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Emigrating... (anyone done it?)


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What did you do in Canada, Lowdown? My girlfriend and I have recently been considering the possibility of going out on a 2 year IEC visa with the idea of potentially staying permanently. What sort of jobs would you say we'd be looking at initially? And did you do it through an agency?


If it was up to me I'd drop everything and get over there as soon as possibly, but my girlfriend is very much a "wait and see what happens" type of person. That, and I don't want to leave my cat behind!


Before we left I applied for the usual office based roles through craigslist as they use it for everything out there. I didn't get any call backs for whatever reason so arrived in Van with no job. It's easy to get one while you are out there though. I just went  out and handed my CV in shops and got about 5 call backs in about 2 days. I worked for the North Face which was cool. It's all travelers working there, a real mix, Aussies, Japanese, Irish etc really cool to work with so many different people.


My missus got a job working in a education company selling private tutoring to the rich and I think she got that through Craigslist. TBH it's easier to apply for jobs while you are out there as you have a Canadian Cell number which makes it so much easier to communicate rather than emailing back and forth while you are still in the UK/Ireland.


To be honest, I didn't really care what I did initially as it's all about getting your feet on the ground and settled. I think If we had stayed we would have tried to move into our familiar fields after the first year.


So just go, print out a shit load of CV's and walk the streets (Just not East Hastings St as it's fucking skid row city down there!!!!)If your willing to do anything initially (Shop Assistant/Bar staff etc) you'll get a job quickly, then you can apply for jobs in your chosen field.


Ask away if you have any more questions on where to live etc?

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I've been interested in doing TEFL in Japan, but I've read mixed reviews from people who've done it, so the cost of training seems quite a gamble when you don't know whether the school you end up at is going to treat you well or take the piss.

Chest is right the standard ofiving is usually worse for one everything is western prices and you're on a salary which is liveable with a few luxuries unless you are frugal. Expect to be able to do just a little more with your spare time than the UK would let you. He you can't watch plays each week here in the West end and you might find watching njpw etc each week too expensive. Apartments are Tony too


That said I know of people who after a year were in a pretty decent teaching job and had private students so they had a good salary


SE Asia is dirt cheap mostly Vietnam Laos and Cambodia are rock bottom, Thailand and Malaysia are still cheaper than the UK. Vietnam was my pick as schools are usually more solid students a little less lazy and you are paid very well here. Anyone who does want to have a chat about it PM me. That said I'm not the only ukff member here but I don't forget the others username

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I've been in the US for nearly 6 years and I love it here- could never go back to living in the Uk. But damn, the immigration process is slow and draining. I still don't have my green card and without that, if I lose my job I have 10 days to leave the country. 12 years all in til I am eligible to become a citizen.


But aye, Great life here. Low cost of living, good career opportunities, a better social life than I ever had in the uk and of course, brilliant weather.

Anyone thinking of living abroad should definitely go for it! You only live once and you can always come back!

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Are there any regs about buying properties in the US or Oz without being a resident? With a bit of extra money coming in, I was looking at investing in a property out there, renting it out via an agent to cover mortgage costs and taxes, then upping sticks and moving in a few years. Feasible?

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To be honest i've found I can do without massive Vietnamese language skills (it's a bugger to learn) although it does make things easier to know enough and sound like you know a lot more. That said i'm fairly embarrassed by the little amount I know (I didn't expect to be staying and marrying a local girl in the first year and a half so was pretty lax), once i've sorted out some big items to pay for i'm taking proper lessons finally as i've promised to thank the guests at our wedding in Vietnamese. 


Another thing about not knowing the language means it's nice that you can't understand the general useless chatter of people in the street so much easier to tune out and be anti-social!

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Any US emigrés out there considered moving back to the UK? We're over halfway through our maximum potential visa duration and we need to decide if we're going to stay long term or head back before the kids start school. Brexit tipped us towards staying but the event of a Trump presidency might be enough to get us to up sticks again. The problem is, I don't fancy a post-Brexit Theresa May led UK very much. But all our friends/family are back home. What to do?!

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