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FCW 22/4


Some good stuff featuring Damien Sandow, Bray Wyatt and the Vaders lad/Corey Graves team. There's other, less good stuff too, but it's a pretty solid show.


Also Abraham Washington uses Rikishi's "Bad Man" music! :cool:


Edit: And Regal on comm's! "Walt Disney will be spinning in his fridge!"

Edited by T_S_S_A
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Lita gets the absolute shit kicked out of her by Triple H and Stonecold Steve Austin in a segment that would never see the light of day these days.


Have to admit, although it's all a work I do find it pretty unsettling viewing at points.




Didn't see the light of day in England (at least, on the repeats, didn't get to see the late Friday showing of RAW at the time.) but I remember it was a massive angle at the time.

Edited by TezzRexx
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Even on the late night showing, it was really heavily edited to take out most of the shots to Lita. First time I've seen the uncut version and thats quite disturbing to watch, even if it is all a work.

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