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WHAT PLAY YOU!? Version 2.0


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I found the 4th stone, now I'm just wandering really. Not sure what I do, and navi keeps banging on about finding somebody to talk to who may know more... I found this building "Temple of Thieves" or something to that extent. Lot's of prison guards. Freed two people... and now I'm just wandering again.


There are 4 prisoners to free in that area, once you've got them all, you can proceed.

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Although the Temple of Thieves part is good, it was also around then that I felt myself playing it for the sake of playing it. Never got bored with Twilight Princess though, didn't want it to end. Skyward Sword can fuck off, though.

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Has anyone here played Civilization V? Debating whether to get that or Age of The Empires 3 on Mac. Both of which are old games now and quite expensive but most games on the system seem to be. I just want something like that to play to relax and unwind for an hour or two in the evenings after a day at work. I played the first Age Of the Empires years ago and loved it, so was just wondering if the series' was still up to scratch?

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I have, but because of my shitty laptop it doesn't work very well. It's completely different to Age of Empires though.


Also, on the AoE point - don't buy 3, there's a HD remake being rumoured of 2, which was amazing, so hold out for that.


I'm playing WWE13 at the minute, which is fun. Although Attitude Mode is pissing me off - I spent an hour on the New Age Outlaws/Legion of Doom match, and the one time I managed to do all but the final objective, Road Dogg (as AI) got DQed for not leaving the ring quick enough, after I had one of them down for the pinfall. Arsehole.

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Although the Temple of Thieves part is good, it was also around then that I felt myself playing it for the sake of playing it. Never got bored with Twilight Princess though, didn't want it to end. Skyward Sword can fuck off, though.


I hated Skyward Sword too, after reviewers saying it was the best Zelda game in years I was incredibly disappointed in it. The control system was fucking wank and they didn't even attempt to do something new this time round. People give Wind Waker shit but I loved that game, the graphics were beautiful.


I'm quite far into the new Tomb Raider currently. It's very, very good. I've never been a fan of the series but if future games are like this one then I'm going to be all over them. The game is a ton of fun, has great characters, atmosphere and storylines and there's lots to do and it's never dull.

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Recently finished Tomb Raider. As others have said, it's very good and an encouraging reboot of the series. The graphics are great and the combat is good (albeit with a few cover issues and the lack of blind fire/shooting from the hip). Not a few minutes go by though without something making you think of Uncharted, and although Uncharted was inspired in part by Tomb Raider this is much more of a copy of Uncharted than Uncharted was a copy of the original Tomb Raiders (with a little bit of Resident Evil 4 thrown in). That's not a bad thing though, as although the last three games in the series ranged from good to very good, the Tomb Raider formula did need freshening up. I do also like that you can go back and revisit areas after the story has finished to find the remaining collectibles and missed tombs as you get to concentrate more on platforming then.


Must disagree with LaGoosh about the characters though. They've done a very good job with Lara, particularly earlier on in the game, but the majority of your crew and the rest of the characters are pretty bad, with a lot just being lazy stereotypes. The storyline wasn't amazing either, was very predictable in parts and the other characters' dialogue was pretty cheesy at times.


<-- click on 'spoiler' to show/hide the spoiler

For instance, Whitman being bad was pretty obvious from early on. It was also pretty obvious that the nerdy guy was going to be toast once you found out he had a crush on Lara.


[close spoiler]



Have also being playing the Citadel DLC for Mass Effect 3. It's excellent, and definitely gives Lair of the Shadow Broker a run for it's money as the best Mass Effect DLC. If you're a big fan of the series, it's a must buy.

Edited by TUFCfan
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Although the Temple of Thieves part is good, it was also around then that I felt myself playing it for the sake of playing it. Never got bored with Twilight Princess though, didn't want it to end. Skyward Sword can fuck off, though.


I hated Skyward Sword too, after reviewers saying it was the best Zelda game in years I was incredibly disappointed in it. The control system was fucking wank and they didn't even attempt to do something new this time round.


That's what pissed me off most, too. The sheer amount of games sites that proclaimed this as the greatest Zelda game ever was ridiculous. I had high hopes, considering these sites still regularly masturbate over how OOT is still the best game that was ever invented. If this game was even better than OOT, a claim that hadn't been made since OOT (although I much prefer Twilight Princess), then this game must be shit hot. The gameplay was very good I thought, but the lack of depth was shit, hugely disappointing in this day and age.


You explore three areas and their respective dungeons. What next, another three areas and dungeons to explore? I hoped so, but no. Instead, go and do THE SAME FUCKING DUNGEONS AGAIN but slightly differently. What a kop-out. I liked the sky city place, though. Got bored of flying though, in the same vein as I did with the sailing in Phantom Hourglass.

Edited by PunkStep
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Beyond Good and Evil did Zelda better than Zelda ever did in my eyes, such a gorgeous game with some superb writing and a great European feel. Jade is possibly the greatest ever female character in gaming and i'm so glad to hear that she'll be back on next gen consoles (and hopefully PC too).


I've currently got too many games on my plate, sadly one of them is Shadow of the Colossus which i just can't get into because there's no motivation there to kill these divine beasts, i couldn't give a shit if it's to bring back some dumb anime looking bint... they're better than her.

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Recently finished Tomb Raider. As others have said, it's very good and an encouraging reboot of the series. The graphics are great and the combat is good (albeit with a few cover issues and the lack of blind fire/shooting from the hip). Not a few minutes go by though without something making you think of Uncharted, and although Uncharted was inspired in part by Tomb Raider this is much more of a copy of Uncharted than Uncharted was a copy of the original Tomb Raiders (with a little bit of Resident Evil 4 thrown in). That's not a bad thing though, as although the last three games in the series ranged from good to very good, the Tomb Raider formula did need freshening up. I do also like that you can go back and revisit areas after the story has finished to find the remaining collectibles and missed tombs as you get to concentrate more on platforming then.


Must disagree with LaGoosh about the characters though. They've done a very good job with Lara, particularly earlier on in the game, but the majority of your crew and the rest of the characters are pretty bad, with a lot just being lazy stereotypes. The storyline wasn't amazing either, was very predictable in parts and the other characters' dialogue was pretty cheesy at times.


<-- click on 'spoiler' to show/hide the spoiler

For instance, Whitman being bad was pretty obvious from early on. It was also pretty obvious that the nerdy guy was going to be toast once you found out he had a crush on Lara.


[close spoiler]



Have also being playing the Citadel DLC for Mass Effect 3. It's excellent, and definitely gives Lair of the Shadow Broker a run for it's money as the best Mass Effect DLC. If you're a big fan of the series, it's a must buy.


I just finished Tomb Raider and really enjoyed it. As you say there story didn't do anything it didn't have to, but there were some surprisingly emotional moments. Lara takes a real kicking in this. It was always exciting to play though the the fluidity was great. I did get a little kick at the end where

<-- click on 'spoiler' to show/hide the spoiler

Lara ends it with the classic two handguns. Nice bit of fan service that.


[close spoiler]



I've borrowed Dead Space 3 from my brother so I'll be tucking into that next before Bioshock Infinte hits. Then I'll definitely pick up the ME:3 Citadel.

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