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Posts posted by SuperBacon

  1. I dreamt last night that Bobby Roode was desperate for temp work (I work in recruitment), and was hounding me and hounding me.


    He turned up to my office demanding to know why he hasn't got the Site Supervisor job at 100 Bishopsgate and refused to leave until I'd taken his CV more seriously. His references were James Storm and Pat Patterson(???). These are the only details I remember from it unfortunately.


    Anyway, I finally find him an opportunity and try and get hold of him, emailing to tell him he can start on Monday. He replies, obviously trying to be a bit cryptic "Sorry Garry, I can't, I'm working on a DEMON show on Monday" I reply asking if he's going to be on Raw with either Kane or Balor, he replies "No" and I wake up.


    I'm not really a fan of Bobby Roode, and haven't given thought to him for about 2 years...

  2. Anyone caught Stranger Things on Netflix yet?


    Fascinating stuff. Really keeps you watching, and only 8 episodes.

    I am watching and enjoying (episode 6 now)...however, the whole 80s nostalgia thing seems a bit forced at times, and Winona Ryder, is fucking awful. I mean I still would, and Heathers era Ryder is one of the most beautiful things ever, but holy shit she's wooden.


    Modine and the lads though are bloody excellent, especially Dustin and his lisp!

  3. There was a wrestling category on Celeb Pointless tonight. The choices were


    Movies starring The Rock

    Movies starring Hulk Hogan

    Royal Rumble winners


    The pointless answers were Lex Luger, Yokozuna and Vince.


    The girl playing said Bret Hart which scored her 3 points.

    I'm sure Rumble winners has been used before. I can't believe Rey Mysterio and Hacksaw weren't pointless answers!

  4. I don't mind Tuesday Night Jaw, but no chance I'm sitting through 2+ hours of "Beez" again. Man's an utter tool.

    Agreed, he blocked me on Twitter when I said that Arsenal fans should be careful what they wish for when saying Wenger Out. Sensitive prick. Otherwise really enjoy the podcast.

  5. I picked up a copy of Death of WCW:Wrestlecrap today in a charity shop today, couldn't believe it when I saw it. More than happy to pass it on for the price of postage when I'm finished with it.

  6. Monkee you've said you've got an offer...are you accepting??? We need to know!!!


    And I would be very surprised if they didn't contact you even if you were unsuccessful. There's only 3 of you!!!


    Don't worry about it being a day late, but do chase up yourself please.


    I can bet my old firm are all sitting there in suits and ties, the cunts. How can anyone put up with that on a day like today?


    When the air-conditioner faltered today we were given the option to loose the tie and I didn't. It just didn't bother me and the tie would make no noticeable difference, like throwing a suitcase of the titanic.

    100% mate, I'm not having a go at people wanting to wear suits/ties whatever, it's more the draconian way that they used to say you HAVE to, even when it's like this.


    Plus they'd be cunts, suits or not ;)


    Today's hilarious. Everyone has over-estimated and are rocking vests and shorts and freezing in the office.

  8. Just got back from Waterloo after a 1 hour and a half wait, second day running. Fucking insanely hot on these trains how do people not faint more.


    To be fair, our directors took us down the pub for the afternoon and are pretty relaxed with dress code (polos and shorts) but I can bet my old firm are all sitting there in suits and ties, the cunts. How can anyone put up with that on a day like today?


    Oh and lovely scenes on the train home, older lady who's husband is ill, having a panic attack as the train just stopped in the middle of the tracks for about 20 minutes or so, and these awesome ladies helped her out immeasurably even though they were slowly melting as well.


    And big up the Goth I saw today in London, in all black, hoody, baggy jeans and overcoat...BIG THE FUCK UP. Rocking kayfabe till they die

  9. Some absolutely mental stuff in that last episode, although I was disappointed they didn't show the clip from Saturday Night Armistice when Armando Iannucci got his autograph, then unfurled it to reveal the full text of "I did it, signed, OJ SImpson"

    One of my all time favourite things ever, remember watching it when I was younger. BBC2 Friday Nights: Armistice, The High Life, Bottom > anything else



    It's true.

    Thirded, 100% what Mums do all day is harder than any job out there. The biggest thing my wife missed and got tiny bit jealous was actually me just getting to talk to other adults during the day.


    I have the utmost respect for what she went through day in day out with both my girls, bless her.

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