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This week I watched Chocolate, from the same team that brought us Ong Bak and Warrior King.


Sadly, this didn't come close to matching the aforementioned movies. There's some interesting bits of choreography in there, and Jeeja Yanin is capable of some decent kicks, but she lacks the fluidity of Tony Jaa. She also doesn't have a physique or the intensity to believably plough through henchmen.

This isn't helped by the bad guys paying tribute to the Shaw Brothers bit players, and lining up to get beaten up one at a time.


When performing some of the more gymnastic moves, she's very slow and looks out of her element. There's a scene where she's climbing through railings, similar to Jackie Chan in Operation Condor, but moves very slowly and woodenly.


There's also some obvious CGI, and even more obvious wire work. This instantly took away its chances of competing with Onk Bak or Warrior King.


During the credits, we get the obligatory out-takes. However, with the lead actress being a teenage girl, it was quite uncomfortable watching her taking kicks to the face. In one out-take, she gets kicked in the face, and then cries like a young girl, and that's because she IS a young girl.

Other out-takes show her getting her ankles iced down so she can continue shooting.

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Race to Witch Mountain. Not bad, The Rock is very funny and its generally a decent disney family movie. Wished theere had been more explanation of the governments plan and also of the experiments, surprised and for some reason slightly dissapointed they didnt put in more "your planet going to die unless you stop the shit your doing to it" stuff from the kids.


Generally a good fun film

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This week I watched Chocolate, from the same team that brought us Ong Bak and Warrior King.


Sadly, this didn't come close to matching the aforementioned movies. There's some interesting bits of choreography in there, and Jeeja Yanin is capable of some decent kicks, but she lacks the fluidity of Tony Jaa. She also doesn't have a physique or the intensity to believably plough through henchmen.

This isn't helped by the bad guys paying tribute to the Shaw Brothers bit players, and lining up to get beaten up one at a time.


When performing some of the more gymnastic moves, she's very slow and looks out of her element. There's a scene where she's climbing through railings, similar to Jackie Chan in Operation Condor, but moves very slowly and woodenly.


There's also some obvious CGI, and even more obvious wire work. This instantly took away its chances of competing with Onk Bak or Warrior King.


During the credits, we get the obligatory out-takes. However, with the lead actress being a teenage girl, it was quite uncomfortable watching her taking kicks to the face. In one out-take, she gets kicked in the face, and then cries like a young girl, and that's because she IS a young girl.

Other out-takes show her getting her ankles iced down so she can continue shooting.


You should have watched Ong Bak 2 instead!

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Watched Transformers for the umpteenth time today and love it each and every time. Michael Bay is a really good director for creating that epic scenario and I'm really looking forward to what he does with Revenge of the fallen, especially with the larger enemies to contend with.


I'm sure there are people out there who would gladly disagree with me and point out every purely rational reason as to why they disagree, but I personally think it's the perfect popcorn film. Doesn't require much thought and contains the very sexy Megan Fox.


I just watched Street Fighter: The Movie. :(

I'm just watching it now on Watch+1. I personally love the film for its over the top campness.

Edited by Steveo2007
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went to the cinema yesterday for a double whammy...


Fast & Furious - you know what your gonna get with this. If you was expecting anything other than a ridiculous boy racer's wet dream you're abit of an idiot to be fair. I fucking enjoyed it, the story is a simple kind of revenge tail that throws in some very impressive car chases. 100mins of sheer adrenaline and cheesy dialogue. You gotta be in the mood for this kind of thing, and i was. Easy going fun.


** few slight spoilers below **


Knowing - a few people i know have said this was awful, so i didnt know what to expect. I thought this was fucking great! it's easy to see where the story would just lose people where they'd be like 'yeh, whatever', cause it's a little far fetched to say the least. A weird mashup of Close Encounters & Final Destination. If you can susped disbelief and just go with this you'll probably get a kick out of it.

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Watched Transformers for the umpteenth time today and love it each and every time. Michael Bay is a really good director for creating that epic scenario and I'm really looking forward to what he does with Revenge of the fallen, especially with the larger enemies to contend with.


I'm sure there are people out there who would gladly disagree with me and point out every purely rational reason as to why they disagree, but I personally think it's the perfect popcorn film. Doesn't require much thought and contains the very sexy Megan Fox.


How about him directing the new ThunderCats movie?

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:yinyang: I had a few hours to kill before work so i watched 17 Again and you know what i really enjoyed it. It was quite a funny film and although he's only in it for all of 5 minutes Chandler Bing Matthew Perry steals the show. So all in all despite them treading quite a fine line with the incest jokes it was a good film and Zac Efron really does a good Matthew Perry impression 'cos that's basically all he's doing throughout the entire film.
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Definitely Maybe


A child actress I can tolerate! (she's in "No reservations" and is very likeable despite being an American child). Isla Fisher (who I love) playing exactly the kind of character I love! With her Australian accent only occasionally accidentally creeping into the performance! Onto a winner so far. Also, Ryan Reynolds! I quite like him, though he was a bit ridiculous in Blade 3. He's not doing his Van Wilder/Old School thing here though, he's a father telling the story of his past romances. He's getting divorced and his daughter wants to know about how he met her mum. He decides to tell her how he met the three main girlfriends he had in his life (with the names changed) and she has to guess which one was her mum. The story covers 15 years, so there's period music and plenty of the times they are-a-changin' moments, which are largely done rather well. The premise is fine, the execution is solid and the whole thing is warm and fuzzy and moving even if the ending is predictably corny. I had a very real need for him to eventually end up with the Isla Fisher character, so I guess I was invested to some extent.


It helps that Rachel Weisz is in it too. She's tremendous and I will not hear otherwise. She is also pleasing on the eye.


The other woman is the actress who plays Kim in Scrubs. She's alreet. Her character in Scrubs is more fun than this one, but then she's not supposed to be the fun and exciting one, she's meant to be the ever-present highschool sweetheart type, and she does fine with that.


I don't know where I'm going with this meandering "review". Erm, I liked it, I thought it was good.


In conclusion, I wish I could bring myself to hate Sascha Baron Cohen, but I can't do it because he's awesome. Well done, you lucky bastard.


Baby Mama


Heheh, this was fun. Tina Fey is a marvelous human being. 30 Rock, Mean Girls, SNL, horn-rimmed glasses, all good things. She's really feisty but would probably (and rightly) hate it if you were to describe her as feisty. I find that very appealing. Romany Malco is also good at being a person. 40 Year Old Virgin, Weeds, facial hair that doesn't connect to anything because he shaves his head and yet doesn't look ridiculous, being called "Romany" and somehow pulling it off. These are also good things.


Tina Fey wants a baby but her doctor reckons her odds are terrible. She has a good job and has always put her career ahead of anything else, but at 37 has decided that it's time to have a kid. After trying various options she decides to use a surrogate mother service. The mother is a white trash slob with a deadbeat husband (Dax Shepherd from Punk'd and other things. He has a small role but makes the most of it and is funny funny.) She moves in with Tina and they are all different and it is funny. The surrogate mother is played by Amanda Poehleoehelehoeheohleoehlehlehlhoehler. She's from SNL and was Regina George's mother in Mean Girls. She's very good also.


Steve Martin is fucking fantastic in this movie. He really is. He's the head honcho of a chain of organic supermarkets and is a sort of money-grabbing-pretentious-pseudo-environmentalist-ego-maniacal-lecherous-super-hippie. Contradictory, unpredictable, sporting a horrendous mid-life crisis ponytail and stealing the show whenever he's on screen. "That's a great idea, I'm going to reward you with five minutes of uninterrupted eye contact". Superb.


Sigourney Weaver is also fun as the slightly creepy lady who runs the surrogacy service.


Aside from a romance bit with Greg Kinnear that I didn't think was entirely necessary I thoroughly enjoyed this film. I would recommend it.


After these two it became apparent that I need to buy some new DVDs badly. My need to watch something, anything, during my downtime has caused me to sink to new depths recently.


Deep depths. Really deep.


Firstly, Ella Enchanted. Yeah I said it. It's a kids' movie and you're right to judge me. It stars Anne Hathaway, who is just ludicrously beautiful. Staggeringly so. I just kind of stared at her for the whole movie, which is probably for the best because it was a patchy affair. Anne stars as the titular Ella, who was given a "gift" at birth that makes her do whatever she's told. If she's given a direct instruction, she just does it.


The implications for this given the aforementioned eye-melting beauty of Miss Hathaway are quite intriguing, but as mentioned earlier: kiddy movie. It has some mildly comedic results. She meets the handsome prince of the land, who is universally adored by all females except Ella, who objects to the king's politics and objects to the prince by association. Yes, they ultimately fall in love and are married, well done for predicting that.


He really isn't dashing or handsome enough to pull off the character. I was unimpressed. The King is a hilarious pantomime villain figure who entertained me quite a bit. He has plans to kill the prince (who is his nephew) and we later found out that he killed the prince's father too. He wants ALLLL THE POWAH. He finds out about Ella's obedience problem and makes her do stuff. It's not as awesome as it sounds. Other things happen. She frees herself of the "gift" at the end. She also picks up an irritating elf sidekick at some point. They also meet ogres and giants. The scenes with the giants are poorly done in terms of conveying the size difference between them and our heroes, though the idea of a gigantic Heidi Klum has a certain appeal.


Oh yeah, and The King has a hilariously camp serpent as his right hand man. The serpent (aside from Hathaway :love:) is the best thing in this movie. He's voiced by Steve Coogan, who must have had the time of his life doing the hammiest voice acting ever. It is legitimately hilarious. Eddie Murphy's Donkey has nothing on Heston the serpent.


I didn't hate this as much as I should have done, which is quite a concern. With a less enchanting (Ha!) lead actress I'd have found it harder to stomach, but the serpent and a few of the obedience gags were fun enough. Also Joanna Lumley plays an evil stepmother, which is a good role for her.


Then I had a fight and smashed a glass bottle over someone's head and bought Nuts magazine because I love proper big tits and Formula 1.



When I got back from the pub (20 stitches in my forehead from nuttin' the barstard so fackin' 'ard), I settled down to watch Enchanted. Not to be confused with the film I mentioned above.


Shut up.


Lead actress is pretty and has outstanding cleavage. Also the film is quite a larf, and again I didn't hate it like I should have hated it. If this is the standard of kiddy movies these days then taking my own offspring to the cinema some time down the line won't be all that horrible. Gisele is our main character. She's a Disney lady, with animal helpers and spontaneous singing and a desire to meet a handsome prince and live happily ever after. It starts of animated and she's singing an uber-cheesy song. She runs into trouble and is rescued by a handsome prince. They instantly decide that they will wed the next morning in true Disney style.


Then, through a series of bizarre events involving a wicked witch and stuff, she's transported out of her animated world and into the real one. From there it's a fish out of water tale (I just said fish out of water tale, please shoot me), interspersed with much fun-pokery at the conventions of these movies. She wanders about all lost, doesn't understand people etc. She gets picked up and taken in by a nice gent who agrees to let her stay because he thinks she's some kind of lost lunatic wandering the streets with nowhere to go.


Then funny stuff happens. She summons animals to help clean up his flat, complete with a song etc. except he's in New York, so it's pigeons, rats and cockroaches and it becomes apparent that it's actually fairly unsanitary and gross to clean one's house in this manner when not in animated Disney land. Over time she comes to realise the ridiculosity (look it up) of marrying a guy she's known for one day, and is introduced to the idea of dating and getting to know people and stuff. This is actually quite a novel take on the idea and it's mostly well done. Also her spontaneous songs and naive Disney-isms are good for some laughs too. "How long have you known this guy?" "One day! And tomorrow it will be TWO DAYS!!" *stares dreamily into distance*.


The prince eventually travels through to find her. James Marsden (Cyclops!) plays the part and is brilliantly over the top with the mannerisms and the giant grins etc. He calls people "peasants" and "rescues" a bunch of bus passengers from the "metal beast" that has swallowed them. Hee hee. He finds her and she's all "maybe we should spend a bit of time together before getting married and living happily ever after". He's baffled by this idea but they try it out, with highlarious results.


You know what, I liked this movie. Aside from a horrible song and dance number (which made sense, I just hate song and dance numbers), I thought it was a nice idea that was well executed and got a few laughs out of me. The ending is ridiculous in that she ends up staying in the real world with the guy who rescued her. It troubled me in the same way as Legally Blonde. She's cute and adorably naive and stuff, but it'd be like marrying a child or, y'know, a cartoon character, because she is intentionally designed to be a largely two-dimensional Disney archetype. The idea of a well-educated father in his late thirties falling for her and marrying her is just a bit too silly. Then the guy's existing girlfriend ends up hooking up with the prince and going to live in his cartoony land, which is equally mental. Actually, it's decidedly more mental.


Aside from that it was most watchable. I don't know why I tell people about these things though, what a couple of movies to admit to watching. Wow.

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