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Posts posted by Monkee

  1. 12 hours ago, Chest Rockwell said:

    My custom colour made to order hat just arrived today. It's gorgeous, very well made and very professionally presented; my wife will be thrilled with it.

    And if you get one you're supporting a small business and a longstanding UKFFer. So get on it!

    Thank you so much! Iā€™ve had some really nice feedback about your colour choices too so I might have to make a couple more. Iā€™m really glad youā€™re pleased. Iā€™ve also had that pom-pom for a while but not found the right hat for it to go on so this was a perfect match.

    Posting for reference:


  2. I had a slight obsession with Prisoner when I was younger. I might still be on some sort of register after writing to Jimā€™ll Fix It about combining my two passions at the time - Prisoner and Jason Donovan but thatā€™s another story.

    Back last year sometime they had a ā€˜Prisoner Specialā€™ on Neighbours as Colette Mann (Doreen) and Jackie Woodburne (Julie) areĀ regulars. They had an appearance by Val Lehman (Bea) and had a lot of in-joke lines like someone said, ā€œOh yeah Paul, he used to give me roses,ā€ and such like. A lot of the cast still pop up in Neighbours from time to time too like Janet Andrewartha (Reb) whoā€™s Lynn ScullyĀ and Lesley Baker (Monica) who plays Toadieā€™s mum. I love that Aussie actors just do the circuit of soaps.

    Just found this - the gang back together!


  3. 38 minutes ago, scratchdj said:

    Absolutely, although itā€™s a Christmas present for Mrs Scratch so Iā€™ll have to wait until then.

    I sent some pics to my mate who doesnā€™t post here and he wondered if you could make him a plain black one. Is that something youā€™d do?

    He messaged me so Iā€™ve relied already. Thanks for the promo!


    10 minutes ago, Carbomb said:

    On the name alone, I've given it a Like. Will share too.

    I thought it might me memorable šŸ˜Ž

  4. 1 hour ago, scratchdj said:

    My hat arrived today from @MonkeeĀ and itā€™s amazing! Extra points for the splendid presentation and speedy delivery!Ā 

    Thank you so much! Iā€™m glad it arrived safe and sound. Iā€™d love to see photos of it being worn if you have 2 mins at some point and wouldnā€™t mind.

  5. 6 hours ago, Nick James said:

    I don't have any experience with woodwork, but just needed something to keep me sane.Ā 

    @Monkee Do you do toddler sized hats?Ā 

    I do, yes. All of the hats I make can be done in various sizes and colours.

  6. Over the last few months Iā€™ve been making stuff to keep me busy andĀ boost my non-existent income since being made redundant.

    So I thought Iā€™d make a thread to pimp out some hats Iā€™ve made recently to see if anyone might fancy buying one as a Christmas present. I do custom orders so feel free to ask about colours and sizes. Examples below or go to www.instagram.com/loopsupsideyourhead

    Has anyone elseĀ taken up making stuff in the last few months?





  7. 2 hours ago, Just Some Guy said:

    This would have been better last week, but TIL that the body of the Yorkshire Rippers 6th victim, Jean Jordan was discovered by future Les Battersby actor Bruce Jones.

    I saw/read an interview with him a few years ago where he said heā€™s still traumatised by finding the body and that he was a suspect for the murder afterwards. Itā€™s one of the reasons he became an alcoholic.

  8. @Kaz HayashiĀ I bought mine a few years ago now but I did a bit of research into what was good for design at the time. I went for an Acer with these specs and never had any problems:Ā 


    Iā€™m not really techy but this was recommended online for design and it was a reasonable price at Curryā€™s PC World. Not sure what todayā€™s equivalent would be.


  9. 3 minutes ago, deathrey said:

    I know it's not for everyone but I bloody love mint chocolate!Ā 

    I'm not actually a coffee drinker so its surprising that I like coffee chocolate, have you ever had chocolate covered coffee beans? They are really good!

    I love chocolate covered coffee beans! Iā€™m partial to anything thatā€™s got coffee flavouring in it. And mint chocolate is right up there too. I used to love Ben & Jerryā€™s Mint Chocolate Chunk but you can only get it from their kiosks rather than in tubs. I reckon my freezer would be full of it if they sold that in Tesco!

    HavingĀ said that, I literally just saw that theyā€™ve got Minter Wonderland in shops now so Iā€™m going to have to get a tub ASAP.

  10. 10 minutes ago, FelatioLips said:

    A friend in Australia sent me Cherry Ripes before and they're outstanding. They're like a bar of Raspberry Ruffles (but Cherry flavour obviously)

    I love Raspberry Ripples but I donā€™t like cherries so I never had a Cherry Ripe in Australia. My friend practically lived on them for about 8 months though.

  11. @gmoneyhit the nail on the head for me - more coffee flavours! Iā€™m not a huge chocolate fan (I only got rid of a half emptyĀ box of Quality Street from Christmas recently) but if I do want some itā€™s usually mint or coffee if I can get it.

    My mum runsĀ a hospital shop and had to clearĀ out stock in July when she thought it was reopening. I got a full box of dark chocolate Bounty as itā€™s one of my favourites. Iā€™ve probably eaten two bars since then.

  12. Iā€™m so sorry for what youā€™re going through, @Frankie Crisp, and to your mateā€™s family obviously. Your posts have really cut me up and I donā€™t even want to imagine what you/they are going through.

    I donā€™t want to take anything away fromĀ your pain but this situation is exactly what Iā€™m petrified of - my parents are that same age, my dad had underlying health problems and he would go to pieces if anything happened to my mum.

    I had to leave a WhatsApp group recently because I was sick to death of seeing these people (ā€˜friendsā€™) hanging out in each otherā€™s homes and having parties, going to pubs and restaurants, going on physical dates (and booking into hotel rooms) evening sharing an AirBnB together a couple of weeks ago. It enrages me that they just donā€™t give a crap about anyone else. Talked about this a lot yesterday in therapy too because being in the WhatsApp group and seeing all this going on has really knocked me the last couple of weeks. Theyā€™re all a waste of space.

  13. Twitterā€™s statement about Glinner is quite hypocritical considering a lot of other verified accounts out there that people are calling forĀ to be suspended:

    ā€œTwitter defines platform manipulation as ā€˜using Twitter to engage in bulk, aggressive, or deceptive activity that misleads others and/or disrupts their experienceā€™.ā€

    Katie Hopkins is gone, now Glinner. Letā€™s hope theyā€™re finally growing a spine.

  14. 2 minutes ago, Abe_Knuckleball_Schwartz said:

    Such a shame that is being rethemed, racism never once came into my mind when riding this.

    Have you ever seen the film? Do you know the story behind the theming?

    I think itā€™s a great idea. Itā€™s never stood out as particularly Disney to me and,Ā while the ride itself is a classic, itā€™s outdated and needed a spruce up. In all the times Iā€™ve been to Disney I think I rode it once when I was little and once as an adult. Itā€™s boring. It doesnā€™t even have that ā€˜itā€™s so rubbish itā€™s greatā€™ vibe that other rides like Pirates of the Caribbean has.

    Ā I think reimagining it as Princess and the Frog is a great idea.

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