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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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I think it ages him by about 20 years personally. The goatee is a nice touch, but beyond that, when I saw a still of him about to chokeslam Brock, my immediate reaction was, "who is this grandma trying to take on the Beast?"

He's the Undertaker, not Gareth Gates. He's the Clint Eastwood of wrestling. You might want to try enjoying this a bit more. It must be shite to watch if you cant invest in the big characters.

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Decent episode, Christ Christian is boring though, not even his fault really but when his music hit I unwittingly picked up the Sky remote and pressed fast forward, poor bloke is just stale as fuck


Liked Dean Ambrose's outfit when he ran out during the Reigns/Wyatt match, looked like he was about to shove someones head through the barbershop window

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I was going to mention Ambroses' outfit too, but I thought I might turn the thread in to Monday Night Raw does Fashion again. It did look good though, a leather jacket over a hoodie would normally look silly but Ambrose works it well, he should stick with it.

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Well that Raw was a massive disappointment. Not sure what I'd built it as in my head (it's Ian's fault actually, he made it sound like a wet dream) but that wasn't it.


Funny, I only said yesterday:


Roman Reigns vs. Bray Wyatt could be a WrestleMania main event somewhere down the line. Hopefully it will be well protected in the meantime and not put on Raw at five minutes notice.


My thought was that they'd reshuffled the show and gone back to Wyatts/Shield because of Cena's injury but I see in this thread that some are suggesting it was a work. If so, I can't see any reason for wasting Wyatt vs. Reigns.


The match was a huge letdown. Everything about Wyatt is so creative that when he just lies on a bog standard headlock, it seems so out of step with his character. Agree with Ian though, the crowd were just being cunts for the sake of it. The same match with a crowd invested in it would have been 10 times better.


I'm surprised they used the exact same finish for both this and the Cesaro match. Bit of joined up thinking needed there.


Didn't particularly enjoy anything else until the closing segment. Even though it was massively predictable, I still marked like a motherfucker for the *bong*. Brock was brilliant in this. Showed great concern throughout and put over The Undertaker's threat perfectly.


By the way, I've had my fill of "surprise" roll up finishes for this year thanks WWE.


Yes, the "oh my nemesis' music is playing, best turn around and forget about this match for 30 seconds" finish is dreadful.

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Decent episode, Christ Christian is boring though, not even his fault really but when his music hit I unwittingly picked up the Sky remote and pressed fast forward, poor bloke is just stale as fuck


Liked Dean Ambrose's outfit when he ran out during the Reigns/Wyatt match, looked like he was about to shove someones head through the barbershop window


I had the same problem. I was enjoying RAW live and as soon as Christian/Sheamus came on I fell asleep straight away. I think Sheamus is tremendous in the ring but Christian is horrendous at the moment.

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Decent episode, Christ Christian is boring though, not even his fault really but when his music hit I unwittingly picked up the Sky remote and pressed fast forward, poor bloke is just stale as fuck


Liked Dean Ambrose's outfit when he ran out during the Reigns/Wyatt match, looked like he was about to shove someones head through the barbershop window


I had the same problem. I was enjoying RAW live and as soon as Christian/Sheamus came on I fell asleep straight away. I think Sheamus is tremendous in the ring but Christian is horrendous at the moment.


Ha, I nodded off during the match too. Used to love Christian too.

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[Yes, the "oh my nemesis' music is playing, best turn around and forget about this match for 30 seconds" finish is dreadful.

The worse part is Michael Cole reacting by making a shit WHU-WHU-WHU-WHU noise that resembles a turkey, Harold Bishop and Super Mario (in Super Mario Galaxy) altogether. Commentators feigning surprise is usually rotten.

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Batista vs Orton closing Wrestlemania 30 is the least sensible idea since Princess Di decided she didn't require a seat belt

The current champion vs a former Wrestlemania headliner involved with massive movie franchise about to hit cinemas. Yeah, awful idea. Just because the smarks are shitting on it because Big Dave isn't Daniel Bryan doesnt mean its not a good idea in theory. I'll concede that it isnt working out though.

It's a bit more than "the smarks". Entire arenas are filling with boos when Batista is there.

Like I said, it isnt working out. That doesnt mean it was a bad idea. If Batista's return had remained secret people would of lost their shit when he came out in the Rumble instead of shitting on it because of the overwhelming assumption that their favourite had a divine right to be the man. My point is, on the face of it, Orton vs Batista isnt a bad idea.

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Batista vs Orton closing Wrestlemania 30 is the least sensible idea since Princess Di decided she didn't require a seat belt

The current champion vs a former Wrestlemania headliner involved with massive movie franchise about to hit cinemas. Yeah, awful idea. Just because the smarks are shitting on it because Big Dave isn't Daniel Bryan doesnt mean its not a good idea in theory. I'll concede that it isnt working out though.

It's a bit more than "the smarks". Entire arenas are filling with boos when Batista is there.

Like I said, it isnt working out. That doesnt mean it was a bad idea. If Batista's return had remained secret people would of lost their shit when he came out in the Rumble instead of shitting on it because of the overwhelming assumption that their favourite had a divine right to be the man. My point is, on the face of it, Orton vs Batista isnt a bad idea.


It was a boring idea, regardless of opponent because Orton has been shit and boring for years. Now, in a situation where you have two guys nobody likes, they're backed into a corner they have very few ways out of. There's no way they'll do Orton vs Batista without Bryan or anyone else in there, because crowds are shitting on both guys and even a Batista heel turn will mean heel vs heel for the belt which is insane for WM.

They have to stick someone else in there, or have them go very early on the card so people forget about it by the time the Undertaker, Hogan, Cena, Bryan appearances happen.

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Only way to maybe salvage things, perhaps get Batista to snap and beat up Bryan..


Give her a bit of real heat, rather than xpac heat.

Heat is heat, theres no such thing as 'X-Pac Heat' and there never has been. Its a term invented by Internet fans and its utterly stupid.

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Batista turning might be the last thing Bryan wants. He already has Triple H who can out promo him. Imagine Batista giving him the "hugging fat girls" style promos. If these fans have a genuine dislike for Big Dave, dont boo him. If they turn him, his stock will rise to shocking levels. The blokes is a tremendous heel.


I love Bryan. He's a sensational worker and a great nice bloke in real life, but if they gave anyone else his character they'd be underground by now. He's such a whiny little bitch. He needs to up his game in that department. Its the opposite of Cena. When Cena loses, he's like "lads? *waves*". When Bryan loses, the guy is portrayed as a whinger.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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Like I said, it isnt working out. That doesnt mean it was a bad idea. If Batista's return had remained secret people would of lost their shit when he came out in the Rumble instead of shitting on it because of the overwhelming assumption that their favourite had a divine right to be the man. My point is, on the face of it, Orton vs Batista isnt a bad idea.


I don't get this logic. Fans get behind someone, that wrestler gets over. That's what a favourite is. Bryan's gotten over organically, so why denigrate what the fans are doing? This is how it's always happened.


I agree that they should've had Batista's return kept secret; it may have been the only way they could stop people booing him for coming out instead of Bryan. Orton/Batista isn't a bad idea per se, but they need more than a "not bad" idea to headline the biggest WM ever. Orton isn't hot enough at the moment to warrant being in any Mania mains right now, he's not even hated enough, and Batista, well - he's suffering from coming in during an odd period.


Only way to maybe salvage things, perhaps get Batista to snap and beat up Bryan..


Give her a bit of real heat, rather than xpac heat.

Heat is heat, theres no such thing as 'X-Pac Heat' and there never has been. Its a term invented by Internet fans and its utterly stupid.


Disagree - there is such thing, but it's just stupidly named. "Indifference" or "apathy" is a much better term. I wouldn't say that's what Batista's getting, though.

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I can't really say I agree with your points on Bryan's moaning and bitching, it's not like he's done a big show and got the lawyers in, nor is he crying in the ring, or writing to the board of directors or anything like that. He's just pissed off, just as his fans are supposed to be. He manned up to The King Of Kings and offered him out for a fight. Not exactly whiny, pussy material.


I'd hate it if he reacted like Cena with his "ah well *inane grin* never mind" attitude, it's one of his traits I hate the most. Bryan is passionate and full of fire, that's why people are getting behind him.



*edit - sorry, should have quoted it - I'm replying to Ian on the last page.

Edited by Dirty Eddie
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Its the idea that they never want John Cena to sell a loss because they never want him to come across like he's a moaner. Because moaning isn't what the general public want to vicariously live through on this pretend sport. Yet Daniel Bryan sells every defeat by saying "why me? What have you got against me?" etc. That was the basis on Bret Hart's heel turn. He walked out in a huff at WrestleMania 12, he returned and complained about everything and eventually snapped. Babyfaces shouldn't be asking for anything. He should have attacked Triple H coming out of the limo. He shouldn't be getting talked down to off Stephanie and challenging anyone to a match. He should be taking his revenge, not asking for it.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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