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Living the Gimmick

Gus Mears

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I'll echo Eubank, with this personal anecdote.


Was working agency security for Southern rail (ticket checking etc.), ended up doing a turn on Brighton "crossovers", so people changing trains and not going through the barriers. Lo, and behold, I'm tapped on the shoulder with an "Excuse me, good man" and turn to face the Eubank himself, full dress, cane, the works. Yeah, it's 100%, full throttle.

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If you pop over to Brighton for a few days, chances are you'll see Chris Sr at some point. He's always out and about and usually in an over-elaborate fashion. My folks have seen him a couple of times when visiting Brighton- once he was driving his massive fucking truck along the seafront and the next time he was riding through the Lanes on a micro scooter (in full typical Eubank get-up). I saw him in Brighton once about ten years ago, I was with my sister who was wearing a t-shirt that said 'size does matter' (she's quite chesty) and he stopped to comment on the 'slogan'. "Oooh yeth, I completely agree with that thtatement".

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23 hours ago, Gus Mears said:

BRIAN BLESSED is an excellent shout. He did a talk at Bath Literary Festival that I attended last year and was a madman. Spent the entire 70 minutes talking about space, Russia, shagging and other completely random topics.  The poor lady who basically his handler during that tour must have been scarred for life.

He'd overran by about 5 minutes and she said from just off-stage: "Brian, I'm really sorry, but we've ran out of time", to which he replied "SHUT UP YOU VILE WOMAN! BWAAHAHAHAHAHAHA" and proceeded to ramble on for another quarter of an hour. I am pretty sure they knew each other, so it wasn't 100% out of nowhere.  

I went to see Brian Blessed in Clitheroe a couple of years ago. My other half knew of him, but wasn't as big a fan of his as I am. The whole evening because of where we were sat it was almost as if he was just talking directly to me, kept putting his hand on my shoulder in a really reassuring way, almost as if he was checking I was still listening, and I definitely was. He can't half tell an anecdote. It was a fantastic evening of entertainment. I'd entirely recommend going to see him live if you're a fan of his work. He sang Nessun Dorma as well, and signed my ticket, which I keep in my copy of the biography he was touring at the time.

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2 hours ago, PunkStep said:

If you pop over to Brighton for a few days, chances are you'll see Chris Sr at some point. He's always out and about and usually in an over-elaborate fashion. My folks have seen him a couple of times when visiting Brighton- once he was driving his massive fucking truck along the seafront and the next time he was riding through the Lanes on a micro scooter (in full typical Eubank get-up). I saw him in Brighton once about ten years ago, I was with my sister who was wearing a t-shirt that said 'size does matter' (she's quite chesty) and he stopped to comment on the 'slogan'. "Oooh yeth, I completely agree with that thtatement".

Don't bring her to any Mick Foley autograph signings.

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Noel Fielding. Saw him a while ago, absolutely bowling down the road in Islington, massive grin on his face, wearing a huge fuck off 10 gallon hat, the funkiest white cowboy boots and what can only be described as an alpaca around him as a jacket. Love him.

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I posted this in the football thread when pundits were being discussed.


Does Garth Crooks always ask himself a question so he can answer it?  Yes he does.

Best bit of punditry I've seen was during the World Cup one year on Dave.  All the usual pundits had been bagged by the sports channels so they had anyone in who had a connection to which country was playing.  The best one was Englands pundit, Brian Blessed.

He'd just talk about anything while slapping the knee of the host, but the highlight was he was going on about Newcastle because he supports them.  The host was trying to wrap up to cut to an ad as Big Bri said he could name the Newcastle cup winning team. The host was facing camera looking nervous as Blessed started saying them, each name getting louder than the last.  The hosts lips were moving but all you heard as they cut to an ad break was "AND JACKIE MILBURN!!!!"

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8 hours ago, PunkStep said:

If you pop over to Brighton for a few days, chances are you'll see Chris Sr at some point. He's always out and about and usually in an over-elaborate fashion. My folks have seen him a couple of times when visiting Brighton- once he was driving his massive fucking truck along the seafront and the next time he was riding through the Lanes on a micro scooter (in full typical Eubank get-up). I saw him in Brighton once about ten years ago, I was with my sister who was wearing a t-shirt that said 'size does matter' (she's quite chesty) and he stopped to comment on the 'slogan'. "Oooh yeth, I completely agree with that thtatement".

"Lovely pillowth"

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9 hours ago, jazzygeofferz said:

I went to see Brian Blessed in Clitheroe a couple of years ago. My other half knew of him, but wasn't as big a fan of his as I am. The whole evening because of where we were sat it was almost as if he was just talking directly to me, kept putting his hand on my shoulder in a really reassuring way, almost as if he was checking I was still listening, and I definitely was. He can't half tell an anecdote. It was a fantastic evening of entertainment. I'd entirely recommend going to see him live if you're a fan of his work. He sang Nessun Dorma as well, and signed my ticket, which I keep in my copy of the biography he was touring at the time.

He's gone to the International Eisteddfod in Llangollen in the past and I met him in the Hand Hotel where I was having a pint. On introducing myself he slapped me on the back so hard I think my lungs shot out of my mouth.

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Him doing the snooker commentary on Room 101 was absolutely fantastic. That episode of HIGNFY that he presented as well.


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