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Posts posted by SuperBacon

  1. 2 hours ago, Mr_Danger said:

    Finished Stranger Things 2


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    My god Steve is the man. He was a yuppy coward in season 1 until he did his about turn at Winona Ryders shit tip house and made his glorious comeback with his baseball bat and ever since then he's gone from strength to strength. I mean are we meant to be rooting for him in the love triangle because i know i am.  As for his rival, his real rival Billy not the weirdo brother, what a heel! These two would sell out the territories for sure. If he hits Nancy and Mikes hot mum in season 3 whilst Where's Wally sleeps I'm changing sexualities.

    I think Dustin is my favourite kid but that Eleven sure can act. Hopper needed to punch more people and I'm not sure i can forgive him for first sending fat Sean Astin off on his own but then leaving him to die. Last season Hopper would have went with him then punched the Demordogs in the face. He's still the top hero though, and that hat grab!


    Excellent write up mate. I realised at the end of Series 2 as I'd binge watched them all in about 3 days, that through not really paying attention and being a bit unaware of what he looks like these days, that I had been thinking that Matthew Modine was playing Hopper and not Papa. I mean really I need shooting for this.

    The chemistry between Dustin and Steve was great, my favourite bit being

    when he tells Dustin to act like he doesn't care and they're holed up in that bus/trailer waiting for Dart and he winks at Dustin and he replies "What are you winking for?" Absolutely floored me. Oh and obviously Dustin turning up at the dance with his hairdo was aces.

  2. 15 hours ago, Devon Malcolm said:

    Murder on the Orient Express was exactly as pointless as you think it is if you've ever watched a single Agatha Christie adaptation. Daisy Ridley was great though, as was Josh Gad, but Michelle Pfeiffer was the stand-out.

    Johnny Depp needs to just fucking go away though. Having thought about it, I don't think I've liked him in anything except Ed Wood.

    I absolutely love Ed Wood. Love it, it's a top 10 film for me. Depp is great, SJP is great. Martin Landau is just immense.

    I too agree on Depp though, think he's very weak and irritating as fuck. But Donnie Brasco Devon? Not a fan? As he's very good in that.

  3. 1 hour ago, Call me Bellend said:

    The last couple of episodes of Nathan for you have been unbelievable, the people he finds (like the shell spokesman and the singer of the band) are something else. I could barely watch when cyberguy was explaining his business to the first customer and I can't believe the asexual guy was called Randy.

    As I mentioned a page or so back, The Anecdote is one of the best things I have ever seen on TV. Just absolute genius. His absolute highpoint.

    I was distracted by the singer in the Smoke Detector episode as he was just so fucking beautiful. Unfairly so.

  4. Hahaha, excellent. In all seriousness, how do celebrities or people with millions of followers EVER handle their notifications? I reckon I've got maybe 500ish notifications tonight and it messed my phone up big time. Whatsapp wouldn't work, I couldn't load pages, at one point it just turned off. Surely they have some kind of filter on at all times.

    For instance, I can't stand Piers Morgan, but he will quite regularly respond to a member of the public. How on earth is he seeing these replies when there are millions of the mad bastards??

    Anyway, it was fun to be hounded for a night. Can go to sleep sound in the knowledge I've annoyed a load of weirdos. Twitter is fun sometimes.

  5. I don't really believe in ghosts or an afterlife, but my ex is massively into it, and the paranormal, and we've been on some excellent ghosthunts in the last few years. Stand out was Woodchester Mansion in Stroud, which was genuinely creepy. I was always OK with putting my hand up and saying I was a non believer, and treating it all with absolute respect and people would do the same for me. They can be really awesome experiences if anyone is thinking of doing one. The history side of the places was always what interested me, and the mediums and psychics they have with them are really good guys, and not over the top bullshitters like Acorah and his ilk. Plus you get a good mix of people who all treat it fairly seriously.

    My ex is pretty 'sensitive' (I think is the right word), when it comes to psychic abilities and I've always encouraged her to pursue it further. Just because I don't believe, doesn't mean she shouldn't. She's had some mad experiences but I can't remember them right now.

    When I was around 4 or 5, I used to see colours around people. Like, all the time, and not just dots or sunspots but full on outlines of colour, which my parents thought was well freaky. It just stopped one day, and I always remember seeing my Nan and her being engulfed in a purple shadow wherever she went. Which was a bit strange I suppose.

    Oh, one more thing. Years ago we went on a visit to Hampton Court Palace, and I remember one room (think it was a bedroom), being so oppressive and heavy with atmosphere when I entered, that I genuinely couldn't see a thing for a good 20 seconds. That was really weird, and I put it down to hundreds of years of energy being in the place and nothing more.


  6. 9 hours ago, Sergio Mendacious said:

    Just finished Stranger Things 2 - I wasn’t the biggest fan of the first one, I’d say it was a 7/10, but had a lot of promise. The new one fulfilled them massively, I loved pretty much everything about it.

    Completely agree with this, I haven't enjoyed a single series as much as this for ages. Well written, funny, good pacing, relationships and characters you actually care about (take note The Walking Dead), it was just bloody excellent. The level of writing and acting was tremendous, stand out for me was Steve Harrington, getting himself up into the echelons of GOAT character status.

    I didn't get as many references as I assume there are, not really being an 80's horror fan (I'm sure there is loads I missed), but standout moment for me was

    The Temple of Doom nod, with Nancy and Jonathan in Episode 6 when they were staying at that investigators house, in the separate rooms and talking to themselves and then coming out at the same time. Excellently done

    Oh and Dustin forever...

  7. I've mentioned here before, but everyone should check out Julien Bakers' new record Turn Out The Lights, an absolutely stunning album.

    The fact that she is releasing music as assured and mature as this at 22 years old is frankly astonishing. Anyone who is a bit emotionally fragile when it comes to listening to music, should tread carefully when listening to the track Shadowboxing, utterly heartbreaking. An incredible talent.

  8. 25 minutes ago, cobra_gordo said:

    Does anybody remember This Girl? They were from Rotherham and seemed be the next big thing for a while in early 2000/2001 after seemingly getting loads of big bands to wear their shirts in Kerrang.

    Yeah, mentioned them in my post. Saw them live (can't remember where, but 'a festival' ) and they were better than on CD, but yeah they looked like they were gonna be big, then just disappeared.

    @Egg Shen Good point, and most of these bands were neither emo (as it was interpreted then), or punk, but kind of fit in to a genre of it's own. Noisy, brainy post-something? Then came along Test Icicles* and we all quietly left the whole genre alone didn't we?

    *They weren't too bad really were they?

    Jetplan Landing Once A Spark is an excellent album. Think some of them are crew for *shudders* Frank Turner now...

  9. So, let me get this right. The question links 5 artists who have had Number 1s since 2000, and all you have to do is guess them? They definitely all have a link right?

    How many guesses do you get a week?

    I'd sack this quizmaster. Your bonus question should just be a double 'ard, random question with a numerical answer...Boo to him :)

  10. 18 minutes ago, mim731 said:

    @SuperBacon If you haven't already, it's worth checking out Future of the Left, formed by former members of McClusky and Jarcrew.  Well worth a listen if you liked McClusky, Million Dead etc.

    Ah Future of the Left are wicked, as were Jarcrew!!! I always leave out loads when remembering to be honest. One of the good things about Spotify is the Bios and Related Artists bits as all of my favourite people tended to be in like 15 different bands (Yeah looking at you Schreifels and Matranga!!!!), so it helps piece everything together. Got lost down the fuzzy guitar rabbithole and having a lovely time with Jawbox right now...

  11. Having a bit of another nostalgia afternoon and remembered this absolute banger of a song and beast of a band, Mclusky. Only ever saw them live the once (supporting SamIam), but they were excellent. Good bands around this time in Million Dead, Jetplane Landing, Reuben, Yourcodenameismilo, ThisGirl, Dartz, Tellison who were all banging out this angular post-hardcore shit. Was bang into it at the time, even more so now. Anyway, this is excellent..."My Dad is bigger than your Dad..."


  12. I couldn't remember where I'd got up (think it was episode 6), so I rewatched the whole of Stranger Things Series 1, so I could start the new one later on.

    One thing I couldn't stand the first time I'd watched it was Winona Ryder and her overacting. Well, I must've been in a mood then, because I've done a huge 180 Hogan turn BROTHER, as I thought she was bloody excellent. Still stunning as well.

    Also, the kids are all great, but Millie Bobby Brown who plays Eleven is just incredible. Nails that part. I also don't get the criticism over it's nostalgia. It really isn't a nostalgia fest. I mean how else are you going to place a series in that era without using that soundtrack? Anyway, can't wait to start Series 2.


  13. 4 hours ago, bAzTNM#1 said:

    A look back to BBC's "Ghostwatch" 25 years later and about the guy who sadly killed himself over it..


    Anybody here old enough to remember "Ghostwatch"? I'll admit i nearly shart my pants watching it. (first time)

    I'm old enough to admit without (much) shame now that it scared me so much I slept in my parents bed for months afterwards. I was 7

    They to had to bribe me in early December by saying for every night I slept in my own bed, I'd get a small treat every morning in lieu of an advent calendar.

    Ive never watched it back and not sure I ever will. "Pipes"...FUCK. OFF 

    @gadge thanks pal! Yeah as mentioned ex worked there and we went on the family day, weekend out to Odney and Letchworth etc, so yeah good company. 

    Good news about you getting better :)

  14. 48 minutes ago, Keith Houchen said:

    Really? I think Elizabeth is the most non Apprentice people they've got this year and they all hate her because she doesn't speak in buzzwords. I like to think Jade is a massive racist and that's why she hates the black girl. Paedo Harry Potter is slime. 

    Oh absolutely, she's an anti-Apprentice character, but she's fascinating.

    Paedo Harry Potter!!! :D Did you see the Football Cliches Twitter account comparing them all with what they'd do in football? So funny, I'll try and find them as the one for him was so funny.

    Edit: https://twitter.com/FootballCliches/status/915661783519711232

  15. 5 minutes ago, Kaz Hayashi said:

    You’ve resparked my fascination of other people’s vinegar storage. A lad I know had to keep his bottle of vinegar in the shed because his wife hated it that much, she didn’t want it in the house. 

    Another guy I know refused to buy it, so just filled his pockets with sachets every time he went to weatherspoons etc. No idea why, but he didn’t have a particular place for them in his house, and would just reach in to his pocket, grasp a large handful of sachets and just drop them on random surfaces. Windowsill, ironing board, mantle piece, just anywhere really.

    Anyway, that really is a nice looking mog. Really looks at home.

    Not to hijack the thread, but thanks to the Morrisons cafe, I haven't bought sauces, vinegar, salt or pepper for months. Never underestimate the willingness of kids to stuff their pockets with the things :)

  16. With so many brilliant TV shows that I have never seen (including The Wire), I decided to watch all 4 episodes of The Apprentice today. I haven't watched it in years, hate everything about it, HATE Alan Sugar but yeah, I watched them. (Mainly as I saw there was something football related in the latest episode)

    Anyway, Elizabeth is a classic TV heel and well worth watching it for. One of the least self aware people I've ever seen on it, and that's saying something.

    Oh, and for fans of Nathan For You, one of the episodes in Series 4 is award worthy, The Anecdote. Glorious glorious TV. Seek it out.

  17. Glad I'm not the only one that was just primarily looking at Keiths shelves rather than the cat. Lovely cat though.

    My ex and the kids have a cat, Jester, coming up 6 months now, who is gorgeous and has taken a shine to me (as I've always loved cats and have a bit of a weird vibe with them), and we've just found out he is a ragdoll cat which has concerned my ex as she now thinks she'll have to groom him 24/7. I'll try and pop up some pics when I can remember how.

    He's started bringing 'presents' as well which is just brilliant to get texts at 1am asking if I can come and take a dead bird off the porch step (which I do obviously)

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