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What's the crack with fit notes? I've been off work with flu since last Wednesday, but the flu as much as cleared by Monday. I took Tuesday off to re-cooperate as I'd had barely any sleep and my plan was to go back Wednesday (thus remaining within the 7 day self-sign off period) but then Tuesday night I was up til about 5am with a banging headache (I start work at 7am) and took today off. Now I need a fit note from my doctor but literally everyone or every site I've looked to for information are incredibly vague about it.
I'm fit for work but all information mostly regards the fit note being for if I'm not, or don't think I am. I need to go to my GP tomorrow, but I've not got flu any more, just a bit sniffly and bunged up so is it literally a matter of me going in, telling the doc what happened and that I'm ready to go back?
I'd feel a dick if he had to examine me or something because I'm fine now.

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Does anyone here invest in shares on the Stock Market?


My missus dabbles, but wants to get more serious about it. She doesn't properly track her investments in a spreadsheet, which I've said is the first thing she needs to do. Now, she's created a very basic tracker, but from what I can see there are spreadsheets you can get online that have some good value added analysis to help you.


Does anyone know any good online tools? Be they tracking spreadsheet templates or otherwise? Anything helpful would be great. I don't understand any of this shit*



* we had a thread on this years ago and I didn't understand anything then, and I still don't know. And I couldn't even find the thread.

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I was interested in forex, and got the Saxo Bank online trader programme, which was very good for paper trading. I don't know if your interest in investment extends to FX, but it's a pretty good one if so.

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I trade commodities and some currencies (tend to stick away from the currencies though).


Chest, you're best creating your own spreadsheet for the first year or so. No need to go overboard when Excel will do a perfectly fine job.


The problem with a lot of financial tracking programmes, and most financial sites, indicators, tutorials, and programmes in general, is that sites and blogs can get a shit load of money for each click or download, so you'll find a lot of sites make out that these programmes are the best thing since sliced bread.


What sort of trader is she? Is she opening and closing trades in the same day or more long-term?


If she hasn't already, your missus needs to create a proper strategy and stick to it or the trades that seem great now will come crashing down overnight. 

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She has shares in a couple safe companies that fluctuate predictably, so she'll dump a bunch of money in them when the go to a certain minimum threshold she has set for herself, and then sell when they go up a few points. General cycle of a few days to a week, making just a couple hundred quid on a several thousand investment. That's the regular stuff. And then she takes a punt on other things from time to time. I've never seen the latter really pan out for her, but she reckons it has in the past. I'm still not totally convinced which is why I want her to do some very clear accounting so we can see objectively.

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So my PS3 has suddenly developed an inability to read game discs. It can do DVDs no problem, but when you put a game in, it tries to read it for a while, makes the eject noise and then nothing. It's done for, right?


Nope, not done for. I remember a while ago there was a system update to the first edition of the PS3 (where it could play PS2 games) which bricked the consoles. You'll just need to take it to a repair shop and they'll fit in a new drive for you, or you could look online and try and fix it yourself. Also found this which might be the issue, I'd definitely back up all your game saves/games you might have bought from PSN etc first before doing this:




Apparently the boot file in the system that enables it to read blu ray format can become corrupted causing the unit to not read blu rays. So you have to do a full system restore (11+ hours) that will replace the corrupted file with a new one.



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She has shares in a couple safe companies that fluctuate predictably, so she'll dump a bunch of money in them when the go to a certain minimum threshold she has set for herself, and then sell when they go up a few points. General cycle of a few days to a week, making just a couple hundred quid on a several thousand investment. That's the regular stuff. And then she takes a punt on other things from time to time. I've never seen the latter really pan out for her, but she reckons it has in the past. I'm still not totally convinced which is why I want her to do some very clear accounting so we can see objectively.


Cool, I'd just keep track of the date and time you placed the trade, the time you closed it, and fill in a note for each trade when you make it on why you've made the trade and what you're expecting it to return. Then just include the basic stuff like how much you traded, P/L, length of trade etc. No need to overcomplicate it otherwise you'll start drawing more data from it than you need to.


Everyone's different though so it might not be enough for what you need.


Reddit gets a bad rap on here but their investing sub is pretty good for a beginner. https://www.reddit.com/r/investing

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It's an advert for a sales job. When's it ever a legit figure?


True. But in my experience, the basic salary listing is usually legit, it's the OTE that's usually bullshit. I'm used to seeing "Basic £18k p/a, up to £1m OTE!!!!!"

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I work in recruitment and this is a new one on me but after bit of quick digging it seems like it stands for After Qualifying something. ie They start you on 18 and after training bump it up.


Word of advice if you're unsure of Ote or anything, ask what is a realistic year 1 take home or look on glass door for some employee reviews. Year 1 whatever the Ote says, you can at least half it in all honesty.

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