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Missed opportunity


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37 minutes ago, Carbomb said:

Wasn't the problem with Sid that he just wanted to be a heel, and not the main blue-eye of the company?

He did argue that he wanted to be a heel virtually from the moment he was in the door, yes.

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Here’s one that I can’t believe I forgot - Chris Masters; specifically, Masters when he returned to WWE in 2009. He was tearing it up on the B shows having fantastic matches, yet no one really seemed to notice. You had a guy with a great look, good mic skills and stellar wrestling ability; but he was never really given a chance on one of the main shows following his comeback. And he should have had that.

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2 minutes ago, RedRooster said:

Here’s one that I can’t believe I forgot - Chris Masters; specifically, Masters when he returned to WWE in 2009. He was tearing it up on the B shows having fantastic matches, yet no one really seemed to notice. You had a guy with a great look, good mic skills and stellar wrestling ability; but he was never really given a chance on one of the main shows following his comeback. And he should have had that.

Nah, he deserves never getting his flowers after turning up to a kids house to act all 'ard.

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8 hours ago, Carbomb said:

Wasn't the problem with Sid that he just wanted to be a heel, and not the main blue-eye of the company?

Yeah I remember when offered hogan's boots and spots according to Bruce Pritchard, he instead said he wanted to be a heel. The general consensus being he didn't want the top spot or responsibility that went along with it. He'd rather have freedom or a suspect injury whenever softball season came round. 

He's someone who could have done more. Didn't want to. But I'm always suprised he never had another crack at a run, or a HoF nod. 

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8 hours ago, RedRooster said:

I absolutely loved his feud with Randy Orton over the belt, and the matches have aged so well. His AEW run really shows what WWE missed out on, based on weird hang-ups from Vince McMahon. He’s far better than Edge, and I say that as someone who is a massive Edge fan. He should have been more than he was in WWE. 

Agreed. I also felt he was the better of the two, and his "Christiaaaaaaaaan" music alone (but not limited to)  for me lends him to a greater consideration to what could have been. 

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8 minutes ago, SwayWays said:

Yeah I remember when offered hogan's boots and spots according to Bruce Pritchard, he instead said he wanted to be a heel. The general consensus being he didn't want the top spot or responsibility that went along with it. He'd rather have freedom or a suspect injury whenever softball season came round. 

He's someone who could have done more. Didn't want to. But I'm always suprised he never had another crack at a run, or a HoF nod. 

When he came out still looking like an end of game boss to kill Heath Slater I thought he'd be quick in or at least on that Legends deal.

EDIT: Ok, so rewatching this and noticing that Sid still knows perfectly how to work for the camera.


Edited by Merzbow
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8 minutes ago, RedRooster said:

What’s this all about? It’s not something I’m aware of.

Wasn't it when him and that PCW pleb turned up at a lads house as he'd been bootlegging their DVDs? Nobs.

Regarding Sid, I only ever really liked him in the Psycho Sid character and that was absolutely fantastic late 96 to early 97. 

His entrance at SS 96 is phenomenonal and he looks the coolest man in the world fist bumping Vlad and screaming "WHOS THE MAN?" at him. 

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Yeah the PCW owner filmed himself and Masters bullying a child, I don't know why anyone would pirate a show of theirs in the first place though..

I like all eras of Sid, but yeah when the crowd turned him face and hurt HBK's ego so much he never really recovered until the 00's is my all time favourite. Plus that pyro was fucking sick!



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Sid's pose of dropping to one knee doing those "who's da man" hand flicks as that awesome Sid Justice music blares out is always a top sight. Love most of Sid's runs, he was one of those people that it was almost impossible to book as a heel. Well you could book him as one but the crowds were mostly never having it. Bonus points for ECW Sid which is essentially his 1992 heel run smashing people off stretchers and tables but with the ECW add-on of Sid being able to scream swearwords.

Psycho Sid was probably his best run as mentioned. I used to listen to the New Gen Podcast and their utter joy at enjoying how great Sid was in that run was lovely.

Edited by Chili
To the memory of Lise Yates
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I loved all iterations of Sid. I caught the tail end of the “Justice” run on his limited Silver Vision appearances and immediately decided he was awesome and the powerbomb was the best finish around. When I started catching Worldwide on ITV he was a notable exception to the “WWF retirement home” feel of guys finding work who’d obviously been cut loose when past their best - Anvil waddling out in 1993 to squash jobbers with the Million $ Dream but calling it “The Anvilizer” being one of the worst. But big Sid absolutely still looked like a wrecking ball at the peak of his powers. I loved that Vader and him were paired as “The Masters Of The Powerbomb” initially rather than the obvious feud over whose move it was, and it was a shame for me that his title win never materialised - though it would have been crowded at the top with him, Sting and Flair all (at least temporarily) as babyfaces. It’s fitting that again he didn’t have to be a face when he didn’t want to.

I had the good fortune to get Sky the very week that WWF Mania recapped HBK introducing his new goon - “You could call it justice, you could call him vicious, you could even call him “psycho,” but I call him SID.” I was over the moon, though as the bodyguard I was dismayed he wasn’t powerbombing people straight away. When he turned on Shawn I loved it ; I never liked Shawn and even in 95 I thought he was always going to be “Brets enemy”. His first televised match with Aldo Montoya is up there on the Lee Scott scale for me - he lobs him over the rope by his throat. He presses him once and drops him face first on the apron. He presses him and chucks him back in over the top rope. He springs up to the apron like Lesnar and gets back in, does the powerbomb and goes home. Lovely stuff. Shame the “are you injured or can you go” stuff had to rear its head and cost him a SummerSlam cheque and possibly the Intercontinental title, and that he got sick of his lot again after being asked to job to Bob Holly on the road just as him and Kid were about to win the tag belts.

His 96 return run was perfectly timed and it’s crazy to think with a main event scene built around Shawn with Brets return on the horizon and Stone Cold about to break out, our Sid marched back in and commanded enough attention to step into the title scene. I love Smithers but I must have watched that powerbomb at SummerSlam a half dozen times a day for a week afterwards. I was buzzing for his match with Vader and gutted it wasn’t going to be on a “proper” PPV on Sky Sports though I was convinced the Survivor Series stip meant Vader would win - which he would have if (so the story goes) they hadn’t thought his injury might need surgery. I was delighted Sid won but a bit mystified that they built the match around who could powerbomb who and in the end nobody did. Ian will remember better than me but…. I’m sure one of those famously unreliable WWF Magazine previews even stated you’d only win the match by powerbombing your opponent, but that ended up scrapped just like the stip on the Smithers/Warload match at Mania VII. Either way, Survivor Series was brilliant and Sid ended up in the perfect spot for him, clearly a hero to many but nasty enough to be the heel if he was working Shawn, Bret or Taker. Sadly the “I can wrestle… no I can’t” stuff came back around between Mania 13 and King of the Ring, so when he got hurt again (and this time he ended up actually needing surgery) the company had got tired of it all.

I loved him in ECW too. When he marched out to confront the Dudleys shouting “There’s no man bad enough? There’s no fucking man tough enough??” may have been peak Sid. Let’s be fair… I don’t have much to say about his WCW run. I watched it, but there’s a lot there I don’t want to relive. He has half the brain that you do. It’s a bit mad to think he won four World titles across the Big Two and I still think there was more you could have done with him, but there it is.

21 hours ago, SwayWays said:

Surely HoF worthy, but you often hear stories of his convenient softball season injuries when offered hogan's literal boots. 


10 hours ago, SwayWays said:

He'd rather have freedom or a suspect injury whenever softball season came round. 

Garlic…. bread?

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12 hours ago, SuperBacon said:

Wasn't it when him and that PCW pleb turned up at a lads house as he'd been bootlegging their DVDs? Nobs.

What a tool, I’m almost scared to mention a wrestler I enjoy in case I find out something I wish hadn’t happened…that said:

Chuck Palumbo.

He doesn’t get enough love in my opinion. He was fun to watch in ring and had a decent look. I thought he particularly shone during his biker gimmick in the mid 2000s and I’ve no idea why he didn’t win a midcard title (but maybe someone else does, if Chris Masters is anything to go by…)

I’m not saying they missed out on a world champion, but they missed out on a solid upper carder or midcarder. WWE obviously gave him a prominent slot in the Billy & Chuck tag team, but he never really received a singles push that felt anything other than half-hearted. I don’t know if this was because he came from WCW, if Vince had an odd hang-up, or if there’s an entirely legitimate reason for not going with him; but I feel like he had more to give than he was allowed to offer.

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I liked Chuck Palumbo but always felt he was just pretty ok and that was it. He could have got better as a promo but by his biker gimmick he was a decade in the industry and still sounded pretty atrocious when he talked. The Billy & Chuck run was great though, I think they get maligned a bit because 2002 is a rough diamond match year that's generally dross. He best work might actually be his WCW tag stuff.

I like Griff Garrison from AEW because his big hair and skinny legs remind me of Custom Chucky P.

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