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ITV World of Sport: Tapings postponed until July?


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Ah yes, forgot he was with her before.

I remember seeing Stefan on Babestation once, on one of those odd occasions when they'd have blokes on their with women. Seeing him killed my mood.

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10 hours ago, NotAlexShane said:

Its probably not wise for you to be tying up your telephone line accessing the internet as ITV are probably trying to call you for TV marketing advice and how to hit a correct projected demographic

It’s probably not wise for you to resort to absolutely shit comebacks when you can’t back up your points. 

46 minutes ago, machinegunn said:

I think the UK scene has really got some legitimacy recently so bringing back WOS and showing it that format really does a dis-service to the UK talent.

It's giving UK talent a potentially huge platform to get more exposure on a massive television channel and it's giving them a chance to earn more revenue as a consequence. You say it's doing them a disservice, but it's doing them even more of a disservice to deny them such an opportunity. Also, apart from the production values, what exactly is so radically different about the format from other promotions? There are babyfaces and heels, winners and losers, good booking, bad booking. What's different apart from the production quality? 

The other UK promotions won't suffer if they continue to run their businesses well. WOS have even encouraged people to go and seek out their local promotions on their social media feeds. 

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49 minutes ago, machinegunn said:

Fair point about Progress.

I think the UK scene has really got some legitimacy recently so bringing back WOS and showing it that format really does a dis-service to the UK talent.

It's not a wrestling promotion, it's a TV show about wrestling. The UK indy scene style of wrestling certainly has a good product, but it's very much niche.

I can't see how WOS does British wrestling a disservice, even in the slightest. Do you think the vast majority of the viewers watching this on ITV care that the wrestlers didn't have a strong-style chop trade-off for 5 mins and then hit a number of head-dropper moves? Of course not. If anything, that will drive away the viewers as they don't really care about that. They want to see characters, they want the odd flash move (less is more) and they want it to be visually aesthetic.

Wresters in this country fucking LOVE working the camps. Do you know why? Because it's fun, it's easy and the crowd lap it up. I'd imagine working WOS is very similar in this aspect, and they are getting a decent bit of money for it. Viewers are more likely to pop along to their local wrestling show after watching this than to be put off by it, kids will want to drag their parents along and the wrestlers involved will gain substantially more exposure through this.

Whether the wrestling itself is your cup of tea doesn't change the fact that this is good for wrestling in this country and far from does the industry a dis-service.

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35 minutes ago, PunkStep said:

It's not a wrestling promotion, it's a TV show about wrestling. The UK indy scene style of wrestling certainly has a good product, but it's very much niche.

I can't see how WOS does British wrestling a disservice, even in the slightest. Do you think the vast majority of the viewers watching this on ITV care that the wrestlers didn't have a strong-style chop trade-off for 5 mins and then hit a number of head-dropper moves? Of course not. If anything, that will drive away the viewers as they don't really care about that. They want to see characters, they want the odd flash move (less is more) and they want it to be visually aesthetic.

Wresters in this country fucking LOVE working the camps. Do you know why? Because it's fun, it's easy and the crowd lap it up. I'd imagine working WOS is very similar in this aspect, and they are getting a decent bit of money for it. Viewers are more likely to pop along to their local wrestling show after watching this than to be put off by it, kids will want to drag their parents along and the wrestlers involved will gain substantially more exposure through this.

Whether the wrestling itself is your cup of tea doesn't change the fact that this is good for wrestling in this country and far from does the industry a dis-service.

It's a tv show about wrestling ?. What does that even mean ?.

We will have to agree to disagree about WOS. I am happy to go on record and say that by week 5, this will be in a new timeslot, potentially on ITV3.

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21 minutes ago, machinegunn said:

It's a tv show about wrestling ?. What does that even mean ?.

Exactly what it says. It's not a wrestling promotion, a wrestling promotion is a business that is self-sufficient and runs shows regularly to generate revenue, cover costs etc. This is a TV show on a major network, using wrestling as its hook. I guess Lucha Underground is a similar comparison.

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13 hours ago, machinegunn said:

My reasons for wanting it to fail are that if the terrestrial channels keep going back to WOS as a baseline for a tv wrestling product then they are not going to change the view of what wrestling now is compared to what we saw in the early 80’s.

There is some fantastic stuff out there at the money. The progress shows and rev pro should be the stuff the put on TV, not this relic.

This failing will not bring Progress or Rev Pro to ITV, if anything it is the last chance to succeed. At least if it succeeds it could evolve into what you like over time. The ITV 5PM spot is generally a background tv time, that is the only time I ever watch the tele. I have fuck all else to do, have Catchphrase on in the background while I just rest. I don't think Progress would be that easy watch background show.

Disservice to the UK talent, I say bollocks. Promotions can advertise people as from WOS on ITV and maybe get some more ticket sales, the wrestlers get recognition and can sell more autographs and t-shirts. This is a show where kids can easily go and meet the characters from it if they go to some shows.

You give excuses as to why you want this to fail. You just come across as an ignorant cunt.

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Who wants PROGRESS on telly anyway? They've been shite for quite a while now.

If this program gets more people to their local community center to support the scene, then I'm all for it. The show isn't for me, but neither are most local shows, but more butts in seats is great for everyone and builds a bigger fan base and more awareness.

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If progress or rev pro where what people wanted to see, they would be what’s on tv. Absolute majority of shows across the uk run With a match style closer to wos than progress. Mass appeal isn’t in indie hard hitting style. It’s boo and cheer pantomime 

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36 minutes ago, westlondonmist said:

This failing will not bring Progress or Rev Pro to ITV, if anything it is the last chance to succeed. At least if it succeeds it could evolve into what you like over time. The ITV 5PM spot is generally a background tv time, that is the only time I ever watch the tele. I have fuck all else to do, have Catchphrase on in the background while I just rest. I don't think Progress would be that easy watch background show.

Disservice to the UK talent, I say bollocks. Promotions can advertise people as from WOS on ITV and maybe get some more ticket sales, the wrestlers get recognition and can sell more autographs and t-shirts. This is a show where kids can easily go and meet the characters from it if they go to some shows.

You give excuses as to why you want this to fail. You just come across as an ignorant cunt.

haha, I thought you made some good points until you showed your level of intelligence with your final line. Shame.

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2 hours ago, machinegunn said:

I think the UK scene has really got some legitimacy recently so bringing back WOS and showing it that format really does a dis-service to the UK talent.

If that's what you think, you're so far in the bubble that you don't even realise it.

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We got around to watching this last night. Overall it was promising. Loved the Bulldog Jr match and the studio and crowd looked great. 

On the flip side, barring the camera issues that has already been mentioned multiple times, I think the series could have done with a show introducing the characters to the new audience. As an example, my kids were really confused when Wade/Stu introduced the competitors for the opener and they were all stood together on stage. To the casual audience, they looked like a faction all stood there together and did nothing to show the face/heel dynamic...

Also, while I can see why they did it, I wouldn't have had a main title match on the first show. Instead I'd have built up the importance for a match either halfway through or even held off for the show finale. But with Grado holding it from the pilot, I can understand that they wanted him chasing...

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