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Guest DJM

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I hate people who walk late into the cinema. Its a big pet hate of mine, I blame the cinemas for this too.

We walked in right right as the film started because it took a dopey bitch 10 minutes to sort out 3 kids popcorn & coke trays and weigh a bag of pic 'n' mix. Grr.
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It's mainly teenage girls with sawdust for brains. Transformers was completely spoilt for me by the wannabe wags behind me giggling and commenting their way through the film, until I broke with the usual British demeanour and asked them to be quiet, politely. When 5 minutes later they were still at it, I stood up and loudly told them to shut the fuck up or I'd get management to kick them out. Luckily the shock of someone actually telling them off shocked them into relative silence, but of course by then it had fucked up my enjoyment of what was meant to be a nice nostalgic trip. Even my wife got involved, that's how annoying they were.

True but it can also be attributed to middle aged women. I had Son of Ranbow spoilt for me due to this chuckling women who had about a 10 minute laughing fit over a not-that-funny part of the film. Teenagers in general spoil it for film fans like me. When I ended up seeing Billy Elliot in London and the women in front were certain the second we walked in that we would somehow ruin the play for them. They didn't even disguise that they were talking about us and the conversation actually stretched into the play.
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i have a Cineworld pass and im a regular cinema goer, i always go early though, avoid the evening like the plague (especially Orange Wednesday's, thats when the cunts come out). You go early and you tend to get a quieter cinema with genuine movie fans, much nicer environment.I watched How To Lose Friends And Alienate People the other day and there was 3 people in the entire screen (that's the least ive ever seen before that it was 4 for Ultraviolet).

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It's mainly teenage girls with sawdust for brains. Transformers was completely spoilt for me by the wannabe wags behind me giggling and commenting their way through the film, until I broke with the usual British demeanour and asked them to be quiet, politely. When 5 minutes later they were still at it, I stood up and loudly told them to shut the fuck up or I'd get management to kick them out. Luckily the shock of someone actually telling them off shocked them into relative silence, but of course by then it had fucked up my enjoyment of what was meant to be a nice nostalgic trip. Even my wife got involved, that's how annoying they were.

Haha. Once I went to see Alien when it was re-released four years ago, three girls and one lad in the cinema were talking all the way through it. First comment was; "Where's the aliens?", then one of them phoned their mum up and had a nice loud conversation so everyone could hear. After about ten minutes they'd got bored waiting for the aliens so fucked off :laugh: :yinyang:Oh and the cinema costs way too much these days. In Cineworld at Didsbury it's Edited by Seratonin
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Cineworld have fucked me right off lately with the pre booking machines not working, only two people on the desks when its really busy, staff taking forever to get popcorn/drinks and the general shitty customer service that comes with it. I don't actually mind the seats or the cinema itself, but theres always delays or problems and when I took the time out to email them, they seemed to make it sound like it was all my fault.Regardless of whether I pre-book, get popcorn or turn up on the day, it always takes me about 30 minutes from the entrance to my seat because of something fucking up...I would go elsewhere but I dont really enjoy other cinemas. :(

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I have unlimited so I never prebook, and since I know most of the staff there most of the time I dont have to even get a ticket if its busy, they just let me go through.I watched Hot Rod last night, its funny in places and Bill Hader is really funny, but its pretty much what you'd expect. I've also watched my blu ray copy of Iron Man which is just the tits. I love that film too much and the extras are really good aswell, well worth a watch.

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I had the misfortune of watching 2001 Maniacs last night, which has to be one of the worst pieces of shit I've ever seen in my entire life. The only redeeming features of this pile of old man's wank were the milk maidens and the girl with the short blonde hair.

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Cineworld have fucked me right off lately with the pre booking machines not working, only two people on the desks when its really busy, staff taking forever to get popcorn/drinks and the general shitty customer service that comes with it. I don't actually mind the seats or the cinema itself, but theres always delays or problems and when I took the time out to email them, they seemed to make it sound like it was all my fault.Regardless of whether I pre-book, get popcorn or turn up on the day, it always takes me about 30 minutes from the entrance to my seat because of something fucking up...I would go elsewhere but I dont really enjoy other cinemas. :(

They ruined it for me when they changed from popcorn buckets to little bags that split instantly.Cineworld really is a poor group of cinema's. However they are all generally modern and in very good shape so it's a shame their staff training is so shit.
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It's supposed to be a mess.

Did you like the last one? From what I understand, it's more of the same, with the balance skewed more towards the action and less to the characterisation, which makes sense as the effectively introduced the new Bond in Casino Royale.One thing that's always struck me as an issue with Bond is the insistence of having a new director each time. I know that John Glen kind of dragged the franchise down the loo in the 80s, but it would have made perfect sense to allow Martin Campbell to run with it this time. He made a good attempt at re-starting the franchise with Goldeneye, but his good work was quickly undone. Let's hope the same doesn't happen to what he did in Casino Royale.
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As everyone's discussing Cineworld, I feel I should discuss my issues with them, minor though they are.I'd love to take advantage of their Unlimited ticket, as the price is great and I'd really makethe most of it. However, the nearest to me is jsut to far away to make the transport costs to get there not worth it.There's an Odeon 15-20 minutes walk from my house, but they don't have a cinmea ticket offer, which is really annoying, as I'd snap one up in an instant, even if it was a few quid more than the Cineworld one. There's so many good films out the next couple of weeks and I know I won't be able to afford to go see all the ones I want. Grr!

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