelmed. Canā€™t remember how to do spoiler tags but itā€™s where it opens out into the massive hangar.

    Also, Iā€™ve taken so many photos itā€™s unreal, especially yesterday. My nephewā€™s a huge Star Wars fan and follows me on Instagram (@engyles) so I wanted to show him everything.

  12. We went to Hollywood Studios today for May the 4th. It wasnā€™t as busy as I thought it would be - busy but not shoulder to shoulder. Galaxyā€™s Edge was incredible. I think I just looked mad the entire time with a permanent face of wonder. Itā€™s insanely hot today though and not many places to shade (only complaint) but we had a great time. Got LLs for both Smugglerā€™s Run and Rise of the Resistance, the latter being my favourite of the two. We tried the blue milk and green milk too, I preferred the blue and couldā€™ve drunk a gallon of the stuff today.

    As itā€™s so hot we left the park at 5pm to get back to the pool. Weā€™ve got another day at HS booked for next week so weā€™ll do the rest of the park then. Absolutely loved today though, I felt like a kid in awe of it all šŸ˜

  13. I forgot to mention we got a free upgrade at Cabana Bay to a junior suite (just because I asked) and itā€™s a really nice room. Has a small living area with mini kitchen. Not that weā€™ve used any of it as weā€™ve been out at the parks the whole time.

    Weā€™ve done Universal Studios, Volcano Bay and Islands of Adventure. IoA yesterday meant riding the Velocicoaster for the first time and it was amazing! Itā€™s probably the fastest coaster Iā€™ve ever been on and it was just brilliant - I loved it! The queue was a lot shorter than expected too.

    We also did Hagridā€™s motorbike ride (my friendā€™s favourite of the day) and that was great too. Didnā€™t expect some of the bits that happened (wonā€™t give it away) and really loved the theming.

    Weā€™re having a day off today as weā€™re absolutely knackered - not used to so much excitement and walking after 2 years doing not much at all! So itā€™s a pool day and then we move to Pop Century tomorrow so we have to pack up tonight.

    Apart from the convenience of being so close to the parks, Iā€™m not sure Iā€™d stay here again if Iā€™m honest. Itā€™s a lovely hotel but I donā€™t think there are any stand-out extras that make it worth the money. Iā€™m glad we tried it out though, definitely something you have to do at least once.

  14. Arrived at Cabana Bay yesterday and Iā€™m very impressed so far. The theming is fantastic - I love the 1950s vibe everywhere. The diner is great but it appears to serve the same thing every day so we wonā€™t be eating there regularly. We love the refillable cups though and a bargain at $18 did our whole stay. Definitely worth it!

    Weā€™ve spent today at the pool toĀ acclimatise and weā€™re off to Universal Studios tomorrow. Weā€™ve never had breakfast in a park - always had breakfast before driving but as weā€™re so close we thought weā€™d change it up - and have decided on the TODAY Cafe as the menu looks really good.

  15. @johnnyboyThose shoes are amazing! Wish Iā€™d seen those before ordering these yesterday:


    I couldnā€™t decide between the 3 so I ordered them all to see which ones I like before sending two pairs back. I need some theme park shoes for Florida. Only thing is, the bottom two are canvas so wonā€™t be good in the rain so I might end up sending them back if Iā€™m not in love with them right away.

  16. Bands like The Damned (already mentioned), X-Ray Spex, Television, Siouxie and The Banshees, New York Dolls, Bad Religion and Black Flag are classic punk bands. You canā€™t go wrong with those and youā€™ll probably find at least one track from them featured on punk compilation albums.

    Bit more modern ones - and my favourites - are Rancid, The Vandals and (perhaps a bit more ska than punk) The Living End. Modern punk can sometimes be a bit over-produced in comparison to 70s/80s punk and be more punk-rock/punk-ska but can be a good introduction to the genre.


  17. 1 hour ago, johnnyboy said:

    Eating your dinner in the castle surrounded by princesses is fantastic fun.Ā  Big fan of dessert parties too as you get a good spot saved while you're eating enough chocolate puddings to put an entire village into a diabetic coma.

    I did the Star Wars Dessert Party at Hollywood Studios the last time we were there and that was fantastic. Iā€™m looking forward to the MK version.

    Weā€™re also going to Hollywood Studios on May 4th so Iā€™m hoping that turns out to be a good choice at Galaxyā€™s Edge. If not, we have another day pencilled in just in case.

  18. Thanks @Hannibal Scorch, CRT is something my mate really wants to do but it sounds like a good experience. Weā€™ve never really done any proper dining at any of the parks before, just grabbed a burger or something as we go along. Iā€™m just really looking forward to exploring more of the Disney resort that weā€™ve not done before. I want to go to the Boardwalk and that sort of thing. Disney Springs has also massively expanded and we didnā€™t get to explore it properly the last time we were there.

  19. Weā€™re now <60 days out and have ā€œbookedā€ everything we wanted to including park reservations and dining - got lunch at Cinderellaā€™s Castle, lunch at Yak & Yeti in Animal Kingdom, dinner at Space 220 and a dessert party for the Magic Kingdom fireworks.

    Iā€™m leaving all the Genie+ and the Lightning Lanes stuff to my mate as I just donā€™t understand it all. I get a mental block every time she tries to explain it to me and Iā€™m pretty sure itā€™s not that complicated.

    Am I right in thinking that if you want to get a Lightning Lane it has to be done on the day at they open at 7am (on-site guests)?

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