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The 2013 NFL season is upon us again and so too is the UKFF Predictions League if the interest is still there.


Over the next day or two, can I ask you to post if you're interested and I'll post full rules etc by the end of the week.


However, for those of you who've played the last few years, I'm currently experiencing a problem accessing the website we've used but hoping to still have it by the time the season starts. Currently looking into that.


If not, and unless a website whizkid among you knows how to put something together in the space of a few days, we may be going back to the old system of posting your picks on here and me counting it manually (oh joy!).


Anyway......are you in or out? :thumbsup:

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I'm in, as ever.


Still having trouble accessing the predictions site properly and as it was a favour from a friend who's extremely busy with his own paid work, he hasn't got time to fix the problems.


Anyone out there who knows how to set up a simple predictions/calculation site using Wordpress (or something like that) and could do it within a space of about 3 days maximum?


Guys....I'm sorry for the short notice on this but as much as it frustrates me to have to do it, I think I'm gonna have to withdraw from running the Predictions League at least for this season.


The website made things so much easier for me during the regular season in particular as it meant I didn't have to do manual calculations each week. However, the guy who set the site up for me is unable to dedicate any time to it at all and as there is a fault in the admin site that's preventing me from setting up anything for the main page.


I really want to continue with it into a 9th season but back when I set this up I had so much more time on my hands but these days I will struggle to commit to even the time it needs for manual calculations.


If anyone wanted to pick up the mantle I'd be happy to see that happen to ensure the league carries on. Unfortunately, it would have to be run manually though.


If its just a case of putting up the games on here and people replying with there predictions then me adding up the totals I don't mind doing that every week


I'm usually up late so always have some spare time floating about to dedicate some time to adding up etc


I don't mind doing it If you havn't found someone yet

If its just a case of putting up the games on here and people replying with there predictions then me adding up the totals I don't mind doing that every week


I'm usually up late so always have some spare time floating about to dedicate some time to adding up etc


I don't mind doing it If you havn't found someone yet


That's all it comes down to really so if you could do it that would be great. The playoffs get a bit trickier but I might be able to help by that time.


Check with the mods, they wanted to only have one thread last year so you'll need to start one again. Use the title...




Turn each week you can edit the subtitle with 'Week 1' 'Week 2' & so on.


Thank you for the offer, it's much appreciated.


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