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I like the look of Moose who GFW signed. For now kinda all he is is an impressive dropkick and a decent spear but he looks great when he throws himself about a bit, and I've seen him have some entertaining matches (bearing in mind he was playing NFL til 1.5 years ago). I liked the two opposing managers angle, he's got a Roman Reigns/Baron Corbin not-the-fans-chosen-one situation which is making me like him a bit more. His entrance theme is ace too. I'll check GFW if just for him

I don't see the Reings/Corbin comparison at all. He's hugely over with the ROH crowd.


Half the crowd chants "MOOSE", half of it chants "SUCKS" right? Thats what I've heard past few weeks anyway. Internet seems quite harsh on him too

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I like the look of Moose who GFW signed. For now kinda all he is is an impressive dropkick and a decent spear but he looks great when he throws himself about a bit, and I've seen him have some entertaining matches (bearing in mind he was playing NFL til 1.5 years ago). I liked the two opposing managers angle, he's got a Roman Reigns/Baron Corbin not-the-fans-chosen-one situation which is making me like him a bit more. His entrance theme is ace too. I'll check GFW if just for him


I don't see the Reings/Corbin comparison at all. He's hugely over with the ROH crowd.

Half the crowd chants "MOOSE", half of it chants "SUCKS" right? Thats what I've heard past few weeks anyway. Internet seems quite harsh on him too

Well if that's true then I've completely missed the sucks chant and our wrestling circles are different.

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My main take away from the PPV is that Michael Elgin is officially the WORST professional wrestler in the entire world.

Haven't seen you explain one of your opinions yet. Care to start with this one?

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My main take away from the PPV is that Michael Elgin is officially the WORST professional wrestler in the entire world.

Haven't seen you explain one of your opinions yet. Care to start with this one?



Sure. He exhibits a complete lack of understanding when it comes to the fundamentals of pro wrestling. He either doesn't have the first clue how to sell or has no interest in selling whatsoever. All he cares about is executing his meaningless power moves which mean absolutely nothing in the broader context of a match. Watching him in the ring, I sometimes wonder if there's anything between the ears as his psychology is non-existent. His real life buffoonery is well documented and is usually matched by the decisions he makes in the ring. Google the word apathy and the top result will be the crowd's heatless reaction to Elgin's arrival and most of what he does in a match. 


His inclusion in the G1 is the single worst decision made by any company this year. For me, this is worse than people getting eaten on Lucha Underground or Mickie James being thrown in front of a train. 


Elgin's approach to wrestling is the same as mine if I were playing a video game. It's absolutely ridiculous on every conceivable level. It's all the criticisms people level at guys like Kurt Angle multiplied by a thousand. 

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I've not really caught him prior to this year, so I'll half take your word and I'll watch closer but can't really see it that way admittedly. The times I've caught him I've just seen him as a moody hard looking bastard, had a real good TV match with Cedric Alexander, a decent one with Tanahashi. My main complaint is his lack of direction, I would've pinned that on creative however maybe its more his fault from the long term. Either way, Elgin will go on to have some either good or average matches on the G1, he might grow a lot from it, certainly can't see it as some terrible decision

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His inclusion in the G1 is the single worst decision made by any company this year. For me, this is worse than people getting eaten on Lucha Underground or Mickie James being thrown in front of a train.

Whoah whoah WHOAH! You just disqualified your entire argument right there

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His inclusion in the G1 is the single worst decision made by any company this year. For me, this is worse than people getting eaten on Lucha Underground or Mickie James being thrown in front of a train.

Whoah whoah WHOAH! You just disqualified your entire argument right there

Hey, I haven't even reached that point in my Lucha Underground viewing, but I've seen a lot of negative responses to it. That and the Micke James incident have been panned by a lot of people over the last month or so. Neither of them bother me. Elgin in the G1 does.

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Only just realised Dalton Castle is Ashley Remington from CHIKARA. That's 2 over the top charisma characters he plays brilliantly, the guy could go far with how well he seems to get the idea of character building.

Edited by Shy Dad
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