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Chris Benoit dead


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Due to the fact that you should pay for it, and no one can be bothered to type it all up, no. The gist seems to be the note, that Benoit had serious drug problems (see GHB rumours), that Johnny Grunge was a peacemaker in Chris and Nancy's relationship, didn't help when he died, that the police believe he killed Daniel with the Crossface, that Benoit was a regular contributor of rumours to the sheets.

As horrible as the "Cripple Crossface thing is (and I do have a hard time believing that for the reasons BR and Stevie highlighted, and also because it sounds too sensationalist, although not saying it's impossible) I think that the drug and death thing will have a bigger impact over the long term if the media go for it. There's already been a few media reports where they keep listing the deaths of wrestlers and if they can link the deaths of Benoit's friends or people he worked with (Grunge, Owen Hart, Davey Boy Smith, Brian Pillman, Eddie Guerrero, Black Cat, Biff Wellington, etc., etc.) to his break-down then that along with an untreated drug problem paints a very bleak picture indeed.
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For anyone who frequents PWT, they have a torrent up with clips of the TV coverage of the WWF sex/steroid scandals of the early nineties. They're quite interesting to watch in the context of the current coverage, especially the Donahue show where Vince looks utterly terrified throughout.

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Perhaps, but maybe Benoit wanted to make his son think he was safe with his dad, so made it look like he was horsing about, only to apply that crossface and smother his son and kill him before Daniel knew anything was wrong.

Exactly. And thats really fucking creepy. I thought about exactly that when I first heard the crossface rumour.
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I've got a weird feeling Benoit was murdered. Why would he text Chavo his address when Chavo admits he was there two or three nights before? Why would he need to tie and bound his wife? Obviously people will reply with decent answers. Homicide-Suicide just doesn't sit with me right now.

Edited by TheLostScot
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Personally I dont think he was texting Chavo to tell him where he lived, I think he was texting him to tell him where he was and obviously because he knew that Chavo would be concerned and confused by the texts to therefore try and get in contact with Benoit and inform the people necesary

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Surely if a guy with Benoit's strength had put a crossface on an undersized 7 year old with enough pressure to kill him, he would have crushed the lower half of his face? Yet no report has mentioned any facial injuries to Daniel. Bollocks, I say.Nancy's safety deposit box. "If I die, regardless of circumstances, then Chris did it". Bollocks. What was her maiden name? Nostradamus? To write that makes her sound equally paranoid. Who would try and stitch up the father of their child on the off chance they died prematurely?GHB. Bodybuilders use GHB to keep their bodyfat low. One of the earlier quoted articles stated than Benoit had only around 5% bodyfat. Someone at WWE knowing the circumstances before RAW was broadcast. "Hey guys, turns out Benoit slaughtered his familiy and then hung himself. He's a bona fide kiddy murderer. Anyhoo, what music shall we use for his tribute vid?"

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I've got a weird feeling Benoit was murdered. Why would he text Chavo his address when Chavo admits he was there two or three nights before? Why would he need to tie and bound his wife? Obviously people will reply with decent answers. Homicide-Suicide just doesn't sit with me right now.

Probably because he was acting in an illogical way and he wanted someone to find the bodies. You can't possibly suggest that someone got into the Benoit's house, killed Nancy and Daniel before somehow managing to hang a pretty powerful bloke without Benoit fighting back.The man had deep psychological problems and was a child-killer. The sooner people come to terms with it, the better.
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I've got a weird feeling Benoit was murdered. Why would he text Chavo his address when Chavo admits he was there two or three nights before? Why would he need to tie and bound his wife? Obviously people will reply with decent answers. Homicide-Suicide just doesn't sit with me right now.

You can't possibly suggest that someone got into the Benoit's house, killed Nancy and Daniel before somehow managing to hang a pretty powerful bloke without Benoit fighting back.
Kevin Sullivan is also a pretty powerful bloke.
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Surely if a guy with Benoit's strength had put a crossface on an undersized 7 year old with enough pressure to kill him, he would have crushed the lower half of his face? Yet no report has mentioned any facial injuries to Daniel. Bollocks, I say.

what about his throat?
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Personally I dont think he was texting Chavo to tell him where he lived, I think he was texting him to tell him where he was and obviously because he knew that Chavo would be concerned and confused by the texts to therefore try and get in contact with Benoit and inform the people necesary

With the time frame of the killings, and the repeated texts telling Chavo (and possible Regal) where he was, is it possible that Benoit was asking them to come and get him, and that when they didn't, he then decided to kill himself?Just watched the DeMott/Debra interview. DeMott came across very similar to Jericho, whereas Debra seemed to be using the situation to bring attention to her case.
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