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The Song Of The Day Thread

Mr. Seven

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I haven't posted anything new for a while, so I feel it's only fair I get to put a few tracks!


Grant Lee Buffalo - Mockingbirds (sorry, this is in whatever format I-tunes uses):-




Something I was listening to the other day, just reminded me of this rather excellent song from the early-90's. I know very little about them although I've heard some of Grant Lee Phillip's solo stuff.


Sticking with the early 90's, Senser - Eject:-




Suppose for anyone listening to this new now, it may sound a little dated. But for me, I'll always be in a sweaty tent at the Phoenix 93 festival (I should get my pipe and slippers, but I was very young then honest!) losing the plot to this band.


And just to prove the last few days have been a nostalgia trip, Ride - Twistarella:-




I will now be prepared to be shot down in flames, but this is easily one of my favourite songs ever. To be fair, this isn't your average Ride song and sticks out like a sore thumb in the same way that "Friday I'm in Love" by The Cure does.

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Song of the Day Thread Inspirational Testomonial


I was in Fopp the other day, and decided to buy a couple Captain Beefheart albums after hearing the songs in this thread... I haven't had a chance to listen to them properly yet, but I've listened to them both once through each and really enjoyed them.. It was Mirror Man Sessions and Safe as Milk that I got. I was told by some random in the pub who saw my purchases that I should get Trout Mask Replica as that is best.




I got this album a little while ago and I can't get enough of this track - Danse Macabre Op 40. I don't know a whole lot about classical music, but I really like this... It's all frantic and shit, none of that 'classical chillout'.


Oh, I was told that the Joker dances to this track in Batman too but I can't verify this...

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Guest jaymz_is_god

This ones from the end credits of Kill Bill 2. "Goodnight Moon" by Shivaree and instead of describing it I'm just going to tell you to download it now because it is so fucking good and if you don't like it then you suck.http://www.sendspace.com/file/0o2uri

Woah, I was actually gonna post this tonight after listening to the Kill Bill Vol. 2 Soundtrack today. How odd :confused:
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My choice for today is from one of the greatest bands of all time: Descendents - Cool To Be You . If it wasn't for the Descendents, some of today's most popular music would likely never have existed, musicians such as Tom DeLonge are well known for idolising this band in their youth. This particular song is off their last album from 2004 called "Cool To Be You", despite their best material generally being in the 80s, I feel this is one of the greatest pop punk songs ever made.

words cant describe how much i love that song! :music::love::love:
Glad you like it, just realised I got the title wrong in the post, the song is actually Nothing With You.
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Seeing as Ive just downloaded the vast majority of the links that are still active, I thought I may as well try to contribute myself:


Salvador - Lord, I Come Before You (Live)


Live version of Christian latin-pop type deal. Stumbled across this on a random Sky channel years ago, and when I decided to splurge on some random downloads on Napster, this is one of the first ones I looked for. Funky feel good music. Very summery.

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I will now be prepared to be shot down in flames, but this is easily one of my favourite songs ever. To be fair, this isn't your average Ride song and sticks out like a sore thumb in the same way that "Friday I'm in Love" by The Cure does.

You shouldn't be! Twisterella is the best thing I've heard from this thread in a while. Such a wonderful melody that it managed to oust the robotic, stodgy sound of Sick, Sick, Sick (posted by by AJPiles) that I thought was going to be etched into mind for the forthcoming week.I always thought Ride were a bit more noisy but it was like a glorious Smiths/Stone Roses mid-point with Marr's wonderful eye for melody and Ian Brown's airy vocals. I've listened to it about 8 times already today.Aside form that I checked out some songs that I'd downloaded (presumably from this thread) but for some reason hadn't yet checked out..Agnostic Front- Gotta Go I didn't really feel. I love hardcore and the powerful breakdowns, but I actually cringed at the group vocals on the hook. Dated.Shining- Goretex Weather Report was fucking brilliant. Loved the chilled out sax at the start, semmed like it was impossible for that to segue into metal, but it worked. Had a grand-yet-spaced-out sound like Muse but was probably better than anything I've heard from them.TDHOH- California Uber Alles I didn't like either, especially the laid-back hook where Jello was eccentrically (that a word) shrieking it.Nothing With You just seemed like the blueprint for early-Green Dayish pop-punk. I haven't listened to them that much and prefer either less-heavy punk but still really good.Ruff Sqwad- Future just reminded me I need to listen to more grime.Engineers- Home erm.. ugh.The Bronx- False Alarm is awesome, naturally, but I prefer the opener from that album. One of the few current punk bands that I'll make an effort to follow. Second song is also brilliant- "Motherfucker I want your bloooooooooooooooooooooooooooood!!' Edited by Registration_Form
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Forgot to leave a tune..The Draft- Zo Lee RoseFIXED~! :confused::duh: - so what's the difference between those two smilies then?

Any chance of some Gary Moore stuff in here..maybe Jumping At Shadows...

'tis up to you to share your love for said artist! Can't think why'd you'd want it upping if you already know (and presumably have) it. Edited by Registration_Form
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Nothing With You just seemed like the blueprint for early-Green Dayish pop-punk.

Yep and that's definitely a good thing.The band is called Descendants, by the way, the song is called 'Nothing With You'.Anyhoo, on a different note from my usual stuff,The Steinways - Tangled Up In Teenagers.My current favourite song, it's catchy as hell and just generally a good time.
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