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Guest DJM

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Just finished watching Righteous Kill. Not really what I would call a 'cinema' movie, I know it makes it sound awful but I think straight to dvd suited this film yet, to rate it out of 10...I'll give it a 6.EZ

I watched it on Monday night, i found it to be excellent, and definatly a cinema movie for me. I'd give it a 8 out of 10
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I watched Speed Racer on the plane home from Sri Lanka. It was a bit shit, really, wasn't it? I love Goodman, but even his likeable performance couldn't save it. It reminded me of that Sky Captain... film in terms of having a quirky art style and disappointing in every other area.

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Oh and Lars and The Real Girl and Hard Candy are both fine films.

Hard Candy is not a fine film. It's not only fucking bollocks but is also offensively stupid. I've never seen a film so shockingly retarded in my life. I could write an essay on how shite it is. I'm all for people having different opinions and all but in this case anyone who likes this movie can fuck off.
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You know, it's weird. Hard Candy got tonnes of good reviews and generated a lot of buzz due to it's indie nature and slightly controversial subject. But I'm with you, it really was a bit shit. I seem to remember it started off quite well, though...I will admit that I enjoyed Juno though. I recently watched it for the second time and stand by my opinion. Yeah, the dialogue's horribly cliched, but for the most part, it's a very endearing film.I also recently bought Nightwatch and Daywatch on DVD. Both are great but one thing I was a bit let down by, this was the first time I'd seen Nightwatch since I saw it in the cinema and I absolutely loved how they made the subtitles a part of the film. I'd never seen it done before and it really added something to it and showed that they'd done their best to make it accessible to the English speaking audience. Of course, with DVD's you have to offer subtitles in a range of languages, so you get the flat, white, bottom of the screen subs you get on every DVD. Very disappointing because I was really looking forward to seeing what they'd done with the subtitles in Daywatch as I missed the cinema release and hadn't even considered that it might be an issue for a DVD to feature similar subs to a theatrical print. Shame.The action sequences in Daywatch make up for it, though. They're pretty mindblowing given the sub-$5m budget.

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Just like Heaven


Oh that's right, it's JLM's falling asleep chick-flick time again. Reese Witherspoon is a workaholic doctor who has no time in her life for anything but her job. she works rilly rilly hard one night and then drives into a truck on the way home. We then cut to Mark Ruffalo (slobby, depressed, borderline alcoholic yet still impeccably tanned and groomed and in great shape. Nice work). He's sad because his wife died. He has no time in his life for anything but his grief. Do you see where this is going? DO YOU?


So Ruffalo rents an apartment after a flyer for said apartment magically flies into him repeatedly until he's forced to read it. Turns out this is greazy Reesey Witherspoon's crib. She appears shortly after he moves in, convinced that she still lives there, that he's a crazed intruder and that she isn't in fact dead and haunting the place. Shenanigans follow. The two bond and ultimately fall in lurve over the next few days. Yeah. Turns out she's not dead, but she has been in a coma for three months and is all out-of-bodying. Also turns out that the blind date she didn't make it to because of a truck to the face (no scarring or signs of any injury whatsoever by the way) was a date with MARK RUFFALO HIMSELF. Holy fucking shitballs.


It emerges that Reese's life support is soon to be switched off. Ruffalo stops it happening, Reese wakes up, but doesn't remember Mark! NOOOOOOOO! THen he builds the garden she always wanted on the roof of her apartment, then they touch hands for a moment and it all comes flooding back and they smooch away. I'd have preferred it if she *didn't* remember and he woke up thinking he'd gone through a period of crazy and he didn't remember either, then we see them both with new partners having used the experience to fix their respective relationship issues. Maybe they could coincidentally pass one another in the street one day and have one of those half-recognition glances at each other. Maybe a frown and a turn to their new partner "I thought I... never mind", then they skip away merrily as something by Hilary Duff plays. Man that would be sweet. Or at least not as shit as the actual ending. Although almost equally clich

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You want to have an infatuation? What's stopping you? Maybe it's her unbearable smugness or general cuntish features? God that film made my blood boil. Oh look it's a kooky indie song! Oh look, it's another one! Woo this soundtrack like, understands me man.

ahh shit, i wrote that wrong. i have an infatuation with Ellen Page. i think the 'wanna' came in cause i was gonna write 'i wanna bang Ellen Page'.
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What I liked about Juno... her parents played their roles well and didn't over play everything, it didn't drag on, Jennifer Garner was actually good for once, Michael Cera played George Michael Bluth again, Jason Bateman is awesome. What I didn't like, oh erm, this outta sort it out:

Mr. Seven Posted Today, 09:56 PM You want to have an infatuation? What's stopping you? Maybe it's her unbearable smugness or general cuntish features? God that film made my blood boil. Oh look it's a kooky indie song! Oh look, it's another one! Woo this soundtrack like, understands me man.

Ellen Page totally ruined the whole film for me. She was shite in Hard Candy and even wose than this. When she was cracking onto Bateman I wanted Garner to come home and crack her in the cunt for being such a boyish know it all pain the fucking arse. I have a burger for a phone aint I not mainstream. Fuck off.
errrrr, shouldn't you be hating on the writers of the movie and not the actress playing the role that was written for her.
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Just like HeavenOh that's right, it's JLM's falling asleep chick-flick time again. Reese Witherspoon is a workaholic doctor who has no time in her life for anything but her job. she works rilly rilly hard one night and then drives into a truck on the way home. We then cut to Mark Ruffalo (slobby, depressed, borderline alcoholic yet still impeccably tanned and groomed and in great shape. Nice work). He's sad because his wife died. He has no time in his life for anything but his grief. Do you see where this is going? DO YOU? So Ruffalo rents an apartment after a flyer for said apartment magically flies into him repeatedly until he's forced to read it. Turns out this is greazy Reesey Witherspoon's crib. She appears shortly after he moves in, convinced that she still lives there, that he's a crazed intruder and that she isn't in fact dead and haunting the place. Shenanigans follow. The two bond and ultimately fall in lurve over the next few days. Yeah. Turns out she's not dead, but she has been in a coma for three months and is all out-of-bodying. Also turns out that the blind date she didn't make it to because of a truck to the face (no scarring or signs of any injury whatsoever by the way) was a date with MARK RUFFALO HIMSELF. Holy fucking shitballs. It emerges that Reese's life support is soon to be switched off. Ruffalo stops it happening, Reese wakes up, but doesn't remember Mark! NOOOOOOOO! THen he builds the garden she always wanted on the roof of her apartment, then they touch hands for a moment and it all comes flooding back and they smooch away. I'd have preferred it if she *didn't* remember and he woke up thinking he'd gone through a period of crazy and he didn't remember either, then we see them both with new partners having used the experience to fix their respective relationship issues. Maybe they could coincidentally pass one another in the street one day and have one of those half-recognition glances at each other. Maybe a frown and a turn to their new partner "I thought I... never mind", then they skip away merrily as something by Hilary Duff plays. Man that would be sweet. Or at least not as shit as the actual ending. Although almost equally clich

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