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Posts posted by Monkee

  1. I donā€™t generally look at other sections of the board much and Iā€™d missed this bitĀ completely. I saw it mentioned in the Paid section and came to have a look. I just want to say, having read the nominations thread, thank you so much to everyone who mentioned me. You actually made me cry, you bastards.

    There are so many lovely people round these parts that I never for a minute thought Iā€™d be seenĀ in this way. I donā€™t contribute much so Iā€™m kinda blown away that the little I do have to say is seen so highly. There are some really top people here - youā€™re all lovely (in your own special ways) so keep doing what youā€™re doing ā¤ļø

  2. > Ā He was deranged, he was... lunatic. He didn't seem to like me very much. He had threatened to kill me in public.
    > Ā Why would he want to kill you in public?
    > Ā I think she meant he threatened, in public, to kill her.

  3. 4 hours ago, Chris B said:

    I took part in an online Zoom production of A Christmas Carol for charity last night. I'm thinking that I need to wear this look more often.

    That looks awesome! Love the tankard.

    I had a Zoom Christmas party last week. Iā€™m not particularly festive but I thought Iā€™d make an effort.


  4. I count things. Stupid things. Like when Iā€™m chopping vegetables Iā€™ll find myself counting the chops and then Iā€™ll have to do ā€œ43, 27, 19ā€ until I lose my place and finish chopping. I count footsteps and have to do the same thing when I notice - sometimes I donā€™t know how long Iā€™ve been doing it too.

    I was going to write that Iā€™m not sure this is actually neurotic behaviour so I Googled. I came across this page -Ā https://theawarenesscentre.com/are-you-neurotic/Ā - andĀ I tick every box under ā€˜Some signs of being neuroticā€™. The phrase, ā€œneurotics keep making problems for themselves and donā€™t quite have the tools to untangle themselves from those problems. Theyā€™re functioning well, but life isnā€™t as smooth or as joyful as theyā€™d like it to beā€ perfectly sums up where I am right now too. Well, damn.

  5. 12 hours ago, Chest Rockwell said:

    My custom colour made to order hat just arrived today. It's gorgeous, very well made and very professionally presented; my wife will be thrilled with it.

    And if you get one you're supporting a small business and a longstanding UKFFer. So get on it!

    Thank you so much! Iā€™ve had some really nice feedback about your colour choices too so I might have to make a couple more. Iā€™m really glad youā€™re pleased. Iā€™ve also had that pom-pom for a while but not found the right hat for it to go on so this was a perfect match.

    Posting for reference:


  6. I had a slight obsession with Prisoner when I was younger. I might still be on some sort of register after writing to Jimā€™ll Fix It about combining my two passions at the time - Prisoner and Jason Donovan but thatā€™s another story.

    Back last year sometime they had a ā€˜Prisoner Specialā€™ on Neighbours as Colette Mann (Doreen) and Jackie Woodburne (Julie) areĀ regulars. They had an appearance by Val Lehman (Bea) and had a lot of in-joke lines like someone said, ā€œOh yeah Paul, he used to give me roses,ā€ and such like. A lot of the cast still pop up in Neighbours from time to time too like Janet Andrewartha (Reb) whoā€™s Lynn ScullyĀ and Lesley Baker (Monica) who plays Toadieā€™s mum. I love that Aussie actors just do the circuit of soaps.

    Just found this - the gang back together!


  7. 38 minutes ago, scratchdj said:

    Absolutely, although itā€™s a Christmas present for Mrs Scratch so Iā€™ll have to wait until then.

    I sent some pics to my mate who doesnā€™t post here and he wondered if you could make him a plain black one. Is that something youā€™d do?

    He messaged me so Iā€™ve relied already. Thanks for the promo!


    10 minutes ago, Carbomb said:

    On the name alone, I've given it a Like. Will share too.

    I thought it might me memorable šŸ˜Ž

  8. 1 hour ago, scratchdj said:

    My hat arrived today from @MonkeeĀ and itā€™s amazing! Extra points for the splendid presentation and speedy delivery!Ā 

    Thank you so much! Iā€™m glad it arrived safe and sound. Iā€™d love to see photos of it being worn if you have 2 mins at some point and wouldnā€™t mind.

  9. 6 hours ago, Nick James said:

    I don't have any experience with woodwork, but just needed something to keep me sane.Ā 

    @Monkee Do you do toddler sized hats?Ā 

    I do, yes. All of the hats I make can be done in various sizes and colours.

  10. Over the last few months Iā€™ve been making stuff to keep me busy andĀ boost my non-existent income since being made redundant.

    So I thought Iā€™d make a thread to pimp out some hats Iā€™ve made recently to see if anyone might fancy buying one as a Christmas present. I do custom orders so feel free to ask about colours and sizes. Examples below or go to www.instagram.com/loopsupsideyourhead

    Has anyone elseĀ taken up making stuff in the last few months?





  11. 2 hours ago, Just Some Guy said:

    This would have been better last week, but TIL that the body of the Yorkshire Rippers 6th victim, Jean Jordan was discovered by future Les Battersby actor Bruce Jones.

    I saw/read an interview with him a few years ago where he said heā€™s still traumatised by finding the body and that he was a suspect for the murder afterwards. Itā€™s one of the reasons he became an alcoholic.

  12. @Kaz HayashiĀ I bought mine a few years ago now but I did a bit of research into what was good for design at the time. I went for an Acer with these specs and never had any problems:Ā 


    Iā€™m not really techy but this was recommended online for design and it was a reasonable price at Curryā€™s PC World. Not sure what todayā€™s equivalent would be.


  13. 3 minutes ago, deathrey said:

    I know it's not for everyone but I bloody love mint chocolate!Ā 

    I'm not actually a coffee drinker so its surprising that I like coffee chocolate, have you ever had chocolate covered coffee beans? They are really good!

    I love chocolate covered coffee beans! Iā€™m partial to anything thatā€™s got coffee flavouring in it. And mint chocolate is right up there too. I used to love Ben & Jerryā€™s Mint Chocolate Chunk but you can only get it from their kiosks rather than in tubs. I reckon my freezer would be full of it if they sold that in Tesco!

    HavingĀ said that, I literally just saw that theyā€™ve got Minter Wonderland in shops now so Iā€™m going to have to get a tub ASAP.

  14. 10 minutes ago, FelatioLips said:

    A friend in Australia sent me Cherry Ripes before and they're outstanding. They're like a bar of Raspberry Ruffles (but Cherry flavour obviously)

    I love Raspberry Ripples but I donā€™t like cherries so I never had a Cherry Ripe in Australia. My friend practically lived on them for about 8 months though.

  15. @gmoneyhit the nail on the head for me - more coffee flavours! Iā€™m not a huge chocolate fan (I only got rid of a half emptyĀ box of Quality Street from Christmas recently) but if I do want some itā€™s usually mint or coffee if I can get it.

    My mum runsĀ a hospital shop and had to clearĀ out stock in July when she thought it was reopening. I got a full box of dark chocolate Bounty as itā€™s one of my favourites. Iā€™ve probably eaten two bars since then.

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