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Anybody here run an amateur sports team before? I'm on the committee of a new rugby league club in my area and I am trying to boost our numbers somewhat before the new season. I've done the usual things, made sure we're in sports team directories, worked on getting our website higher in the Google rankings and put an ad on Gumtree but have had a grand total of zero leads. Anybody have any ideas? Considering suggesting rugby league clinics for newbies or rugby union players, focused less on fitness but on how to play the game.

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Not personally but a mate is on an American Football team that recently entered the league. They did a lot of recruitment at the local university. Lots of people new to the area who might have already played & want to keep it up but are unfamiliar to the area etc. Worth a shot?

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Anybody here run an amateur sports team before? I'm on the committee of a new rugby league club in my area and I am trying to boost our numbers somewhat before the new season. I've done the usual things, made sure we're in sports team directories, worked on getting our website higher in the Google rankings and put an ad on Gumtree but have had a grand total of zero leads. Anybody have any ideas? Considering suggesting rugby league clinics for newbies or rugby union players, focused less on fitness but on how to play the game.


Yeah, I used to help run a Sevens side for teens in the area. It was fucking hard work.


You heard of Chester Gladiators RL? A good friend of mine formed them a couple of years ago, they're somewhat successful, I can give you his e-mail addy if you like. I'm sure he'd be happy to give advice, and if he's not he'll just moan at me, so it's win win!



How can I rip facebook videos? A man I know got married last week and sang Stand by Me to his wife dead badly during his speech including reading from the bible during the instrumental in the middle and crying. If someone tells me how, I'll share it.

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I misread it as "A man I know got married last week and sang Stand by Me to his dead wife" and spent a minute trying to work out if she'd died at the reception or he married a corpse.

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Not sure if anyone can help with a PC problem I am having.


For some reason I can no longer copy files to my DVD drive. I used to use either Send To > DVD RW Drive (D), drag and drop the file to the drive, or copy and paste the file to the drive. None of these are working any more. The drive itself seems fine as I can still watch DVD's on it, but I cannot seem to send files to the drive when a blank DVD or RW DVD is in the drive.


Anyone else had this problem in the past and/or know how to fix it?

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How can I rip facebook videos? A man I know got married last week and sang Stand by Me to his wife dead badly during his speech including reading from the bible during the instrumental in the middle and crying. If someone tells me how, I'll share it.


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Not set to a different language on the Control Panel is it?


Nah, doesn't work. Thanks for the tip though.


I've seen this before. It's probably something to do with the Fn key being permanently activated so you get all the alternative key presses.

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