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Very scary finish to the evening show - Lionheart possibly seriously hurt for real.


Lionheart beat Styles, then took the Styles Clash afterwards.


Lionheart immediately not moving in the ring, ref covered him, crew members including Fludder out. Doctor in ring, paramedics called.


It was the end of the show but they asked everyone to evacuate the building ASAP.


The scary thing was I was there next to the ring & Lionheart was face down, not moving the whole time, apart from his feet & fingers twitching very slightly. Hope he's okay.

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Hope he's okay.


The Styles Clash has always been a dangerous move to take as it goes against the natural instinct of wrestlers to tuck their chins when taking a bump.

Saw SJK take a horrible Styles Clash in Doncaster back in 2006. He tucked his chin and landed square on his head as a result.

Fortunately he was okay. Hopefully Lionheart is too.

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I had a birds eye view of the incident, directly opposite to the ring near the hard camera. Lionheart definitely tucked his head and unfortunately landed right on the top of his head.


Really sick looking landing. Really hope he's okay. Crowd was really respectful - they love to hate Lionheart at PCW and he's unquestionably the promotion's number one heel (and excellent in the role) but everyone immediately saw that this was very real and not an angle. Everyone was stunned for minutes afterwards, then everyone chanted Lionheart's name. Then PCW asked if everyone could leave the building asap.


Up until that point it had been one of PCWs best ever shows. Evoque was completely sold out, packed, 800-900 people, heat off the charts for Styles vs Lionheart. It also had one of the funniest comedy matches you will ever see in Mike Bennett & Maria vs Danny Hope & Mad Man Manson.


Hopefully Lionheart is okay because it was a sad ending to a great night. Get well soon Lionheart!

Edited by ClassicsGuy
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It was well over 12-1300 last count for attendance... In other news The Godfather is one of the soundest blokes ever. Laid back wouldn't even begin to describe how chilled out that bloke is.

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It was well over 12-1300 last count for attendance... In other news The Godfather is one of the soundest blokes ever. Laid back wouldn't even begin to describe how chilled out that bloke is.


I stand corrected, cheers mate. I also agree about the Godfather. Still remember last night when he grabbed a huge pint of beer from a fan and nearly downed the whole thing in one. Legend in every sense of the word!

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The Styles Clash was scary to watch, i knew something was wrong the second he hit it. It just looked really bad. We were sat ringside so saw the whole thing clearly. Thoughts going out to Lionheart right now and much respect shoudl be given to the PCW guys for how they dealt with what was a truly horrible situation.


I echo the thoughts that this weekend was fantastic, with today being off the charts.


Godfather could be the coolest guy ever, he spent the weekend calling me "Brian" as he said i look like Brian "Crush" Adams lol. Spent a little time talking tattoos with him today too. A really great experience. Loved the fact he really did embody the whole Shango character once he changed gimmicks. The guy i'd spent time talkign to was now barely reacting to anyone or anything and competely in character. It really was like 2 different people, which was pretty awesome.


Bennett/Maria/Hope/Manson - Simply the funniest match i've ever seen. If you get the chance to watch it, do it! Maria and Bennett put in a great showing all weekend and i'd love to see them back.


And i got to hold the ROH TV strap.. all in all it was a great weekend in Preston. lol.

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Shocked at what happened to Lionheart. Hope he's alright, I heard people say outside that they'd seen him moving, but could just be Chinese whispers. He looked in the right position but then in mid-motion inexplicably tucked, despite knowing the move having performed one himself on Ligero at Festive Fury. I don't consider the move dangerous in of itself but it's a real shame this happens so soon after the same thing happened to Strong. I half expect AJ to stop using it now to be honest.


To the people that turned on Masters a short period before he won the final, I don't understand you. The crowd seemed split (which is fine) but the booing was ridiculous to me. Here's a guy that worked his rear off in four tough and very different matches, clearly loves the place and speaks highly of it, is an incredibly sound bloke and really nice in the Q&A sessions and generally the perfect import... and you boo him? I hope it's just passionate Mastiff fans getting carried away, because otherwise, I'm dismayed.


The pre-taped promo where reddragon announced they were challenging Team Single was shocking. The moment Kyle made a pig's ear of swinging the belt over his shoulder they should have cut and started again because it made him look a dumbass. His attempts at making threatening faces while Bobby was talking were laughable. Now Fish isn't much a promo, but it was better listening to him than when Kyle took the lead again. I understand it was meant to establish them as the heels for their forthcoming match with the tweenerish (to my mind) Team Single, but Kyle rambled. It went on far too long and the champs looked bored in the ring. Still, if the plan remains to bring in tag teams that we will want to see Team Single give a twatting to, then I'll keep my fingers crossed that the London Riots come up and Team Single defend the honour of "the North" by giving the "evil Southerners" a fight. A proper nasty fight.


The whole weekend was cracking in the ring, but the highlight of my Saturday was having breakfast with Maria. By Saturday, I mean life. Her and Bennett are a great act and more importantly great sports and seem really good people. Things I does learn about Maria - she's involved in the production side of ROH, one of her favourite guys is Samuray del Sol, and she thinks Mistero is past it and will be allowed to leave when his contract comes up, which is soon. Interesting.


Godfather could be the coolest guy ever, he spent the weekend calling me "Brian" as he said i look like Brian "Crush" Adams lol.


Little bit.

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Went to both Nights and saw some top notch wrestling. Night 2 ended up being the better night which held some superb wrestling for the fans in Preston. I loved the Ciampo Vs Kirby match which was probably the match of the weekend for me. The angle with Maria/Bennett and Manson/Hope was really good. Never typically been a fan of this sort of comedy but it was hilarious and great fun. Hero/Masters was really unique to be able to see.


Great show overall probably the best PCW shows I've been to. All of the imports delivered and looked like they wanted to be there. 9/10 for the weekend. My thoughts go out to Lionheart.


Nice to share a drink with a few of you from here over the weekend.

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Direct from the PCW Fb Page


Thanks for all the messages of concern. Lionheart is his usual grumpy self so thats a good sign. Also he has movement in his arms and legs. He is in the best place possible right now and all the PCW family are here to support him and hope he has a speedy recovery.
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Great news via PCW twitter just now:


@PCW_UK: Thanks for all the messages of concern. Lionheart is his usual grumpy self so thats a good sign. He has movement in his arms and legs. 1/2


@PCW_UK: He is in the best place possible right now and all the PCW family are here to support him and hope he has a speedy recovery. 2/2

Edited by ClassicsGuy
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