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DVD's and Films You Have Watched Recently

Guest DJM

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I'll concede that I'm alone in the Prepon thing (also just found out she's a scientologist, eew)

Just wanted to say you're not alone on Laura Prepon :love: Although, that's probably just because I've always had a thing for pretty redheads. Oddly, I don't like her anywhere near as much now she's blonde. Oh, check out the new series she's in, October Road I think it's called. My girlfriend got really into it and althought I only caught a few episodes, it looked alright. I'm not sure if it's on TV over here, we were watching it online.


The Scientology thing could be a deal breaker, though.


All this talk about the Street Fighter movies has really made me want to watch them again. Even the live action version - I'm not sure I've seen it since it was in the cinema...

Edited by elegia
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Oh yeah, I also watched stuff. More Alias, to be more specific. The first thing that has pissed me off royally has just happened.


SPOILER - Highlight the black box to read

That being the most blatant re-write ever. Seriously, fuggin terrible. End of Season 3, Sydney finds documentation that suggests that her father was responsible for either a) Her two years as a covenant slave or b) the covenant as a whole, in that he's their leader and that she is one of their projects and has been since birth.


They then totally fucking bottled it, decided that the documents contained information proving that Jack killed Sydney's mother (despite a flashback which SHOWED THE DOCUMENTS AGAIN AND PUT IT RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU THAT THEY SAID NO SUCH THING), and then carried on as if that had always been the case. I'd put money on Sydney's mother not being dead and them bottling this one as well. There's a scene where she tells her boyfriend what she saw, and I gave the writers the benefit of the doubt, assuming that she was lying to him because she couldn't quite comprehend this discovery. But no, we're supposed to believe it. Argh. I'll see it out anyway, but that is some shitty work right there.


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watched 3 very different movies last night:


Step Brothers - saw it in the cinema before and was in the mood for something light. This probably my fav. Will Ferrell film, so stupid, very funny. I loved it. It's one of them movies that crams so much in that every time you see it you're gonna laugh at something else.


Smart People - been meaning to check this out for awhile as it seemed to be cut from the same cloth as Sideways. I was right, it's a similar kind of movie. Reviews haven't been too favorable but i really liked it. Basically a character study piece on a house of flawed characters, it was the kind of thing that could have been boring as shit (and probably would be to alot of people) but i found the performances and witty script kept it very watchable. Thomas Hayden Church was fantastic.


The Sea Inside - after Smart People it was 2am but i wasn't tired so i put this on, i thought maybe i'd watch half hour and pass out. 2 hours later i was hooked to the screen. The story of a Spanish quadriplegic, Ramon, who fought for the right to end his own life. I only got this because it starred Javier Bardem and i hadn't seen No Country For Old Men so i wanted to see more of the guy. Completely heartbreaking story, the film bases around Ramon's struggle and shows how his condition effects the people close to him (the film is set almost entirely in one room). I think the sign of a good film is when you come out of it and actually feel something long after the titles have rolled. I went to bed after this and strangely felt a sense of loneliness and was slightly disturbed by the whole thing, it's weird how a 2 hour movie can effect you so much. *****. Brilliant, Bardem's performance needs to be seen to be believed.

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Aye, that animated movie is generally pretty terrific too.


Sure, Vega only gets two or three lines, but having him as an underground cagefighter (whilst keeping the insane narcissism alive) makes some sense and his look and demeanour are superb. He doesn't look much like his in-game character facially, but the rest of the look is great. Compare him with what they did to Sagat and Balrog and he's done well. Especially Sagat. Jesus.


As for him being the best character in the whole series, I'm a fan of his but I have to contest that. Also he tends to be one of the choice characters for those people who suck but can be irritating with a super-fast character. Very cool character though, and I love how his Alpha 3 appearance highlighted that he's more than a little bit insane.


I hope the new SF movie does a much, much better job. I'm not holding out much hope so far though. Kristin Kreuk is unspeakably lovely and all, but Chun Li she ain't.


Who would you have play Chun Li? Personally I think Maggie Q, but that's because I think she's fucking lovely.


I loved the Manga version of SF, one of my favourite animated movies (Chun Li's boobs ~). I've not seen any of the others though.

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I'd thank you to let me just put that whole embarassing incident in the past... a little sensitivity, please!


Ahh.. that picture of Mila still eases the pain slightly.


And here's another.




It's from Forgetting Sarah Marshall, it is a fake, but I didn't realise that at the time and had to pause the film to, ahem, clean the pipe.

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I watched Jackie Brown yesterday for the second time (I first watched it several years ago) and I'm suprised how over looked it gets compared to Pulp Fiction, Resorvoir Dogs & Kill Bill because it is easily Tarrantino's best movie. The best dialogue of any of his movies (which moves the plot forward and builds character rather that slowing things down like some of Pulp Fiction and Kill Bill Vol. 2), it is brilliantly paced (which I would argue is a big flaw with Resorvior Dogs), a soundtrack which you can't help but want to dance too and the acting is top notch with everyone putting in memorable performances. More than anything though it just feels the most natural of his movies where he just serves the story and the characters rather than chucking in his little "homages" and "wink-wink"s to the audience.

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Jackie Brown...is easily Tarrantino's best movie.

Wow, really? I thought it was ponderously slow and nowhere near as clever as it thought it was.


I watched the Mystery Science Theater 3000 episode "The Magic Sword" last night. Terrible sword-and-sorcery film from the 1950s, but the commentary on it made it brilliant.

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I love Jackie Brown. I've easily re-watched it more times than the rest of my Tarantino collection and consider it to be the most underrated of the lot. I also own the aforementioned soundtrack on CD, and it remains the only movie soundtrack I've bothered to buy. A message from yoouuu, strawberry let-ter twenty two".

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I'm with the Jackie Brown lot. It's my favourite of all his work and it does help being an Elmore Leonard fan too. Definatly underrated.


I tried to watch Underworld: Evolution when it was on Channel 4 but by the time the first ad came on I was bored out of my mind and changed the channel. Also watched the Longest Yard on Five recently and was pleasantly surprised. There were a few tedious moments (I think I made him shit himself) but Kevin Nash (who looks more and more like Wolfgang to methese days) more than made up for it.


Just waiting on Googlewhack Adventure from LoveFilm to show it to a recently converted Dave Gorman fan and DS9 season 5 :)

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Just waiting on Googlewhack Adventure from LoveFilm to show it to a recently converted Dave Gorman fan


awww man, you are in for a treat :)


I know.. I absolutely love that show. I tried to explain it to someone and ended up just showing her the ID/tattoo clip from YouTube which resulted in a lot of laughter. I've been desperately waiting for the chance to show her the full DVD.


I havent seen it for a while and am looking forward to seeing it again, but the anticipation is heightened by showing it to someone who hasn't seen any of his stuff before.

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