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Miletich the Militant


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2 hours ago, Carbomb said:

Seems Pat Miletich was at the attempted putsch on the Capitol, and has consequently lost his job at the LFA. Good.


Pat is one of the very few good MMA commentators. 

It's a shame he ruins it by being a massive bellend. 

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3 hours ago, Carbomb said:

Seems Pat Miletich was at the attempted putsch on the Capitol, and has consequently lost his job at the LFA. Good.


Kind of disturbing that people lose their jobs for political views or protests. While I don't agree with any of the shit that went on at the Capitol, it's a fucking slippery road we're heading down.

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18 minutes ago, David said:

Kind of disturbing that people lose their jobs for political views or protests. While I don't agree with any of the shit that went on at the Capitol, it's a fucking slippery road we're heading down.

Come on, man - that's taking the "Devil's Advocate" gimmick too far. He's been seen at MAGA rallies and not lost his job for that, nor should he have done. This was NOT a protest. He was present at a premeditated attack on the Capitol in which people, including a cop, died. He openly admitted to taking part in an illegal activity, i.e. treason - actual treason. 

In any job you're in, that's gross misconduct to put it at it's absolute mildest.

Edited by Carbomb
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38 minutes ago, Carbomb said:

Come on, man - that's taking the "Devil's Advocate" gimmick too far. He's been seen at MAGA rallies and not lost his job for that, nor should he have done. This was NOT a protest. He was present at a premeditated attack on the Capitol in which people, including a cop, died. He openly admitted to taking part in an illegal activity, i.e. treason - actual treason. 

In any job you're in, that's gross misconduct to put it at it's absolute mildest.

I understand what David is getting at, ultimately in the US you can be let go from your job for pretty much any reason, so you're not protected if you go to some rally that your employer doesn't like - ironically exactly the kind of thing that Miletich and his buddies would claim to be in support of. To me there is a difference between attending a protest and breaking a law (storming federal property etc).

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34 minutes ago, neil said:

I understand what David is getting at, ultimately in the US you can be let go from your job for pretty much any reason, so you're not protected if you go to some rally that your employer doesn't like - ironically exactly the kind of thing that Miletich and his buddies would claim to be in support of. To me there is a difference between attending a protest and breaking a law (storming federal property etc).

I agree 100%. Nobody should be fired for attending protests, whatever the political stripe. But this is a strange one to try and argue that point. It just wasn't a protest.

Even if Miletich wasn't directly involved in the violence, he's on the record showing support for what happened. Directly supporting criminal activity as defined by the constitution. In the UK, that's a firing offence. In the US, where we're seeing people arrested for non-violent participation, he's lucky he's only lost his job.

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1 hour ago, neil said:

I understand what David is getting at, ultimately in the US you can be let go from your job for pretty much any reason, so you're not protected if you go to some rally that your employer doesn't like - ironically exactly the kind of thing that Miletich and his buddies would claim to be in support of. To me there is a difference between attending a protest and breaking a law (storming federal property etc).

Yeah, I'm not closely following the Miletich situation, so I don't know if he was actually part of the group that stormed the property. If he took part in that, then fair enough. But if he simply attended what initially started out as a protest, then I have no issues with that at all.

I'd be incredibly surprised if everyone who attended the protest knew that an organised action such as storming a building was in the offing. 

And if he was stupid enough to support the actual criminal activity publicly, then he's put himself into a position where he could be fired. 

My point is, when we reach (in fact, we may already be there) a stage where someone can be sacked from their job for attending a legitimate protest, on either side of the political divide, then democracy as we know it is fucked.

Edited by David
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4 minutes ago, David said:

Yeah, I'm not closely following the Miletich situation, so I don't know if he was actually part of the group that stormed the property. If he took part in that, then fair enough. But if he simply attended what initially started out as a protest, then I have no issues with that at all.

I'd be incredibly surprised if everyone who attended the protest knew that an organised action such as storming a building was in the offing. 

And if he was stupid enough to support the actual criminal activity publicly, then he's put himself into a position where he could be fired. 

My point is, when we reach (in fact, we may already be there) a stage where someone can be sacked from their job for attending a legitimate protest, on either side of the political divide, then democracy as we know it is fucked.

If he'd later come out immediately after the riot and denounced the violence, not to mention the declaration of intent to lynch congresspeople via the noose apparatus erected in front of the building, openly stating he didn't know that was going to happen, I'd think he was a fucking idiot, but I'd also be arguing that he shouldn't lose his job.

As it is, he's doubled down since being fired. 

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14 minutes ago, Carbomb said:

If he'd later come out immediately after the riot and denounced the violence...

To be honest I'm not a big fan of those kind of asks, it gets on my nerves during the BLM protests and anytime there is some muslim terrorist event. That said, in peeking at Miletich's instagram there was no violence and when there was (love those contradictions) it was obviously antifa. So again, free speech he has, and his employer decided to terminate him. Pat should support their decision.

It is interesting to see the other MMA people popping up on his IG posts spouting the same views. This may be why I don't follow any MMA fighter on IG.

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4 minutes ago, neil said:

To be honest I'm not a big fan of those kind of asks, it gets on my nerves during the BLM protests and anytime there is some muslim terrorist event. That said, in peeking at Miletich's instagram there was no violence and when there was (love those contradictions) it was obviously antifa. So again, free speech he has, and his employer decided to terminate him. Pat should support their decision.

It is interesting to see the other MMA people popping up on his IG posts spouting the same views. This may be why I don't follow any MMA fighter on IG.

I get it, but he was actually at the event. Any MAGA supporters who weren't there, I could (sort of) understand that request being unreasonable.

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2 hours ago, David said:

My point is, when we reach (in fact, we may already be there) a stage where someone can be sacked from their job for attending a legitimate protest, on either side of the political divide, then democracy as we know it is fucked.

His sacking has nothing to do with democracy and doesn’t affect democracy. 

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5 hours ago, David said:

My point is, when we reach (in fact, we may already be there) a stage where someone can be sacked from their job for attending a legitimate protest, on either side of the political divide, then democracy as we know it is fucked.

I agree with this. If he set foot in the Capitol building then I have zero sympathy for the guy and he deserved the boot, but if he lost his job because he attended what he thought was a protest in support of the President then it's cancel culture at it's fullest and it's a dangerous precedent that is being set.

We are incredibly lucky that our views and opinions are on the "correct" side of politics because I would be extremely scared of the system right now if I held different political views. Just because some one has different opinions and beliefs to me, as long as they are not breaking the law (can't confirm if Pat did) then I want them to have the same privileges I have.

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23 minutes ago, Zebra Kid Mark said:

it's cancel culture at it's fullest and it's a dangerous precedent that is being set

It’s consequence culture. And this isn’t a precedent when you consider how people with union sympathies have lost their jobs for decades for their political views. Was that cancel culture?

26 minutes ago, Zebra Kid Mark said:

We are incredibly lucky that our views and opinions are on the "correct" side of politics

In this country, teachers were instructed not to give any time to views that could be seen as anti capitalist by the current administration. 

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10 hours ago, Keith Houchen said:

It’s consequence culture. And this isn’t a precedent when you consider how people with union sympathies have lost their jobs for decades for their political views.

Which is also ridiculous, in my opinion. Someone with Union sympathies should not lose their job because of it. Just as someone who supports Trump shouldn't either. Two wrongs don't make a right.

What we end up with is people bickering over such instances, while those at the top who want to silence everyone end up with the win.

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1 hour ago, David said:

Just as someone who supports Trump shouldn't either. Two wrongs don't make a right

He didn’t lose his job for supporting Trump given how he’s been to loads of MAGA rallies before and still commentated. But this wasn’t just a rally, it was a terrorist act. However, according to LFA, he hasn’t been fired at all! He’s suspended pending an investigation which I’m sure we can all agree is the correct course of action. 

In a statement to ESPN, LFA wrote that Miletich has been removed from the LFA 97 broadcast this Friday and the promotion will continue with an investigation to determine the next steps.

"First and foremost, the LFA supports the participation of the constitutional right to peaceful protest," the statement read. "During preparations for the 2021 debut broadcast, it was brought to the LFA's attention that photos of questionable nature surfaced on various social media outlets involving fight analyst Pat Miletich. While the LFA continues to investigate the situation, the decision was made to remove Mr. Miletich from broadcast duties for this Friday's LFA 97 event." 


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