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Posts posted by SuperBacon

  1. Is there a more obscure movie cameo than Tom Petty playing himself as the mayor of a post-apocalyptic town in The Postman?

    Great shout. Whilst we're on cameos, favourites ever? Mine is Springsteen in High Fidelity. Not only do I love that book and film, but it's just such a great example of a well used cameo adding something different.

  2. Having said LinkedIn is a load of shit for years and years, I had someone message me about a job on there today. I guess my profile still said I was working as a subtitler and they're looking for subtitlers. That was unexpected.

    Good work. It's a decent site if used for the right things. Not the motivational wank and fucking Wolf of Wall Streer memes that most people put up though. Best of luck

  3. Martin just said he mistimed the count. Yeah, he tried to get up but his body was telling him to stay down. He was hit with the right hook twice in 10 seconds per knockdown. Another one of those and he wouldn't have had a choice to get up. Martin must be one of the worst world champs in history. He wins the belt after his opponent retires from a knee injury, then loses it within two rounds in the next fight. He made £4m doing it tonight, so he might as well retire.

    He made £4million??? That can't be right surely.


    Anyway, Joshua looked strong but that was shit competition for him.

  4. With LinkedIn, use/download the LinkedIn job site and app, better than the full website.


    Monster is the best of a bad bunch, most of them aggregate the same shit.


    Find a decent recruiter, and try and work with them. I work in recruitment, for a decent biz, had 3 years at huge international firm, so feel free to ping me a message if you need a steer.


    Good luck.

  5. Hello. Shameless shill incoming.


    I sometimes do minute-by-minutes on football and WWE for ByTheMin sport. Myself and another guy today recorded what we hope will be the first of a weekly WWE podcast for ByTheMin, covering Raw, NXT and WrestleMania. He is a lot better than me, so please be gentle: https://soundcloud.com/bytheminsport/1-wwe-april-1st-2016-lower-quality

    . I never knew that, I sometimes do a bit on that as well, it's always fun even if I know no one is reading!!! ;) will have a listen

    You will want to do GoT before the new series starts next month.

    Watch. You will want to watch GoT.
    Ha, at least he said Series and not fucking Season!


    Anyway, I'm going to give Community and The Wire a whirl, see how I get on. I tell you what though, The Wire better not be better than The Sopranos. I'm not changing my favourite show of all time again.

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