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Guest DJM

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I find it hard to believe that any film is so irredeemably bad that it can't be saved by Eva Mendes' buttocks.


Head over Heels sounds intriguing. I also saw Girls Just Wanna have fun in Sainsburys for

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Agreed on the Resident Evil film. I saw it while scouring a torrent site around Christmas time and a large group of us Resident Evil obsessives got together to watch it. I thought the scenes in the airport were uniformly excellent, plenty of action, but by the time it got to the main ending bit in that lab I was wishing it would hurry up and end, as it seemed to have a variety of fake endings. Certainly not boring, and it was good to hear Leon again (I never played the other games, so I can't comment on the other people and voices). I'd have actually liked to see an animated film version of Res 4, as the plot of that game was more interesting to me than this film.

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Absolute insanity from beginning to end. A film which started off at 100 mph and never really slowed up. Jason Statham is a man who is poisoned and must do exciting things to stay alive. These exciting things mainly involve fighting, shooting people and driving extremely fast. The purest distillation of a million action films, I can't believe I never saw it when it came out. Jason Statham, I love you.


10 / 10



I hope you don't go and watch his other films off the back of this... I fucking loved Crank, and then read Statham saying that he thought The Transporter was his best film. My bro also reccomended it so I gave it a watch it was total turd. Also, from watching an interview on the extras, Statham is a moron.


I hope Crank 2 is good, but I fear that first one may have just been a one-off shot of brilliance.

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Absolute insanity from beginning to end. A film which started off at 100 mph and never really slowed up. Jason Statham is a man who is poisoned and must do exciting things to stay alive. These exciting things mainly involve fighting, shooting people and driving extremely fast. The purest distillation of a million action films, I can't believe I never saw it when it came out. Jason Statham, I love you.


10 / 10



I hope you don't go and watch his other films off the back of this... I fucking loved Crank, and then read Statham saying that he thought The Transporter was his best film. My bro also reccomended it so I gave it a watch it was total turd. Also, from watching an interview on the extras, Statham is a moron.


I hope Crank 2 is good, but I fear that first one may have just been a one-off shot of brilliance.


The worst thing about The Transporter is Statham's poor attempt at an american accent. This alone made the film unwatchable for me.


I haven't watched anything new recentley. However based on peoples opinions in this thread and the Best Movie of 2008 thread I have In Bruges and Crank to watch over the next few days. Oh and Seven Pounds which I've heard is very good.

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I don't mind the first two Transporter films, for what they are, but part 3 is awful. Way too much romance in the plot, and way too little fighting and decent action. I think the director of parts 1 and 2 left before 3, which may explain it, but it was a good little franchise and I think part 3 may well have ruined it.


I'm really glad someone's watching Crank based on my recommendation though. I loved it so much I bought it the next day, and will no doubt force groups of my friends to watch it in the coming weeks. It's like someone thought Shoot Em Up was a good idea, but it wasn't quite insane enough, then made Crank (I know the dates probably mean the opposite was more likely, but I'm trying to make a point about how truly awesome it is).


When I mentioned to my good lady that I'd spent all weekend watching Colin Farrell films, she proceeded to make up a song about how much I loved him, and how I wanted a bromance with him. Bah.

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The Incredible Hulk


I hated the first newgen 'Hulk' film there was so much about it I didn't like from the super OTT villian to Hulk changing size every few seconds to his super jumping and lack of dramatic storyline. I still love my superhero movies so I gave this one a go as well but it would be fair to say I was expecting to hate it.


I loved it.


Okay Hulk is still horribly CGI'd in places but he's a lot more 'realisitc' now and looks dented. burnt and hurt instead of supergreen all the time, the storyline is better as is the build up of the bad guys, the set pieces are a lot better too. And he doesn't do 'silly' jumping more the fast paced bounding that is how he's supposed to travel.


Okay I'm from the 'old school' Lou Farigno TV Series Hulk and some of the 80's comic books rather than superhulk that has been around recently. But a bit of realism never goes amis.


Sure it's still a 'popcorn' movie and some things are superdaft, for example the revalation that if you don't have a pass or key then Pizza works just as well. But if you can overlook these things then underneath is a decent little superhero movie just as good as anything else that's been out in the last few years.


Definately worth a look if you like the Hulk even if you hated the first movie.

Edited by DJ Stevie C
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The Incredible Hulk


I hated the first newgen 'Hulk' film there was so much about it I didn't like from the super OTT villian to Hulk changing size every few seconds to his super jumping and lack of dramatic storyline. I still love my superhero movies so I gave this one a go as well but it would be fair to say I was expecting to hate it.


I loved it.


Okay Hulk is still horribly CGI'd in places but he's a lot more 'realisitc' now and looks dented. burnt and hurt instead of supergreen all the time, the storyline is better as is the build up of the bad guys, the set pieces are a lot better too. And he doesn't do 'silly' jumping more the fast paced bounding that is how he's supposed to travel.


Okay I'm from the 'old school' Lou Farigno TV Series Hulk and some of the 80's comic books rather than superhulk that has been around recently. But a bit of realism never goes amis.


Sure it's still a 'popcorn' movie and some things are superdaft, for example the revalation that if you don't have a pass or key then Pizza works just as well. But if you can overlook these things then underneath is a decent little superhero movie just as good as anything else that's been out in the last few years.


Definately worth a look if you like the Hulk even if you hated the first movie.

I didn't think the first one was that bad. I mean, he's a scientist who turns into a super badass green dude, so asking for too much realism is probably a step far. I didn't notice him changing size that much (although I wasn't looking for it, admittedly) and thought Jennifer Connelly was better than Liv Tyler in the Betsy role.

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The first did, however, have Hulk dogs. The OTT villain was pretty bad but the dogs were inexcusable. I'd have enjoyed the film much more if it hadn't been for them. The best thing about Ang Lee's one, for me, was that it felt like a comic book that had been brought to life. The super jumping, that Stevie apparently hates, was very prevalent in the Hulk comics I read when I was a kid so, for me, that whole action sequence with him jumping through the mountains and taking down the helicopters was bad ass, it was the Hulk I remembered from when I was growing up put on the big screen. Sure, I also grew up watching (and loved) the Lou Ferigno Hulk series but surely anyone can see that was a diluted version of the comic character which had been spliced with The Littlest Hobo?


What have I watched recently... Well, lot's of things. I never write in this thread though, sadly. Staying on the comic book subject, I watched the 1989 Punisher movie last night. I loved this film as a kid and it's easy to see why; it's violent and bloody, has a load of unrealistic explosions and a lead character that's a bit deranged. However, this was the first time I'd seen it since I was about 10 and it looks absolutely terrible now. Storyline wise, I didn't think it was too bad. It's written by the guy who wrote Karate Kid, Lethal Weapon 3, all of the Transporter films and Taken to give you some idea of good vs bad absolutes it's dealing in. A lot of the action sequences were really badly shot, though - one shot of a guy shooting/throwing something, followed by a really badly acted shot of the of the victim. Laughably bad, but in a kitschy 80's low budget action movie way. The one thing I took away from this though, was that if Marvel wanted to do it right, they could possibly do something as dark and menacing as the recent Batman films. The realism from the organised crime aspect would lend itself well to it. However, I didn't much like the Thomas Jane effort and I hear War Zone's even worse. C'est la vie...

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However, I didn't much like the Thomas Jane effort and I hear War Zone's even worse. C'est la vie...

I thought the Thomas Jane one was really good. He's an absolute dead ringer for the Frank Castle of the comics and aside from a few silly bits it's an excellent film. The new one I've heard nothing good about, but it's not out yet so I'll hold my tongue. The director is a woman, so it'll be interesting what she does with such a brutal male character.

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Glengarry Glen Ross might be my favourite film. It's an acting masterclass and endlessly quotable, Give it another go LaGoosh.


Last night whilst channel hopping in a bid to fall asleep, I caught grisly 2001 rom-com Head Over Heels "starring" lunk-headed charisma vacuum Freddie Prinze Jr. and the mousy Monica Potter. She's a kooky arty type who lives with four wacky supermodels in a high-rise apartment that overlooks Freddie Prinze Jr's chest (honestly he goes shirtless in this thing in practically every second or third scene). Anyways, after falling... HEAD OVER HEELS for him, she thinks she witnesses him killing someone in his apartment, so she enlists the help of the models to find out the truth... while dating him! As you can imagine, all manner of hijinks ensue, complete with some of the worst bathroom humour and gay inneundo ever written into a script. Meanwhile, the acting from Prinze and Potter is so awful that words cannot do it justice, it has to be seen to be believed.


Infact, I am requesting, nay demanding that JLM review this.

Just saw this in CEX for

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Watched In Bruges last night. The first half hour was a bit slow and could have probably been cut down by about 10 minutes, but once it got going it was very enjoyable. Some great moments with Colin Farell, and I think the contrast between Ken and Ray made the film much better. Although very good I can't put it at the top of my 'best film of 2008' as I don't think it was as good as Burn After Reading. I'm going to try and find all the films from 2008 that I've watched and come to a decision then. Not that you're interested I'm sure. :)

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I saw Get Smart the other day and was really pleasantly surprised. I was expecting a few laughs, but a pretty generic comedy... but it really was a cut above that.


I think the main thing that swung it for me is that even though it was a Spy comedy, the main guy wasn't an incompetent agent just there for buffoonery. It made the film feel more balanced and I could enjoy it more knowing that I would be spared the predictable 'journey' for the character to go through till he eventually does something right at the end and saves the world when only he could.

Edited by Chest Rockwell
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Watched Taken last night, great little action film, think James Bond daughters being kidnapped, hes goes looking for the culprits in France but without any shit romance... Obviously not bond but maybe his twin:) a little apperance from Holly Valance aswel!!

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The first did, however, have Hulk dogs. The OTT villain was pretty bad but the dogs were inexcusable. I'd have enjoyed the film much more if it hadn't been for them. The best thing about Ang Lee's one, for me, was that it felt like a comic book that had been brought to life. The super jumping, that Stevie apparently hates, was very prevalent in the Hulk comics I read when I was a kid so, for me, that whole action sequence with him jumping through the mountains and taking down the helicopters was bad ass, it was the Hulk I remembered from when I was growing up put on the big screen. Sure, I also grew up watching (and loved) the Lou Ferigno Hulk series but surely anyone can see that was a diluted version of the comic character which had been spliced with The Littlest Hobo?


I understand what you're saying, however I wasn't a huge comic book reader and although I did see some Hulk comics I didn't remember him jumping 500 miles in a single bound, I remembered him more for short quick paced hops rather than big jumps. And nothing apparent about it, I hated the big jumps!

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