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Cunt fashion

Devon Malcolm

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Where the fuck did these onesies come from? And why are there are lads walking round with one trouser leg up?


I know these fashion trends are fucking shit but if we lost them then wouldn't it be a lot harder to identify utter fannies? Are there are any more that make it easier to identify them that I might have missed?

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Drop downs are pretty bad. I don't mind a little bagginess around the arse, but if I can fully see your underwear and you're having to waddle for the bus, I'd say you're a cunt.


I had to Google what they were but all I got was stuff about Excel spreadsheets. What have I missed there?

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Hipster beards are the biggest cunt fashion fad going.

Yeah, it's about time this poxy beard trend fucked off now. Far too many unnecessarily long beards are still on the go. Proper experienced beard-ers like Butch are probably even more pissed off with them. Chuck in skinny jeans, wearing shoes (boater shoes perhaps) WITHOUT SOCKS and a bottle of pretentious cider and you've ticked all the boxes of hipster cuntness.

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