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What's everyone playing at the moment in the world of hobby games?


Just getting into the Marvel Dicemaster game. Very fast paced, easy to get into and relatively cheap compared to other collectible things.


Stocked up on some great German games in the most recent sale at the works. Taj Mahal is a classic Kniza title and great for 3 players.


Mostly playing Pandemic and Agricola at the mo. My favourite co op and favourite challenger games. Trying to find a good supplier of little Woden farmyard animals to pimp it up a bit.


Anyone else.

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Another casual Magic player here. Got back into it through friends at work, recently lost our local game shop courtesy of "redevelopment" (read: flats). Still playing in my friend circle, looking maybe to try and get to some game days. Although I have a weakness for cards...somehow have accumulated over 7000, mainly through job lots and Gumtree.

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Used to play tons of magic back in the day. Still got all the cards, apart from my alphas that I sold off a couple of years ago. I normally played a surf and turf combo of blue and green. I think it is still to be beaten as a ccg. Net runner came close, but I never really classed that as a "pure" ccg due to the lack of boosters available. Loved playing the base set though.

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I've heard really good things about Net runner, but have never played. Saw some guys playing in the shop before a Magic booster draft a little while back and they were explaining it to me.


I've also recently started playing some Magic online - I started because I was travelling for work a fair bit and was missing out on drafts in the shops, but if you just do Booster drafts and you do consistently well then they end up paying for themselves so I've been doing it a fair bit the last month or so!



Have you played with any of the recent sets at all Thunderplex? I'd be interested in your thoughts on how its changed over the years. I played at school in the 90s, and then didn't pick it up again for ages until the last year or so. I know the archetypes in the colour have shifted a lot over time.

Edited by Chest Rockwell
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My girlfriend and I have quite the collection of board games! (From the top - Love Letter, Bodgermania, Jaipur, Braggart, Gloom+Expansion, Munchkin, Carcassonne, Sentinels of the Multiverse+Expansion, Ascension: Chronicles of the Godslayer, King of Tokyo, Game of Thrones Card Game, Thunderstone Advance, Arkham Horror, Ticket to Ride Europe, Discworld: Ankh Morpork, Android Netrunner, Smallworld and the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game).


My favourites are Ascension: Chronicles of the Godslayer, which is a deckbuilding game, and Sentinels of the Multiverse, which is another, co-operative, deckbuilding game. 


I also played Hive today, which was amazing and one that I need to buy asap. There is a board games cafe in Oxford called Thirsty Meeples which is a lot of fun. 

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Nexus, an impressive collection there sire. Love letter is amazing. So much gaming out of just 16 cards. Played it that much I am on my 2nd set as the cards had worn. Love ticket to ride, I think if boardgames were still a family pastime, it would be up there as a household name like Monopoly and Cluedo. Bought Arkham Horror a long time ago, and have set it up several time, but not had the time to play it through. Home alone this weekend, so I may give it another go.


Chest, to be honest I've not bought any for at least 8 years. Wife's not a ccg fan, and my gaming group are all euro and war gamers, so not much chance there. Just downloaded Magic 2015 for the ipad, so hopefully I'll get to learn how it's changed since I last dabbled. I think you would love net runner. Not played the new implementation, but as long as they have kept the basic premise, it would be hard to dislike.


Fallen angel, bought a few of the vs starters, but never played them. It seemed to just vanish over night for some reason. Always heard good things about it, so I hope the rumours are true.

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My group of friends just finished our Risk:Legacy campaign. 15 games over as many months; it's been an incredible experience. If you don't know anything about it, it's standard Risk (boring) but with rule changes and board changes that carry over from game to game. So a new city might be founded by you, giving you a bonus next game. Or a territory becomes cursed and no-one wants to occupy it. And you get stickers to stick into the rulebook to replace old rules, and other cards are torn up - TORN UP - when discarded. If you haven't heard of it, please don't read up about it as you will get spoiled, but this Eurogamer review tipped us over the edge to buy it.


I've recently got my son into Blood Bowl and built him his own pitch. That was great fun.

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I really wanted to get the legacy version as I have heard it is quite awesome, but my gaming group is not huge mist reliable, and I dont think I'd get the most out of it. Wonderful concept fir a boardgame, the first I know of to have a definitive end.


Blodbowl took up a lot if my time a few years ago. Just sold my first edition on ebay. Bet it was a proud moment playing on the completed pitch with him.

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Pretty sweet collection, Nexus. I'm not mad keen on Ticket to Ride, as I find its gameplay a bit singular, with everyone staring at the cards they're collecting rather than the 'fuck everyone else over' larks of a Game of Thrones or Spartacus: A Game of Blood and Treachery (which is amazing). Same with Settlers, which can be a bit frustrating if the right cards don't come up, giving you nothing to do. Carcassonne's my favourite of the resource-building genre, although anything with little wooden men is always best.


Pandemic's pretty fun, given my lust for combat, seeing as it's a co-op, but I've as yet not had the urge to play it twice. Big fan of King of Tokyo, which is one of those quick and easy ones when you've got a spare half hour, although I've a particular liking for anything that takes about an hour to set the board up before you start. Two Worlds I also like, and there's so many combinations of characters/skills that you'd never get bored.


One I've tried and am not at all keen on is 20th Century, for a number of reasons, but mainly as it's one of those games where there's a scoreboard running throughout, but almost all of the scoring is done at the end, with huge amounts of points added on and taken off, which makes all the in-game scoring seem a bit pointless, and means you can't gauge how you're doing as you go along. Also, it's mostly based around cities cleaning up rubbish.


Dixit's a personal favourite, as it takes on a very intangible, ethereal quality, and is best with a mixture of highbrow types and people who go for more basic descriptions.

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