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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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We were sat in front of the hard camera last night, all the ring crew sit there and are absolute twats.

Heckling the wrestlers, the fans, shouting 'smartass' remarks all the time. They are worse than any drunk fan i've come across.


Luckily after they changed the apron to Smackdown they seemed to go backstage and we could enjoy the show again.


I'm not one to stalk the wrestlers at the hotel and stuff, so imagine my joy when having a couple of beers at Hard Rock Cafe in Printworks, last night after Smackdown, I turn around and see JBL walking past me. Shook his hand, got a picture with him and thanked him. He was sat at a big table with Cole and 4 guys I didn't recognise, assuming some kind of crew or whatever. Enjoying food, desserts and cocktails. A good life!

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You hear stories of wrestlers being dicks to fans, and in a way its hard to blame them. They must get met the biggest dickheads thinking they have the right to say anything they want to you. There are some frighteningly weird fans around. When we went to see Foley's stand up last year, there was some fucking headcases in front of us waiting to meet him. They kept shouting and talking to people as if we needed to hear their opinion on the current situation in regards to waiting in a line. "He better do this, he better do that", just crap like that. I saw a couple I knew from college walking past us, and we said hello and silly bollocks in front of us started yelling shit about "pushing in front" or something.


Worst thing I saw was a bunch of cunts in Cactus Jack shirts booing a 7 year old lad who came in the ring when it was his Birthday at an All Star show. Why would you do that, you know? They were chanting shit all night, but booing a young lad as he got in the ring was dreadful. Daniel Bryan got them back later in the night by refusing to sign any of their shit.

Were these the cunts calling him Danielson in spite of him being American Dragon, mask and all?

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There's such a large portion of knobs at WWE shows over here everytime I go I want to crawl into a hole and die. I'm fine with kids, their Dads and the spackers but it's the "smart" fans I hate. It's been like that for years now.


I'm planning on going to Summerslam next year, I'm hoping US audiences are better.

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There's such a large portion of knobs at WWE shows over here everytime I go I want to crawl into a hole and die. I'm fine with kids, their Dads and the spackers but it's the "smart" fans I hate. It's been like that for years now.


I'm planning on going to Summerslam next year, I'm hoping US audiences are better.



Its a cunt considering how much tickets for TV tapings cost.

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I'll never forget at one Smackdown taping I went to one year and got chatting to the guy next to me, he was rambling about how Justin Gabriel should get a push. The look of disgust on his face when I told him I was there to see Mark Henry was a thing of beauty.

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There were some absolute shits in front of me at Smackdown. One guy in particular, probably 30 years old at least, who didn't have a front row ticket but pushed his way to the front for every entrance. Daniel Bryan threw his towel into the crowd and a lady who was in the front row caught it and he was trying his hardest to pull it out of her hands with a look on his face saying this is mine. Obviously a complete pussy though as she managed to outstrength him and keep it for herself. Look out for him, holding up a shit cardboard sign saying something about Vickie Guerrero, he'll probably be on camera constantly. Massive prick. Hope he posts on here.


I was sat further down that block and the security guys were having a nightmare with him and a few other people constantly trying to get to the front. They ended up threatening to throw people out but that was pretty late on in the show so probably wouldn't have made a difference.


If by 'nightmare' you mean 'did nothing about it for the first 2 and a half hours' then yes you're right. I even saw grown men push in front of children who actually had front row seats. Utter twats. There were probably 10 people who did it every single match.


The security nearest me were up and down every five minutes to the people in the middle of the block, and also seemed to be getting mither from WWE security who were annoyed at Superman

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They may have been up and down, but they were doing nothing. If 10 people who aren't in the front row can force themselves to the front and stay there for 2 minutes every time there's an entrance then they're doing a shit job. I was sat next to 'Superman' at first, but he swapped with some people so he could be with his friends who were a few seats down. I chatted with him for a minute or two before the show started and he seemed like a nice guy, but even he was jumping over the seats from the second row to the front row throughout the show. Also, some loser in a Green Lantern outfit in the front row got told by a WWE staffer after the second match he had to take it off. Was great.

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What was the superman guy like during the show? At the raw after mania 28 in Miami, the guy was going bezerk, filming himself, doing running commentary during The Rocks promo. I've also seen him doing this at a Mickie Foley comedy gig.


He seemed okay to me, at RAW he wasn't far from me at all. People started Superman chants and he'd stand up and pose to his adoring public. It was all in good fun.


The best part of this was during R-Truth's entrance when he rapped "I'm the suntan Superman" everyone popped and he started posing again.

Edited by BenPhoenix
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I seem to be a dribbler magnet at these events but I find the best way to get any obnoxious smart fan to stop talking to you is to tell them that you're there to see John Cena and he'd wrestle rings around CM Punk and Daniel Bryan simultaneously on his worst day. It worked for me all evening on Monday and Tuesday. Despite the fact that Punk is one of my faves, I just wanted Mrs. Neil is Brill to enjoy her first set of tapings without having to encounter the window lickers.

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I was sat next to superman he was cool as ..


Was sooo funny doin the superman pose and we were all chanting but he we did it numerous times and it looked like the wwe edited it on are abit so u didn't see him much.


Raw was amazing, the guys behind me were at the raw after mania .. It had the same feel to it on Monday

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I was sat next to superman he was cool as ..


Was sooo funny doin the superman pose and we were all chanting but he we did it numerous times and it looked like the wwe edited it on are abit so u didn't see him much.


Raw was amazing, the guys behind me were at the raw after mania .. It had the same feel to it on Monday

You mean you were surrounded by arseholes who think they know more about wrestling than everyone else the Raw after 'mania too?


That's some wicked bad luck.

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