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Official ROH Discussion Thread


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Big shame. I think an excellent show with no hiccups is just what they needed after a few months of ok to just good work. Their biggest angle of the last year was building to this match, as well as a strong card with big names on it like Finlay and Storm on, and rather than people coming out of it talking about the great action, the first word on everyone's mouths (or first words at everyone's fingertips) concerns the viewing problems.

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Still no replay up on the site, I realise it`s still early morning in the States but you would have thought it would have been the first thing they would do. Crazy they are doing announcements via facebook as clearly there will be people posting spoilers on the page next to ROH`s announcements.

Edited by shockindefendin
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I just don't get how Evolve, Dragon Gate USA, Chikara, a shite promotion like Awesome Wrestling Revolution (remember them?) and Juggalo Championship Wrestling can pull off 3 or 4 hour PPVs with either no cock ups or maybe just minor ones and Ring of Honor cant even seem to stream the promotion. Some are saying its a bandwidth issue because the 60 year old blokes running it like its 1974 cant grasp the concept of streaming live via the internet, so when everyone tries to log it, its a massive failure.This is a big one for ROH. This could be their David Arquette moment. Why would anyone pay another penny on them after the third royal fucking they've had off them. Its all well and good saying "well, they are going to give us them for free now", but they can't even do that right. The Bryan vs Punk match midweek was supposed to be free, but they couldn't upload it. You can have all the good wrestling you want, but if you can't produce a forum for people to watch it and watch it in an atmosphere when you aren't shitting yourself that it isn't going to cut off or the words aren't going to sound like Fukani and Taka cutting and "Indeed" style promo, it means nothing. This promotion is cursed.Must say, for years people said "Cornette's past it, his wrestling will be boring, he's out of touch with the current world" etc. and his supporters defended him. He's a donkey. He's a bitter angry man, and ROH is a vanity project for him to pretend its late 70s NWA again. Bastard. He should have shut his fat gob and tried to get rehired by WWE and TNA again.

This.What really soured me on buying this show was the general disdain ROH have shown towards their audience since Sinclair bought them. When you have the COO of the company publicly making comments like "It was $15?! What do people expect? They spend more than that at Starbucks" over the problems with the Wrestlemania Shows, it's really hard to trust them with my money.The fact that they only did one test broadcast a few days before the show, which failed miserably, is absolutely mind boggling.
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Best comment I saw on Twitter this morning:"Double main event: Richards vs Steen and ROH vs iPPV" Looks like ROH jobbed out then. I don't know how they fucked this up? Surely it is a case of Maths and working out what is needed from your computer systems to handle the demand. It would have been in their interest to obtain a realistic demand number and multiply it by two. I bet they did something in the cheep and it has bit them on the ass.

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A real shame. Pissing away a decade's worth of goodwill in the space of a couple of months cannot be good, particularly when the in-ring product is so derided at the moment. Every promotion goes through grey patches where the events just muddle by without really captivating you, but coincided with a regime change and general overhaul of the company makes it look much worse. Add to that now, this spate of technical problems and. This could be the death sentence for ROH.

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results spoilers


<-- click on 'spoiler' to show/hide the spoiler


So, Haas & Benjamin champions again, who wanted that? From what I can tell, nobody.


Also the whole build and execution of Steen's title challenge/eventual win - finish being banned, one and only title shot, having to jump through hoops and fight the powers to be in order to get the shot, then getting to win the title in Toronto.... well, it's all very babyface for a character that is meant to be a heel, isn't it?



[close spoiler]

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<-- click on 'spoiler' to show/hide the spoiler

That's the plan with Steen though. They're wanting him as an anti-hero type. He's basically a rip-off of the character CM Punk was playing for a few weeks, leading up to MITB, last year.


From what I gather, he's the only thing on the show that is clicking. If that is true, it's smart to give him the title.


[close spoiler]

Edited by Blackson Jackson
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Well, a few thoughts. Had a bit of a giggle when I got to see it exactly when I wanted it, and loads of people didn't. Waiting 'till the next day is a good use of a tenner. :DThought pretty much everything outside of the two title matches ranged from fun-brilliant. The brilliant being the mental six man tag that continued the ANX/Bucks fued.The tag title match I thought was atrocious, and the main event was boring after a while. Worth the tenner though and if they can keep getting the replays up for me coming home from work, they'll continue to get my tenner.

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From Bix at DVDVR:

To make things clear, the stream itself was not the problem. They used DaCast, which is a company that does this type of stuff routinely, and the stream itself worked perfectly. The problem was that ROH's site, where the DaCast stream was being embedded, is on an overtaxed shared server with EVERY OTHER SINCLAIR WEBSITE. Someone at the F4W board who works for a Sinclair station mentioned that he's had similar issues when submitting his online time card at the time time as other employees.Making things even worse for ROH, they didn't use a vital feature of DaCast: Making it so that the stream could only be viewed when embedded in a page on ROH's site. Since they neglected to do this, someone was able to look in the HTML code, find the direct URL for the stream's Flash player on DaCast.com, and link that all over the place online, allowing people to legally watch the show for free (and people who ordered the show to be able to see it while the ROH site imploded).

Edited by JNLister
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Thinking about it...

Since they neglected to do this, someone was able to look in the HTML code, find the direct URL for the stream's Flash player on DaCast.com, and link that all over the place online

Was this the code of honor?
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Gabes sapolsky facebook statusWhen the ownership and management of a company doesn't care or have enough respect for its employees and more importantly paying customers to spend enough money to have adequate equipment they can fuck off. When a company decides to go on the cheap and take a risk that something like a website will work instead of doing everything in their power to guarantee it will work they can fuck off. If the ownership and management doesn't care or respect it's fans enough to do this they don't deserve your support.

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I'll not lie, I actually quite like Gabe Saplosky "loling" all the way. Its like a Kwick Save version of the Monday Night Wars.What's Evolve and Dragon Gate USA like anyway? Are the shows any good? They use enough talent to justify the shows being good (Low Ki, Pac, Generico etc.)

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Finlay vs Callihan at Evolve 9 or some number around that point was quality, but I'm not massive on the promotion otherwise (PURE SPORTS). Also, Gabe giving people free gifts for grassing up pirates on a form on his website is really fucking greasy and makes me hate the cunt.

Edited by PowerButchi
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