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I could do with them. I'm pretty much bed-bound at the moment, and they won't give me any crutches until I start physio after the op, will they? The op has been cancelled for today as well, with me back on the (bottom of the) list for tomorrow, where the same thing could happen again. I can eat and drink for the night now, but I'm basically just taking up an NHS bed needlessly. Might as well do it as an outpatient procedure and send me home with some co-codamol or whatever.

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Bit odd, but what could be in a bar top beer font that effects the use of my laptop!? If I sit in front of either of my Foster's superchilled pumps, my cursor develops a mind of its own. Anywhere else and it seems fine. Bizarre!

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I got crutches straight away, but I didn't need an op. Just 8 weeks or whatever of having my leg immobilized.


Yeah, I was hoping I'd be in and out last night, plaster, crutches and home. I've got 6-8 weeks of full immobilisation then the same again staying on crutches without a cast before they decide whether the bionics need to stay in or something. The doctor isn't the clearest speaker.


I'm glad they put me drowsy for the bit last night when they popped my ankle back into place. I dozed through it. I was fearing the worst with that.

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I had a throat operation, roughly two years ago. At that time, I was told no eating or drinking from 10pm the night before and not to drive (get someone to give you a lift and wait about). Basically, I was through to the hospital (70 miles away) for first thing in the morning and I think it was about 3pm when I finally got to go. Basically, I passed on the option of being knocked out and instead got to watch them stick their little camera down by throat to do various tests. Not the best but I did find it amusing that a guy, who no doubt did years at uni, was standing there to basically hoover up my drool. Anyway, had the op and the nurse said I was free to go after about ten minutes. She then told me I could have driven! Eating was not the easiest for the next week or so.


Basically, got told not to heat spicy food and not to worry about choking.

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I broke my arm when I was about 5 and had to have 4 operations on it. Anyway one day I had an op scheduled so I couldn't eat or drink. I think I may have had like a mouthful of squash due to being so thirsty and they cancelled it. Had to wait another few days which was pretty shitty. So yeah in conclusion don't eat or drink before it.

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Also, im considering Spotify, I mainly like to listen to full albums and create playlists, I also want to be able to use it on my iphone when im out and about, is it anygood for this?

Just so happens that I bought a

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I had minor surgery when I was 13. I went straight from school to my GP who referred me straight away, so I'd had nothing since noon. I went into theatre at about 1:30am, so I was famished. Then the nurse woke me up at about 5am with what was basically a shot glass of orange juice. I had one sip, and then she took the rest away from me. I'm still bitter about that.


I didn't like going under at all, I can remember that much. It's the same sensation as someone choking you into unconsciousness, so I had a little panic.

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Broke my fibula just above the ankle back in December and had to go in for an op. Similar situation as I was sent home overnight and told not to eat or drink after midnight. I got he call to go in the next day and actually found the experience fairly pleasant, I remember chatting to the doctors in the anaesthetics room and the next thing I knew it was 90 mins later and a nurse was waking me up and asking did I want to see the X-ray that showed my newly inserted metal plate and half a dozen screws. Felt like I'd had a cracking sleep.


I also had no fewer than 4 different prognoses in the space of 2 days. The first doctor said I'd likely be ok without an op but then came back and said actually orthopaedics would rather I just hd the op. then when I was on the ward I asked the ward doctor how long recovery would be. She told me I was off my feet for 12 weeks, shit myself at that point. Then another doctor came to do my pre-op and said he'd had the same injury and had a similar plate. 6 weeks in cast but weight bearing with crutches after 2 weeks he said. Turned out he was bang on and was also spot on with recovery in general, I was back jogging after 4 months and running properly after 5. Everyone is different though and it's important to remember that the break will heal itself but you'll need to build the muscles back up yourself.

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I remember I had a tooth operation at the dental hospital one time and had to go under.


When I first went under I felt nothing at all, about ten seconds later the whole room started spinning, slowly shrinking itself into the middle where it ended up being a black dot, then blackness. I imagine death to be pretty much like that. I'm quite scared in case I ever have to go under again. Stuff of nightmares.


Happened on the day Ireland played Romania in the World Cup. So it must have been 1990 when Packie Bonner was doing his heroics.

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I was quite lucky because i've only been in to have a minor dislocation put back and they loaded me up with painkillers and gave me gas and left. When the doctor arrived he pointed out the gas was ment for when he was putting it back in and not just to generally enjoy. It was too late by then.


It really helps with making chat with the staff while the fix you up too.

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I've only been put under once when I was about 8. I had to have my four back teeth removed as all four of my wisdom teeth were coming through and there wasn't enough room for them. My only lasting memory of the experience was the nurse deciding to tickle me just as I was getting the gas. I imagine she did it to try and keep me calm (which wasn't needed, I wasn't worried in the slightest) but all I remember was desperately trying to get her to stop before I pissed myself. Stupid cow.

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