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Posts posted by Monkee

  1. I was doing some retro poster designs yesterday for the RAF MuseumĀ and was researching styles. Iā€™ve seen these pop up on my Instagram a few times and love the minimalism andĀ simplicity. Thereā€™s a good range of them and I think they look great on a wall.


    Theyā€™re available on Red Candy if anyoneā€™s interested.

  2. I drove Dexter Fletcherā€™s car last summer. It was a huge automatic BMW and I couldnā€™t get the bloody thing into drive. When IĀ finally did I bunny-hopped it down the drive until I got used to the sensitivity.

    Later, mid-conversation he said, ā€œAre you Welsh?ā€ to which I said yes. He then said, ā€œOh, you must know Taron!ā€ Still donā€™t know if he was serious or not. I just laughed awkwardly.

    He smelled really nice though.

  3. One exceptionally sad and pathetic thing I keep dwelling on is the lackĀ ofĀ human contact. Iā€™d give anything for a fucking hug off someone. I literallyĀ havenā€™t even been within 2ft ofĀ anyone in 8 weeks and it really sucks (2ft not 2m because people inĀ the supermarkets are arseholes). Iā€™m not generally a huggy person anyway but even that hand on the arm during aĀ conversation orĀ a tap on the shoulder for attention is a craving. I had a really shit day a couple of weeks ago and just drive for 20 minutes bawling my eyes out - not because of theĀ shitty day but because there was no comfort at the end of it. Itā€™s really shit.

  4. Iā€™ve watched some absolute shite in lockdown and thatā€™s saying something for me as my taste is generally questionable anyway. I did watch the whole Star Wars saga (with Rogue One but not Solo) and regretted eps 1-3 but I started so I finished. I think the worst was Drunk Parents though. I had to give myself a talking to after watching that.

    The number of Amazon boxes I had to recycle Ā at the weekend was both shameful and impressive at the same time. My parents have been sending my brother, SIL and nephews boxes of biscuits and chocolates every 2 weeks since this started. I kept saying I didnā€™t want anything but last week they insisted so I got 8 bottles of Robinsonā€™s crushedĀ lime and mint cordial, 12 bottles of Robinsonā€™s peach and raspberry cordial andĀ one of those pub cards of Scampi Fries. I also got a box of Snyderā€™s Pretzel Pieces in 3 flavours (sent separately so 3 more Amazon boxes). These are like fucking crack though. Iā€™ve made myself feel sick twice since they were delivered but theyā€™re just so moreish!

    I also need to stop buying solar lights for the garden as Iā€™m on the flight path for both Stansted and Luton and there might be an accident sooner or later.

  5. I didnā€™t get to meet Astrid but I met Stuartā€™s sister Pauline around 1997. I was studying Stuartā€™s paintings for A-level and there was an exhibition of his work at a gallery in Portobello Road that was owned by Pauline. I got in touch before going there and she gave me a personal tour of his work plus a signed copy of Backbeat. Totally off topic but thought Iā€™d throw that out for the hell of it.Ā 

  6. On 5/10/2020 at 5:48 PM, Kookoocachu said:

    I was one of them. A post taking the piss out of some of the more cocky males which someĀ people unfortunately took seriously. Ā I felt sorry for my email inbox for the next couple of weeks.

    Yep. I was the other one. Weeded our the horrible little pricks (pun intended) very quickly.

  7. Itā€™s been agreed with Chrisā€™ friends that the money raised will go to Noahā€™s Ark Childrenā€™s Hospice and a memorial butterfly will go into their gardens with Chrisā€™ name on it.

    If you havenā€™tĀ already given and would still like to Iā€™ll keep the page open for another week. Please share if you know of any other circles he may have been in whoā€™d also like to donate.


    Thank you ā¤ļø

  8. Most of the charity I work forĀ are furloughed as of tomorrow with the exception of a the frontline care staff and management (so far). Iā€™ve actually been told that, in the pecking order, Iā€™m right near the top because I have to keep our website and social media going. No sitting round enjoying Netflix or playing on my Xbox for the next 3+ weeks.

  9. 10 hours ago, PunkStep said:

    Eh? BBC reported it as cancelled hours ago. It was sometime during the afternoon as I sent the link to my friend (whose partner works for Mercedes F1) while I was at work.Ā 

    The BBC was the only news channel that was reporting it and that was word of mouth from 2 officials talking to Andrew Benson rather than an official statement. The FIA didn't make the official announcement until I just mentioned. Therefore, Lion's statement about wondering whether Vettel (Ferrari) and Raikkonen made the decision to leave before or after the statement was my point - it was before.

  10. 3 minutes ago, Lion_of_the_Midlands said:

    The FIA (Ferrari International Assistance) will be busy making sure Ferrari are ok. That's all that really matters to them.Ā 

    šŸ™„ Never heard that before. You need new material.

  11. @Lion_of_the_MidlandsĀ I know that, you know that, 99.99% of fans know that. But where are the bloody FIA in all this? If the premiere is worried about crowds of people together then why are literally thousands currently standing outside the gates waiting to go in? The FIA should have madd a decision before these people even woke up this morning.

  12. Well, the Australian GP is turning into a shit pit... Some FIA senior officials told the BBC last night (Oz time) the race is off. McLaren have already pulled out. Raikkonen and Vettel have flown back to Europe. People are turning up at the circuit, queuing to get in and have just been told that the premiere of Victoria has announced itā€™ll be a closed race. And still no official announcement one way or another from the FIA.

    And Arsenalā€™s Head Cough has tested positive too.

    šŸ˜† Iā€™m leaving that typo right there.

  13. Weā€™ve now been segregated at work - those who work in direct contact with the children andĀ families we support (itā€™s a hospice) who are on one side of the building and all non-care staff on the other side of the building. The coffee machine is in No Manā€™s Land though so Iā€™m not sure how thatā€™s going to work out. The building is covered in signs like ā€˜Please wash your handsā€™, ā€˜Have you washed your hands?ā€™, ā€˜Wash your damn hands!ā€™, ā€˜Wash.Hands!ā€™, ā€˜HANDS!!!ā€™ I think itā€™s only a matter of time before weā€™re all issues with hazmat suits.

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