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General Movie (Film for snobs) News Thread


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Just watched the trailer for The Room after reading an article about it, has anyone seen it? it does look hilariously bad plus the blonde bird in it looks tidy enough, might be worth a watch if I can find it anywhere

It's on Youtube, and it's certainly worth watching. It's hilariously bad.
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Just watched the trailer for The Room after reading an article about it, has anyone seen it? it does look hilariously bad plus the blonde bird in it looks tidy enough, might be worth a watch if I can find it anywhere


It's on Youtube, and it's certainly worth watching. It's hilariously bad.


Cheers, will do


Anyone who's stuck for something to watch tonight, Midnight Run is on ITV4 at 10

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From AICN - Looks like there's trouble for the frankly dreadful sounding Robocop remake. This adds weight to the rumours that they're re-writing it as they're shooting it.


It's been nothing but disaster for Jose Padilha's remake of ROBOCOP. From the scathing review of the screenplay (I've since heard it was of an early draft, so who knows what changes may have been made to get to what's in production right now) to the shots of a less than impressive RoboCop suit to rumors of heavy studio interference with the director's vision for the film, it's been one problem after another for this retelling, and it looks like it's only going from bad to worse.


Sony and MGM have yanked ROBOCOP from its previous August 9, 2013 release date, pushing the film all the way back to February 7, 2014. Of course, this is going to get spun as allowing more time for post-productions, visual effects rendering, etc., but don't let that fool you. I've heard from sources that ROBOCOP has some major problems that are going to be virtually impossible to correct, because they're built into the story they're trying to tell. I'd expect this extra time to be used for some pretty hefty reshoots to be added onto the schedule, as the studio tries to piece together some semblance of a film, much like Paramount did with WORLD WAR Z, but it may be too late to really course correct the film without trashing what they've already got in the can and starting all over. And you can bet that's not going to happen, because the last thing these two studios are going to do is close up shop and chalk up their poor decisions to a loss. You'd think the studios would have learned right now when they're investing so much money into some of these bigger budget films to make sure they have a good movie on their hands first before they rush it into production. Staking your claim on a release date doesn't matter much, when the film being released is garbage. Then again, the box office numbers prove people will see the garbage anyway, so, unless there's a shift at the cash register, there's no incentive for that model to be changed.


As a result of the ROBOCOP shift, Neill Blomkamp's ELYSIUM is also getting moved around the calendar. While we were all set to see Blomkamp's newest film since DISTRICT 9 on March 1, we have no choice but to wait a little bit longer now, with Sony/Tri-Star pushing ELYSIUM back to that August 9 release date vacated by the ROBOCOP debacle.


Doesn't it feel like no one's winning in this equation?

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Evil Dead (2013) Red Band Trailer NSFW


Bruce Campbell and Sam raimi produced and no Ash.


It was also said that the movie would be about a group of teenagers that go to the cabin and find the book, and the similarities with the original would end there

not really a remake then surely although that's what it's being called, Looks sweet though

Edited by iamtheman
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Despite the trouble a video's come out of Robocop on his new bike


I suppose it fits in with his new look but it's still another thing to add to the "meh" pile. the pushing back of the date out of the usual blockbuster release date doesn't bring more confidence either


First time i've sen a pic of this. He doesn't look like a robot, just looks like a man in a suit. How can a film made 25 years ago, when Metal Mickey was the most compex robot we had, be better than something designed today?

Edited by PSF
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Evil Dead (2013) Red Band Trailer NSFW


Bruce Campbell and Sam raimi produced and no Ash.


It was also said that the movie would be about a group of teenagers that go to the cabin and find the book, and the similarities with the original would end there

not really a remake then surely although that's what it's being called, Looks sweet though


Thing is, how can you make that film after the release of Cabin In The Woods? There should be a moratorium on such Cabin films for at least a decade. THe whole thing will just feel preposterous.

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Schwarzennegger to play Conan again?


This is the news that guys like me that grew up in the 80s idolising Arnie have been dreaming for for a long time but never believed would come, it seems to be happening- amazing, I just hope this is true. The Terminator franchise has been so murdered for me that this is the perfect role to see him reprising.

Edited by Steve 'Big' Jobs
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Schwarzennegger to play Conan again?


This is the news that guys like me that grew up in the 80s idolising Arnie have been dreaming for for a long time but never believed would come, it seems to be happening- amazing, I just hope this is true. The Terminator franchise has been so murdered for me that this is the perfect role to see him reprising.


If they kept the tone of the original film this could be amazing

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