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Posts posted by Onyx2

  1. 11 hours ago, SuperBacon said:

    Had the new Sticky Toffee Latte from Costa yesterday. Was superb, and the bottom had about a centimetre of thick, sticky syrup that was like that super squishee that Bart and Milhouse had.

    10yo had the Terry's Orange Hot Chocolate and was bouncing off the walls afterwards. I had a sip and my word, there must be so much sugar in it.

    Any recommendations on hot chocolate for the home? Can't be spending money on a Costa every week, and it's not something I'd normally buy.

    My youngest got obsessed with the Costa Terry's Hot Chocolate too so I had to come up with a home version. I recommend M&S's hot chocolate powder made with hot milk (microwave or saucepan), and you can buy bottles of orange syrup from Monin. For extra effort pick up a milk frother (one of those skinny electric whisks - often £2-3 in B&M, Home Bargains and other similar discounters this time of year for gifting) and whisk the milk before combining with the chocolate.

  2. On 11/8/2023 at 4:05 PM, Carbomb said:

    Sainsbury's do their own Le Creuset knock-off brand - I know quite a few people who have one from them, and they've said it's a perfectly cromulent substitute for the real thing.

    Agreed with everything Carbomb says here about Sainsbury's Le Creuset knock off being great, apart from use of the word cromulent which is frankly uncromulent. But a ceramic of this size becomes a universal cookpot because of their heat transfer and consistency. I used mine just tonight to make a risotto (Carbomb it was to the MPW recipe, just like he uses) but it works great for any casserole type recipe.

    @SuperBacon you have different options here: boil it hard to reduce the water out, though as you added spinach raw you'll be fighting a lot of water. What's the base, is it tinned tomatoes?

    You can also add a cornflour slurry (about a teaspoon of cornflour to same of water, stirred through), and powdered coconut milk works well for a curry. In your dish you can also smush the chickpeas to add thickeness to the sauce, or cook the potatoes longer and they'll release starch.

    I wouldn't do this in a curry but you can also add a mix of butter and flour to other more European dishes. This is called beurre manie.

  3. Excellent stuff @tiger_rick! I've made sausage ragu dozens of times. I wouldn't say it's better but it is different.  What else could you do? Pinch them into small sausage meatballs (they will already contain rusk) and toss with broccoli and chilli oil over pasta, flatten into patties for breakfast burgers, scotch eggs, serve whole with sauerkraut, skin and wrap in puff pastry for sausage rolls... using sausages as ready-seasoned meat is a really underrated tip.

    A snap of my spice drawer is a hotch potch of all the ideas above: bought a ton of labels that are a mix of printed and blank, some in the pot they came in, other random jars. 


    The ground cloves have a record in my kitchen as they are best before February 2005. They've lived in 3 different kitchens. I have children younger than them.

  4. 6 hours ago, tiger_rick said:

    Tasted like lemon to me but maybe I'm odd.

    My suggestion with limes is to never use a bog standard supermarket. It's one of those things worth going to either your greengrocer or Waitrose / M&S. The flavour difference is night and day. 

  5. Yep to all the detectivorising, all good stuff - bad comparison but I was slightly called to mind of Keaton deciphering the Smilex, or goodness gracious Adam West thinking through the riddles. 

    Oh and @Jesse I really enjoyed the final setpiece, what didn't work for you? I've seen a few online reviews criticising it too. 

    I didn't hate it overall, just felt like a more focused film would be more satisfying. Just concentrating on a single villain who works against Le Batman. I thought Pattinson was fine, not quite charismatic enough for how I see Wayne but the smarm wasn't what they were going for. 

    I too would've loved to have seen Affleck in a proper Batman film give it a good run. 

  6. On 9/4/2023 at 11:48 AM, Carbomb said:

    It's not a film most people would watch in cinemas.

    Speaking of which without having to dive back into the thread, how did people find 'The' Batman? I'm not sure why but I watched it over the weekend and what a bloody 3 hour slog.

    <plot spoilers>


    And then as soon as Riddler gets captured and the bomb plot unfolds it's pointed, interesting and looks good. If they cut out all the Catwoman stuff (Zoe K was so bad, like Beyonce in Goldmember), Falcone thread, Penguin stuff (what did he even do for the plot?) then I think you have a very serviceable and zippy 1hr 40 min film. I hope someone out there has created an edit like this because I bet it really works. Where is it written that every Batman (sorry, THE Batman) film has to have more than one antagonist?

    So yeah.

  7. 1 hour ago, King Coconut said:

    Tried the @Onyx2 potato dauphinoise method yesterday and it's never leaving my repertoire!


    Cheers. A brilliant chef called Jon Jones taught it to me, who used to make 5 30cm x 60cm trays of it for a posh London hotel every dinner so it's well tested! He's now a development chef for M&S. 

  8. I can't find decent gifs but two Randy Savage signature transmissions: the swinging clothesline where he goes down with his opponent, and the drop over the top rope to the outside, pulling their neck over the ropes while he did so. 

  9. 6 minutes ago, FelatioLips said:

    I watched you pour a bag of frozen mince bits into a lasagne and unsubscribed (only kidding).


    I had to double take for a minute, because I legit did that on Monday and couldn't remember if that was a video or not!


  10. 23 hours ago, tiger_rick said:

    Noticed your own, your very own, @Onyx2's YouTube channel is 10 subs short of 1,000 which I think is a big deal because you can monetise at that point. It's free, so get subbed and help him out. He's way too nice to come on here and ask, so I'll do it for him. He's a top, top man and a proper UKFF Good Egg.


    Aw Rick you are as always too kind. I noticed a sudden uptick in subs overnight that I was pleased but puzzled about (an increase in subs usually follows a new video). I'm now tantalisingly sitting at 999 subscribers! EDIT: As I was writing this I hit 1,000! Thanks.

    There is still a secondary milestone I need to hit for monetisation which is combined 'watch time' ie. the sum total time people spend watching which I'm a little way from but it should come in the next couple of months. If anyone fancies just sticking my videos on in the background...

  11. In contrast to all these balloon uninflaters, we need to team up. I can blow up balloons no problem, veritable windbag that I am. 

    However tying the end up? Not a chance. I just wrap my finger into the mix and the rubbery bastard raspberries away. 

  12. On 8/22/2023 at 5:41 PM, SuperBacon said:

    Does this count?

    We have a monthly-ish team meeting where we all meet somewhere nice (usually a country park or the beach) so we can have a bit of wellbeing time/walk the dogs after the meeting (genuinely one of the best bits of the job) and today we took Finnish skittles down the park.


    What a game! So you throw that thing on the right, and if you only knock down one, you score the value on the peg.

    If you knock down more than one peg, you score the amount you've knocked down, NOT the value of the pegs.

    You do this until you reach 40, but if you go over that, you go back to 21. Also where the pegs get knocked down is where they are put back up so it gets more difficult if you just need the one value.

    Brilliant fun, and I imagine even better after a few sherberts. The only issue is it's a pain in the arse keep putting them back up. Best played in a big park as well.

    This is me fully embracing the village life. Next up, boccia.

    I've had a Molkky set for years. Such a great one to take to the park. Everyone loves it.

  13. On 8/17/2023 at 12:39 PM, tiger_rick said:

    A great video from our own Big Spud. I think this is his best so far. Funny, but not intrusive editing, good content and useful. Great job.

    Definitely not the first time he's handled a mini chopper though, eh? Eh?

    Thanks Rick. You've always been a great supporter. That whole video was a technical nightmare, it's a miracle it's on YouTube at all frankly. Now I see it up there I can see a terrible split between my two backgrounds on the thumbnail 😆 I'll go fix that now.

    The whole bloody thing is such a grind. There are certain minimums you have to hit to start earning money and I'm still not there. My audio routinely craps out - I filmed something Tuesday and the audio was unusable so I had to do the whole thing again on Wednesday. So I had to break down and buy some equipment today. I still really enjoy it, but cooking is such a ballache of a genre to film and edit. This whole paragraph is code for: please like, share and subscribe.

    On 8/17/2023 at 1:16 PM, Gus Mears said:

    Cracking stuff. Also enjoying the transformation from Plusnet bellend to post weight loss Jonny Vegas.

    Still trying to work out if this is a compliment or not, but I'll say a tentative thanks.

    And @Merzbow Atomic Shrimp is probably the best thing on YouTube. About as a wholesome and interesting as you can get. Even his mad recent video on glowworms, which was basically a video of black pixels was brilliant.

  14. Despite being owned by that other tosspot tech billionaire, using Threads today has been just delightful. It's conjured up loads of great conversations like it was Twitter in 2010 along with lots of people I used to chat to. Right now, it's really nice.

    It'll be shite by Monday I guess, once it's teeming with ads, crypto bullshittery and frothing racists. But I like it for now.

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