kidkris Posted March 22, 2016 Posted March 22, 2016 Good morning guys. let me start off asking something of you all. Over the weekend i suffered from a mini stroke and im having trouble putting sentences together and such, so please don't lay into me cos i may burst into tears haha  Ok here goes I'm trying to cheer myself up and when i was in hospital and thinking about my youth and how much of it revolved around wrestling is untrue.  Here are just a few that made my really really shit childhood just that little bit brighter.  Getting the wwe anthology cd for christmas that was hidden in the box of another present.  my mum deciding to take me too see wwe live the day before the show and getting too meet shane "o" mac and jerry lawler in the M.E.N arena.  Having breakfast with mick foley at international showwdown    So please share some of yours, Then have a fun day
Paid Members Tommy! Posted March 22, 2016 Paid Members Posted March 22, 2016 Having breakfast with mick foley at international showwdown   Please Mr Foley, not the steam tray!Â
Grecian Posted March 22, 2016 Posted March 22, 2016 Firstly, get well soon. Hope your recovery goes brilliantly. Â Jeff Hardy winning the title would be the one that springs to mind for me. Â Buying 'Bashed In The USA' on VHS back in the day for the 40 man battle royal, to find that Tatanka (my absolute favourite of the time) won it.
Paid Members Carbomb Posted March 22, 2016 Paid Members Posted March 22, 2016  Having breakfast with mick foley at international showwdown   Please Mr Foley, not the steam tray! "Out of the night there came a creature, more stomach than man..."
El Dingo Capitano Posted March 22, 2016 Posted March 22, 2016 Get well soon! I'm lucky enough to have 2 young boys 4 and 6 who have both got into wrestling and watching their faces light up watching it already surpasses all the memories I have of it as a kid. The beauty is they genuinely don't see a difference between watching The Undertaker on TV to watching Eddie Ryan in a local community centre. Wrestling is goodies vs baddies. Simple. Not spoilt by workrates or storylines. Not frustrated at the wrong people getting a push. Just pure love at real life super heroes in front of them. Watching wrestling with them makes watching wrestling great. All the time. The big thing currently is to get them facepainted up and they take it turns to be introduced before marching to the netted trampoline for a cage match.
westlondonmist Posted March 22, 2016 Posted March 22, 2016 Have a good recovery. Â Warrior at Wrestlemania VII by far. The Ultimate Warrior going through a long enduring fight in a Career vs Career match against the man who cost him the title at Royal Rumble and then coming out on top. You cannot beat moments like that.
Ambulance Chaser Posted March 22, 2016 Posted March 22, 2016 Bret winning King Of The Ring 1993, unbelievable shit that was, I was exhausted just watching as an 8 year old, I thought "This man can take no more, he can't overcome Bam Bam" he was doing his hobble, and the hunched over walk and the open mouthed breathing, all the tricks came out the bag, and he went and did it.
Paid Members Tommy! Posted March 22, 2016 Paid Members Posted March 22, 2016   Having breakfast with mick foley at international showwdown   Please Mr Foley, not the steam tray! "Out of the night there came a creature, more stomach than man..."Somebody had to take Sasha Banks home. Then I noticed she was sitting on her sweet can. I grabbed her sweet can Oh, just thinking about her can I just wish I had her sweet, sweet, sweet can.  So, Mr. Foley, you admit you grabbed her can.   No Mr. Foley, noooooo    Dramatization may not have happened.
iPumaPants Posted March 22, 2016 Posted March 22, 2016 Get well soon! I'm lucky enough to have 2 young boys 4 and 6 who have both got into wrestling and watching their faces light up watching it already surpasses all the memories I have of it as a kid. The beauty is they genuinely don't see a difference between watching The Undertaker on TV to watching Eddie Ryan in a local community centre. Wrestling is goodies vs baddies. Simple. Not spoilt by workrates or storylines. Not frustrated at the wrong people getting a push. Just pure love at real life super heroes in front of them. Watching wrestling with them makes watching wrestling great. All the time. The big thing currently is to get them facepainted up and they take it turns to be introduced before marching to the netted trampoline for a cage match. I'd say this. I have a 10 and a 9 year old. They love wrestling for the entertainment that it is. My eldest loves a bit of Lucha Underground, and has gone out of his way to view it from the beginning, and my 9 year old is all about WWE. I wish I could say "Not frustrated at the wrong people getting a push", but they both seem to dislike Roman Reigns. It is what it is.  I want to echo the comment about not seeing different shows differently. I used to take them to local-ish events, and they loved it. This is in their much earlier ages. They never really saw a difference. Obviously they do now.  Get well soon, KidKris!
hitman619 Posted March 22, 2016 Posted March 22, 2016 for me it had to be the very first WWF video i got, found it as an ex rental in a very small local video shop, wrestlemania 5, i remeber running up home to watch it, and at that point i was hooked.
mike_mcgb Posted March 29, 2016 Posted March 29, 2016 Daniel Bryan winning the title at Mania.Bayley winning the NXT Women's belt in Brooklyn, and her return to Full Sail.Kobashi's retirement, wherein he went out with a hero's farewell, and was shown how much he was appreciated, which not every wrestler we know and love had the good fortune to hear before they hung 'em up (or worse).The sheer excitement of CM Punk's MITB angle, regardless of work, shoot or not - it was the last time I suspended my disbelief and got into it.Watching vids of Misawa giving kids Xmas pressies.
hallicks Posted March 30, 2016 Posted March 30, 2016 Daniel Bryan winning the WWE title at Summerslam 2013. He had so much momentum and was a made man with Cena putting him over clean in the middle. I was in the crowd and jumping up and down with delight. Unfortunately they went with the Orton cash in minutes later, leading to the birth of the current Authority line up and a horribly booked feud involving fast counts, held up titles and PPV refunds. It was after that event that the Raw head writer left because of Vince continually rewriting the script on the day of the show and it's never really recovered from that. But for those few moments, it was so amazing. Yeah he had his WM moment and it was obviously a bigger deal, but that first one will always be special to me.
Undefeated Steak Posted March 30, 2016 Posted March 30, 2016 Yeah, Bryan's two big title wins were things of beauty. Expertly booked and a showcase of how good a wrestler he (and his opponents) were.
FourHorsemanAA Posted March 30, 2016 Posted March 30, 2016 In recent memory, Rollins cash in is up there. I'll never forgot the pop in the bar i was watching WM in, when he starting sprinting down the aisle with the briefcase. Then when he hit the Curb Stomp, drink was flying all over the place, hugs, screams, I'm sure i seen a dude cry!Â
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