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*Official* Youtube.com cool finds thread

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Thanks for posting that Lister. That St Valentines Day Massacre was touted as a big deal back then. There wasn't as much hype for Hulk Hogan working the TNA tapings in London and Manchester this year than there was for RVD and Sabu pitting their wits on the same supercard as SUPER TALENTS like the Dirt Bike Kid. This was back before the days of full promotions coming over to do shows and wrestling in this country was a far bigger laughing stock than it is now. It was a pretty good show from what I remember as well. I'd like to see Kenny McBride return to the broadcast booth with PowerButchi as the Ventura to his Schiavone.


Where is Dirt Bike these days, Lister? You heard much of him? He's a Charles Manson like fascination with me. A man with no redeeming qualities, but someone I'm drawn to. He was very shit, looked terrible and by all accounts was a complete cock end, but he was in magazines in 1998. Magazines! He must have been great. And he was mates with Sabu. That was better than anything Wade Barrett, Pac and Magnus ever did.

Edited by The_BarbarIAN
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Credit's due to BxB_Hulk for the link -- I just remembered the Fleisch appearance at the end. I'm afraid my answer to DBK's current location is the usual one that's now getting very dated: last I heard after the Sasuke incident was that he's a stuntman. As he's presumably about 40 now, that may not be the case.


To be fair my main memory of the event was when I wrote about it for PowerSlam and headlined it Mr Saturday Night. It's the happiest I've ever heard Fin Martin because he's probably far more of a film lover than a wrestling fan.


I wrote a piece on the 10th anniversary of this show that I later included in Greetings Grapple Fans. I'll spoiler it below for the benefit of those who are scrolling through the thread for video links.


<-- click on 'spoiler' to show/hide the spoiler


This week marks the 10th anniversary of the third and final show put on by Jason ‘Dirt Bike Kid’ Harrison in Walthamstow, arguably the first events specifically aimed at the UK’s ‘smark’ generation. Though they were far from spectacular business successes, many of today’s internet-based promotions and stars have their roots in the three ‘European Wrestling Alliance’ shows.


The first show (which, hard as it may be for modern indy fans to believe, had no official name) took place on 7 July 1995 and was based entirely around the UK debut of Sabu, to the point that no other match was advertised. While overseas wrestlers had made countless tours over the years, this was likely the first time a performer was flown to the UK for a single date.


Even with the

Edited by JNLister
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Who on earth is Ross Gordon? just started watching this and I'm wondering what the fuck he is doing fronting this show with the interviews etc


And also 1st match has just begun and the referee seems to be a Japanese midget haha

Edited by BxB Hulk
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He's former editor of the UK fanzine Sucker Punch, booker of UCW and a good pal of John Lister and Kenny McBride. He looked about 14 on that. I assume he doesn't look like that now.


Nah, he now looks at least 16. He and Kenny produced the video here.


I think the referee is the Japanese guy living in the UK who arranged the Michinoku dates in 1996.

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This was shared by The Defend Indy Wrestling Page the other day, Cracking little video



I predict good things for Flash Morgan on the UK scene. Wild Boar is very good too. It reminds me I haven't been to any UK shows in about a year.

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Just wanted to add another thanks to the link for the EWA show from '98.


I was at that show as well as the earlier "Ultra Kaos" show in '96 which is here


I think I bought St Valentine's Massacre from a dvd dealer a few years ago, but I haven't seen the '96 show since I was there for it live, so that's a great find.

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