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The Preston City Wrestling Thread

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Well done for not Bowe-ing down to a promoter's ridiculous demands....

That doesn't work.


Okay, how about:


Well done for not bowing down to a promoter's Riddickulous demands...


It doesn't work as it's the agent with the demands, not the promoter.


Well that's me told. Thank you for pointing out the flaw in what was originally intended as a good-natured, knowingly-lame pun joke.


Also, technically 'promoter' is another name for 'agent'; Don King was known as Mike Tyson's 'promoter', but he was in actual fact his 'agent' agreeing deals for him.


But hey, if you wanna pick holes in a joke, be my guest.


Promoters promote fights, and agents negotiate contracts with promoters on behalf of fighters.


Hurrah for pointless internet arguments!

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Should we knock that one on the head now? It's frightfully dull.


Do we reckon AJ is a conveniently-timed replacement for getting Rid of Dick, or is the "big name announcement" still to come?



Big announcment still to come i think. The AJ thing has been built up for 2 months and PCW have been pushing the fact their would be a big announcement pretty much the instant AJ's contract ran out. So that announcement was always on the cards before the hassles with Bowe. I could be completely wrong, but i haven't seen PCW refer to AJ as Bowe's replacment once, so i think it's safe to assume he isn't.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just been asked by my girlfriend for a contact at PCW as she bought me the best of travis for Xmas which hasn't arrived yet and wanted an update I told her try message Steve Fludder but he replied saying he doesn't deal with sales so she's now messaged on the website, anyone know out of curiosity who does the Web stuff as the paypal order when bought online was sent through to his personal email? Is that side subbed out?

Edited by 2Xtreme_lives
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Just been asked by my girlfriend for a contact at PCW as she bought me the best of travis for Xmas which hasn't arrived yet and wanted an update I told her try message Steve Fludder but he replied saying he doesn't deal with sales so she's now messaged on the website, anyone know out of curiosity who does the Web stuff as the paypal order when bought online was sent through to his personal email? Is that side subbed out?


My personal Facebook is not for shop order questions. I replied with contact the website you ordered from as DVDs are on sale in many places. I do not send all orders myself anymore. She then sent me a receipt saying its not come??? So again stated to contact the website.


Orders take around 2 weeks to arrive as stated on the site. Ordering 17th December it would have been sent out by now but with limited festive post service it will arrive soon no doubt. Im sure if you email the 'WEBSITE' ordered from with all details such as date ordered, item, address the relevant staff member will assist in giving you a tracking number as all items are sent recorded. It may not be today being a public holiday.

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  • 2 weeks later...
GRADO is heading to PCW for Road to Glory!!!


I'm probably as excited for him coming as I am for Styles and Hero. Wanted to see Grado live for ages. :thumbsup:


Certainly encouraging to see PCW branching out their UK talent once again, but it seems odd to book Grado after PCW responded to someone asking for Grado a few months ago ranting about they didn't need him because he was a poor man's Manson...

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