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Boxing Thread

Egg Shen

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DeGale won me over. In recent years he's pulled off one of those pro wrestling-esque face-turns for me, i think he sewed the seeds of that when he made a fool of George Groves in the run-up to their fight. Channel 5's did a great job with him too when they were airing his fights...im a fully fledged member of Team Chunky now :D


The Play-Off final is proper eating into the boxing coverage this evening though :(

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DeGale is going to have to knock him out because he won't get a decision on an Al Haymon fighter on an Al Haymon show.

:laugh: well, it was close but one judge gave it to DeGale 117-109 so that's your theory out of the window Rossman.


I scored it 114-112 for DeGale, even after 10. DeGale had the dream start, and i don't know if he got complacent after 5-6 rounds but he slowly just let Dirrell come back into it, DeGale gutting it out for the final two rounds snatched him the title for me. Quality fight though.

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The Play-Off final is proper eating into the boxing coverage this evening though :(

My language was terrible.


Chuffed for Chunky. I had him winning by 3 or 4 points. Those middle/late rounds made it debatable, but overall, I think the right man got the verdict. That Canadian judge's card was a bit much though.

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I got that one wrong, DeGale on a points win. It was a close fight. 117-109 from the Canadian judge, don't know where he pulled that one from. The other two judges had it closer on 114-112. It could have gone either way really, After the early knockdowns and dominant performance. DeGale didn't seem to do much in the 2nd half of the fight, Dirrell was walking through his punches and hitting him with some good shots. It was the last two rounds that swayed it with the judges, DeGale got his act together and starting throwing pressurised combo's. I doubt there was much steam on them but they looked effective.

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I can understand the Canadian judge's score even though I disagree with it. Despite the commentary wanking over Dirrell's work in rounds 5-9, he never laid a glove on Degale really and Degale finished a lot of the rounds with a little flurry that probably stuck in his mind.


As a boxing match, it was close because Dirrell being a bit busier probably nicked those rounds but as a fight, it was a pasting. That shot in round two after he'd been cut and looked in trouble might be the best punch Degale ever throws. It was sensational. Degale caught him with 15-20 really decent punches and only received 2-3 in return.


I was slightly disappointed he didn't finish it but Dirrell did recover well. Cracking fight.

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i can't stress enough how much Halling & Watt need to go, they are fucking dinosaurs out there. Horrible commentary team, i don't understand why Sky keep them. They need a fresher, younger team.. I actually think i dislike Halling more than Watt, some of the stuff he says out there just baffles me.

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i can't stress enough how much Halling & Watt need to go, they are fucking dinosaurs out there. Horrible commentary team, i don't understand why Sky keep them. They need a fresher, younger team.. I actually think i dislike Halling more than Watt, some of the stuff he says out there just baffles me.

I agree.


They really spoil it for me. They seem to hark on about whatever point they are trying to make over and over then suddenly they will switch tact and state the opposite.


They try and build some sense of excitement but end up sounding like a couple of old fellas chatting over a cuppa in the local nursing home.

Edited by Brock Goldberg
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Jim Watt's such a joyless cunt. He could have Miss World and the two runners up all sucking his sour, wrinkled up cock under the announcers desk and he'd be moaning about the fucking air conditioning.

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Barry Jones on Boxnation is a top commentator. Watt and Rawlings are terrible.

I thought Groves actually got the better of Degale when they were on Ringside that time. Degale has turned Face for me as well though. Hopefully Groves beats Jack to set up a mouthwatering rematch. The Groves fight will also be in america.

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I like Ian Darke as a commentator. Nick Halling is fucking awful. How that twat had managed to get from Southampton stadium announcer to ruiner of American Football and Boxing on Sky is beyond me.


Wand correctly summed up Jim Watt. Just a joyless cunt. As a pair Halling/Watt are also terrible suck ups to whichever fighter the promoter wants to win. I have on occasion put them on mute.

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I actually thought Degale had blown it. Watching the US broadcast, the general feeling was that he was becoming too laid back and was allowing Dirrell to get back into the fight and look good simply because he was being allowed to do more.


Glad he won it though.

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Jim Watt's such a joyless cunt. He could have Miss World and the two runners up all sucking his sour, wrinkled up cock under the announcers desk and he'd be moaning about the fucking air conditioning.

They got their tactics all wrong. They needed to impose themselves more, and not be fancy dans.

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Did anyone see Mike Perez vs. Alexander Povetkin from Friday night? It was over within 90 seconds. Povetkin caught Perez with a cracking right hook over the top & Perez was wobbling all over the place. Perez got in close for a half-hearted clinch but Povetkin spun him and with his free hand clobbered Perez with a swift, sharp right cross. Perez was flattened and out on his feet but he beat the count. The referee should have stopped it, Perez couldn't even lift his gloves up and stood there like a statue. Povetkin came forward threw a weak combination and Perez went sprawling into the ropes & the fight was called off.



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