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There's no way that was intended. Richards reaction following it was shock. He didn't even try to kayfabe it. He huddled over London to see if he was alright immediately upon impact. I think he must have just over shot a double foot stomp to the chest.


The thing that bothered me even more was seeing a clearly out of it Paul London slump in the corner and then the highspot they went for. I mean at that point it looks like London doesn't know where he is so I can understand why he's just thinking about the finish but surely between them the ref and Richards could have worked a quickie safe ending to get it over with? Seeing London on the top rope was disturbing.


I dunno, I'm probably being harsh there.

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I seriously cannot watch that double stomp anymore, it is sickening me, at the time it looked bad but seeing it a few times today, slowed down aswel, jesus christ.


Surely to god London was not down with that, he is 10+ year veteran, who has done some wild shit in the ring, but this is another level, it is by no means exaggerating to say that jumping up like that and stamping down can kill someone, hell you see it in newspapers all the time, a scrap on a saturday night, you kick somebody in the head you are playing with fire.


Accidents happen, i get that, but that was a stupid spot done by a stupid prick.


Davey Richards needs to wake up and realise this aint MMA, this aint a place to take out your aggression or a playground for your roid rage, jumped up little twat.

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Does anybody know if there is actually a 'safe' way to do the double foot stomp because somebody jumping from the top rope on top of you just seems like the craziest idea ever, despite it being such an indy staple these days. I've seen a lot of guys land on the shoulder/arm area but even that seems like it's asking for trouble

I've often wondered that too. Incidentally, I've noticed Sonjay Dutt doing his moonsault double-stomp on TNA lately. It seems such a reckless thing to do.

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That Double Foot Stomp is horrific. There both idiots for doing it, especially Richards. It's not the worst thing I've seen as I remember someone posting a clip of Devon Moore kicking some bloke in the face and kirb stomping him in IWA. Whilst he was doing this Devon Moore shouted 'Learn to fuckin sell'. Disgusting.


Edit - Also to make the incident worse the fans chant "You killed Paul".

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I've never really seen or got into ROH. I used to buy powerslam and see picture from their ppvs. Decided i'd give it a go. So I brought the 11th anniversary show and super card of honour 2013.


Gotta say I'm impressed. Just finished watching the American wolves vs redDragon on super card. It blows wwe's tag division out the water.


As for the single matches. I'm liking mike bennett and matt taravn.


If it was on TV over here I'd watch it and I'm sure a few other people who haven't seen it would give it a go.


Only person I'm not that into is Kevin Steen, he's OK

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Yeah I don't really get it. I think one of my main gripes is that he is talking about putting ROH out of business and so on and so forth but why would that suit SCUM? Why are they trying to make themselves unemployed? I could be missing something but I don't fully understand the motive behind this power struggle. Corino also said something daft during Steen vs Cole on the TV show a few weeks back like "Yeah, I'm friends with Adam Cole, I do have other stuff going on outside of wrestling"....nobody doubts that, it's just not strictly relevant to the whole angle you're meant to be selling. :confused:

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Corino also said something daft during Steen vs Cole on the TV show a few weeks back like "Yeah, I'm friends with Adam Cole, I do have other stuff going on outside of wrestling"....nobody doubts that, it's just not strictly relevant to the whole angle you're meant to be selling. :confused:

That sounds like terrible dogshit. I can't stand when they try and slip a bit of "this is real" in. The whole deal is pretending it's all real. Don't tell me something that's real and highlight how truly not real everything is. "Lita was 'married' to Kane on TV, but Amy Dumas was coming home every night to ME" comes to mind. :sneaky:
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Stream has died on the Ring of Honor show for those poor sods who bought it. I should really be ashamed of myself because I'm only gutted because its going to delay when I can torrent it. I really wanted to watch Steen vs Hardy as well.IPPV just doesn't work does it? Its alright if you are a very small indy because nobody buys them. If you have over 1000 people buying this, the whole idea of it is fucked. This cant keep happening surely. Fucking hells bollocks. Maybe its God's (Jay Briscoe is a believer after all) way of saying the Briscoes shouldnt be in main events.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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