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Smackdown Discussion Thread

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Strowman kicks the shit out of Zayn only for Owens to make the save, turning babyface in the process. And they're the bestest friends as they ever were. All the while Jericho is getting jealous that KO never once helped him. Because the WWE can't keep Owens and Zayn apart for more than a couple of months. 


Strowman can then win the title at Roadblock, heading into his WrestleMania match with Lesnar for the title.

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Strowman should win decisively and then Sami gets traded to Smackdown. That way he doesn't get his win back for a reason.

Strowman should win decisively and then Sami gets traded to Smackdown. That way he doesn't get his win back for a reason.

I think a move to Smackdown could do Zayn good but what I struggle with is the logic of why Smackdown would draft Same Zayn.

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I think a move to Smackdown could do Zayn good but what I struggle with is the logic of why Smackdown would draft Same Zayn.

Underutilsed by Steph so Shane wants to make him a star. Daniel Bryan sees a lot of himself in him. etc.

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Another breezy watch this week. It's still a bit tame, one segment one story, but it's an easy hour and a half.


Ziggles challenging anyone on Raw for the IC title was interesting. They're going with the tag line that Survivor Series is the only night of the year where both brands collide. It's clearly set up to further the Ziggles/Miz stuff but in reality, why would Shane risk losing the IC title to Raw?


SD team is set - Ambrose, Styles, Orton, Wyatt and Corbin. This could be a hell of a match if they intertwine the various feuds going on between the teammates.


Orton joining the Wyatts in their backstage skit was good. They're going down the right path with this. Should be great when Orton finally turns on Bray.

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A few people have taken to wreddit and Twitter claiming that Becky is being buried and as she's the women's champion she should be the team captain rather than Nikki Bella. Surely it makes sense for their to a neutral captain with them having the Becky/Bliss title match next week, because if Bliss wins the belt (I don't think she will) then you have people claiming that the captain should be changed

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