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WHAT PLAY YOU!? Version 3.0


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It's a fantastic game that has inspired great hatred for the developer in my heart. It's definitely one where you have to be able to work past the frustration of needing a specific thing and not rolling it. As you progress there's things you can do to manipulate the randomness but there are definitely still moments where I have to put it down and go do something else.

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I bought The Hong Kong Masacre for a couple of quid in Switch a few months ago, installed it and then totally forgot about it. I gave it a go last night and it’s either the hardest game ever made or I’ve just become terrible at games as I’ve gotten older.

It really appealed to me, too. It’s a top-down twin-stick shooter, but even on easy, I can’t get past the third room. One random bullet is enough to kill you, so there’s literally zero margin for error.

If anyone knows of a decent game like this that isn’t bastard hard, I’d be grateful to know. I’m looking for something I can run through on the Steam Deck ideally.


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There’s a group of four of us that try and get together online once a week to do some gaming. We used to play Destiny 2, but as life got in the way and time commitment went down we just couldn’t keep up with it

So we’ve started playing Chivalry 2 and it’s a hell of a blast! Set in medieval times and you’re in big multiplayer battles with swords, hammers, axes, bow and arrows and much more. It’s the perfect pick up and play game and really good fun, every battle is pure chaos. One minute you’re defending a castle with a bow and arrow, then a few minutes later you’re running towards your enemy screaming your lungs out whilst heads and limbs are flying around you. 

At one point I shouted to a mate on the mic to see where on the map he was, he responded with the Beetlejuice “just hanging around” and sent me this pic


It’s not going to change the world or anything but it’s really fun for a pick up and play, and it’s part of the PS Plus catalogue if you’re a member of that

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