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Posts posted by SuperBacon

  1. As some of you know, I've been in a bad situation recently, but things are slightly looking up as I've managed to bag myself a job!

    It's at the local Waitrose at nights and is far from the career move I want, but at least it gives me stability whilst I look for something more suitable. As it's a smallish branch as well, they're looking to promote quickly from within and as my ex worked for Waitrose for a bit, I know what a decent business they are, so you never know.

    It also means I can listen to podcasts whilst I work (maybe I'll actually listen to some Hardcore History's now), and the pay is pretty good for what it is, and means I can help out with childcare after school and we don't have to pay stupid money for that anymore. Will also mean I have my days free to do some writing (or studying?), and lurk on the forum more, or go get another part time job, I don't know. Plus I don't sleep at night anyway.

    I'm looking for somewhere else to live as my current landlord has turned out to be an absolute psychopath, but at least I've ticked one thing off. Cannot wait to start, I absolutely hate not working. Oh and very belated congrats to @Shy Dad for his job too :)


  2. 5 minutes ago, Kaz Hayashi said:

    Thought I was in minor news, soz

    ? +1 

    Anyway, I'll say that I love hearing all the "classics" when I'm out but equally new stuff. This is where a Room 2 comes in handy. Slam dunk after party nailed it with their different rooms but I spent all night in the pop-punk room to be honest 

  3. 4 hours ago, Chest Rockwell said:

    Yep. Michael Keaton is two for two in films in which he plays some sort of man bird. I'm really enjoying the resurgence of his career.

    Absolutely, I've always enjoyed him.

    Tarantino tried to 'John Travolta' his career with Jackie Brown (QTs best film by a mile), and it didn't quite take off, so glad he got this run,,,

    People that have seen Thor Ragnarok, is it suitable for a fairly robust Thor obsessed 4 year old? She hasn't seen the others but she was bloody smitten with the trailer and the video of Hemsworth playing with toys and tonally it sounds a bit more suitable...

  4. 19 minutes ago, D@mm said:

    I never confessed to get attention or class myself as a victim, my victims and their families were the victims, what you just said is bullshit, I know I done wrong, the courses they put Sex Offenders on don't help at all but I was young and stupid when I did it, I grew up and now I have stayed out of trouble since 2008, don't tar everyone with the same brush Bomber Pat.

    Can someone translate this for me? Should've put you on a fucking grammar course.

    Edit: Oh and fuck Blampied.

  5. 13 minutes ago, Devon Malcolm said:

    I thought it was easily the weakest of the three Lego films but still really good. The last two haven't done as well at the box office as expected so we might not see all that many more, even though we're getting The Lego Movie 2 at some point.

    Agreed, but still enough to make me laugh regularly. Surely they'll do Lego Star Wars at some point seeing as the TV series was excellent.

  6. 5 minutes ago, Egg Shen said:

    Amen were not shit.

    Their first record (most would probably say the second, but i always preffered the debut) is a quality piece or angry punk tinged metal.

    I was actually at the show you're probably referencing. It was at the old LA2 a week or before Xmas as part of Kerrangs Xmas shows, Raging Speedhorn amd Charger supported. Casey sliced his arm open with a broken whiskey bottle and got rushed to hospital, berk.

    To each their own. I revisited them not that long ago, and found it hadn't aged well, but it's only my (pointless) opinion.

    That sounds about right. Then I think Frank from OMS spoke about his self harming experience and then Kerrang did a full on feature about it, so fair play.

    I often skim read Kerrang if I'm in Smiths with the kids whilst they look at ALL of the kids mags, and it's still a decent read. Their website has been revamped recently, and includes some great content by some really talented freelancers (Ryan De Freitas being one), so that's good to see after the bad press of the last few days.

    Oh, and yesterday ended with me listening to Kittie, so WELL done everyone...

  7. Well this thread is making me VERY nostalgia happy. Chalk me up as another Kerrang/Metal Hammer/Rock Sound believer from 2000-2002ish. I had a mate who was always in to slightly better music than me (I was very much a Hip Hop kid through and through), and introduced me to Jawbreaker, Thursday, early Blink, Jimmy Eat World, Grade, Far etc

    I remember seeing Slipknot on the cover just after their first Astoria gig and being blown away. Same with Amen. Amen were shit, but some guy cutting himself on stage and talking openly about self harm? It was just completely alien and I found it fascinating at a time when I was going through those issues.

    I first heard Linkin Park and Papa Roach on Rock Sound CDs and I absolutely loved those bands (still do), and fucking loads more...At The Drive In, Glassjaw, Get Up Kids through taster CDs.

    By the way, why were none of you buying an album, taping it, then exchanging it for the one your REALLY wanted? Virgin were good for this.

    @cobra_gordo I have that CD, that is an immense tracklisting although One Minute Silence's best song was this. God the fucking bass tone on this...makes me want to smash up Whitehall....

    EDIT: Just realised it IS on there, ah well...enjoy this fucker if you haven't heard it

    EDIT: Fuck, look at what I found. Some of these tracklistings are making me cry https://www.discogs.com/label/38736-Rock-Sound



  8. @WyattSheepMask will check it out, cheers. I'll be honest, I've never been the biggest metal* fan, but I remember when Ascendency came out and it was great and the press absolutely fapping themselves silly saying they were here to take over from Metallica and all of this. Also, remember when Jonathan Davis was ill one year at Download and Korn had a load of guest vocalists fill in and I think Matt Heafy did Blind. Anyway, whatever he did it was great, and they were great live in their set.

    *Clarification as my favourite band of all time is Slipknot. I'd say I'm not a fan of 'straight-forward' metal which I consider Trivium to be, and prefer mine with a bit of a gimmick or a -core at the end of the word :)

  9. This year is just fucking outstanding for rock/punk/metal music. I cannot remember a year where literally every week or two, an album that could make my Top 5 albums of the year is coming out. Few more I've been enjoying.

    Iron Chic-You Can't Stay Here- Album number 3 from these boys and it's pretty much what I expected. One of my favourite bands (great live. Proper ramshackle, off the cuff and the singer cannot for the life of him sing live, but he's a great presence. Lovely guys too). This is straight forward gruff, chugging punk with no pretense. What has always set them aside is the lyrics, which are quite unusual for a punk band. Existentialist, why-are-we-here, lots about death, and even more so since the passing of original guitarist Rob McAllister. Stand out track-You Can't Stay Safe

    Can't Swim-Fail You Again- Debut album from this New Jersey band. Really excellent debut, which is melodic, grungey and rough in equal measures. Fair Gaslight Anthem vibes in places, and cannot wait to see them live. Stand out track-Friend

    Trivium-The Sin and The Sentence- I'll be honest, I haven't really kept up with them since their fucking excellent debut album but I wanted a bit of metal to listen to and this is bloody great. Matt's vocals are a lot cleaner these days but I read up on his throat problems, which is fair enough. Great drumming as well, which I gather is a new drummer as well. Good work. Stand out track- Beyond Oblivion

    Also, I'm going to put it in here, as she is amazing and on the softer side of the 'rock' spectrum, but Julien Baker drops her new album this Friday. If you don't know who she is, have a look at this and tell me it's not the most gorgeous thing ever. She wrote this when she was 18...


  10. 16 hours ago, bAzTNM#1 said:

    Some neighbour prick has drunkingly tried to take all my decorations off the door that I had up for my baby nephew for Halloween. Spent hours on it. I'm fucking raging. Mum says just get over it, but is this a "word with the neighbour" situation to you? A bit of a scummy thing to do methinks.

    100% this sounds like the start of a dark, British horror by the chap who made Sightseers. 

    Go and machete his cat. Show him you mean business 

  11. @Kaz Hayashi I've seen some Japanese wrestling from this  year (the Okada-Omega matches etc), and some of the WCPW World Cup which I fairly enjoyed.

    I watched a few Lio Rush and Shane Strickland matches from Defy Wrestling (Seattle, I think?)and enjoyed those as well. I saw one of them was CZW champ, but have always steered clear of them because of what I'd seen on Botchamania etc, maybe I'm wrong? I'm just after some decent indy shows to watch, or more specifically matches before I delve in. Keen to see some ROH but would rather know what it's like before I dive into a 3 hour PPV.

    Will check out the YouTube thread, thanks and what I've seen of Dragon Gate I've always enjoyed.

  12. This week I've been watching the Champions League games on a stream from India (bear with me). Think the channel is called Sony TV or Sony Network.

    Anyway, they had a big advert for Diwali which showed all the biggest names in sport, Messi, Neymar, LeBron, UFC fighters, Anthony Joshua, and most prominently of all Jinder Mahal. He was probably featured more than Messi, and I never really realised that he is on a level with them over there until I saw it.

    Also, they're showing TLC for free on Monday at 6pm, and again, I didn't realise they got it for free over there. My random thought for the day

  13. Started watching Nathan For You. Really really enjoying it, and always enjoy the style that this is shot in, but I don't want to Google things and ruin things for myself, and I'll put in spoilers just in case people haven't seen it/aren't aware of the style...

    How much of it is real? I know that makes me sound a bit thick and I can usually tell, but maybe because it's Americans doing it. Like the episode where he sets up the fake show to meet women. Do they think it's a real show? Did the host think it's a real show? Do these business owners think he is a real business expert coming into help?

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