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Smackdown Discussion Thread

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Yeah, there was one non-shit week of the Big Show feud where he did pretty much the same thing as well. He was great on Smackdown this week -- if you're not happy with him being all smiles and winks, and you're not happy with him being pissed off and punching people in the face, you're probably just going to be anti anything he does.

Yes, because that's the only two things he could be doing. There's a middle ground which doesn't make him look like an idiot or a sulky git upset that he's not getting his own way. Bryan, by contrast, is being booked as being pro-active, dealing with hurdles put in his way and getting what he wants. He doesn't pout, he doesn't lash out, he just does what he needs to. Reigns is being booked as a spoiled victim brat.

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Daniel Bryan whined his way into last year's WrestleMania, and has done the same to get to the Fast Lane main event this year. I don't know if you watched the Rumble, but Bryan did a lot of pouting there. His gimmick for the last year and a half has been VICTIM OF EVIL BOOKERS. All wrestlers do is talk, fight or react. You'll likely always read negatively into however Reigns does those things because he's one of your hate figures and always read positively into how Bryan does them because he's one of your fancies. When the storyline dictated that Reigns put his title shot on the line, there was no way to do that where anti-Reigns viewers couldn't  possibly read it as him being an idiot. And if he put it on the line then laughed about it like Cena would, the same moaners would still be moaning anyway.

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Why do you think Bryan is one of my favourites? I have no strong feelings either way, but he's being booked strongly. Reigns is on my shitlist because he's being pushed for a position he's barely qualified for. But it's the booking that's making him look like a putz. He's a wooden promo so he can't take that route, but the way he's going now is not entirely his fault - he's being hung out to dry by poor booking. You know, some people aren't entirely partisan when they discuss wrestling, however surprising that may be.

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Roman Reigns is being compromised to book Daniel Bryan more strongly in response to the hurt bottoms of a couple of weeks ago where Bryan wasn't booked strongly -- there's little sense in complaining about one and praising the other when they're two sides of the same coin. Particularly as Reigns was booked pretty damn strong on this particular show anyway, apart from the bit where he sold for The Miz. Which is probably another neccesary evil, as he's going to have to get used to selling for a match with Lesnar. Why they have to do it on TV is a bit beyond me, though. But selling for Miz on Smackdown isn't quite as bad as selling for Miz on Raw, so if the idea is "improve your selling for the cameras, Roman" it probably made the most sense where it was.

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I'm not sure they are two sides of the same coin - or at least they don't have to be. If you accept that Bryan has to be booked this way - and I don't think that's a given, because while you should always give the crowd what they want, there are different ways of doing that - then there's still room for Reigns to be booked strongly, too. You can have two proactive babyfaces - indeed, Ambrose is being proactive further down the card - but they seem intent on booking Reigns as reactive.


The selling for Miz wouldn't ordinarily bother me, except that it's at odds with what they're trying to do - position Reigns way up on top - and after making Miz a bit of a joke these past few months. He may have always been a joke, I don't know, but that would be even worse.


Fresh faces on top is mostly a good thing, and they don't always have to be the most gifted (Luger, Warrior), but they have to be booked right. To my eyes, they're not doing it at the moment but I remain open to a good switch down the line.


Edit: Just to say that I enjoy discussing this kind of stuff because the science of booking fascinates me!

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This isnt intended to offend of cause an arguement.


Pitcos I cant tell if you enjoy wrestling or just enjoy the upset of people on other boards, a large portions of your posts talk down about fans being 'dem wans, indy fanboys, butthurt etc'


That may not be the case but from reading your posts you talk more about what others dont like rather than what you do.

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Ugh. Less of that please.


On the subject of Reigns selling for Miz, it's a weird one. Because while Miz has always been positioned as a chickenshit heel...the guy did main event Wrestlemania and been competitive in alot of big gimmick matches with top stars so he kind of should be able to handle himself. I must say though that Miz is massively underrated. The "workrate" fans are always going to hate him but he's one of the few on the roster who knows exactly how to get himself, others and angles over. He's a smart guy and a strong hand on the roster.

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Ugh. Less of that please.


On the subject of Reigns selling for Miz, it's a weird one. Because while Miz has always been positioned as a chickenshit heel...the guy did main event Wrestlemania and been competitive in alot of big gimmick matches with top stars so he kind of should be able to handle himself. I must say though that Miz is massively underrated. The "workrate" fans are always going to hate him but he's one of the few on the roster who knows exactly how to get himself, others and angles over. He's a smart guy and a strong hand on the roster.

I'd agree in the most part but at this moment in time with where Miz is positioned and with where Reigns is being put in a position where they have to make us believe he can beat Brock they probably shouldn't have Reigns as the second most aggressive man in that match. Pitcos is probably right with him trying to practice his selling on TV though.

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I'd agree in the most part but at this moment in time with where Miz is positioned and with where Reigns is being put in a position where they have to make us believe he can beat Brock they probably shouldn't have Reigns as the second most aggressive man in that match.


:laugh: That's a great point, actually. Roman Reigns has had his WrestleMania main event half-yanked out from under him. The Miz is mad that his stunt double's more popular than him. One should be a bigger deal than the other. Even factoring in the Superman punch revenge from the start of the show, it's mad that Miz got to be the aggressor.


LaGoosh is right that Miz should be able to handle himself and is hugely underrated, but for whatever reason -- his face, his demeanor, the fact that he never had that credibility-giving match like Orton vs Foley -- he's never quite been able to be taken seriously as a vicious, tough baddie. There are still ways to work with the perception of him and outsmart bigger/stronger wrestlers, it's strange that they don't play it that way usually.

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I don't think Reigns is ready for the spot so I'm going to pick holes in everything even the good stuff. Ugh.


Miz was ace at the start of the match. I'm not a fan generally but he was great here and built something for Reigns to overcome.


Not disagreeing with earlier points though. He's not credible enough for the spot though he's proven himself capable.

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The Miz's problem is and always will be that he just doesn't look hard, If you bumped into him on the street you'd tell him to fuck off, it's not his fault obviously, he can't help his look but 10-15 years ago he'd have a bit more bulk from steroids most likely which would help


I said Double A had the worst look for a quality wrestler the other week but thinking about it it's Miz by a mile, great heel but ridiculous that someone with that look headlined Mania (and no, I don't think Punk should have that year)

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He doesn't look hard but that's not the issue for me. They need to go full on chicken shit heel with him then have him do the mean bit once he's cheated himself an advantage. His style and move set are too cool for a chicken shit so it doesn't quite blend together and with his superstar Holywood schtick he definitely doesn't need to look hard.

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