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More than happy with Devitt vs Travis. I love how Devitt is slowly working his way down facing the best in England and hopefully there's future singles matches against the likes of Kirby, Robbie X and Haskins to come.


I'm going to go left field and say Masters will win RTG. I could see him being the first import to hold the PCW strap and reckon it'll happen this year.


EDIT: As forgot Devitt/Ligero had happened and was pretty damn good. Devitt's already faced the likes of Zack, MK, Dar, Marty, Ligero etc in singles matches. So junior wise I'd love to see him face the younger generation, guys who haven't been in PCW yet like Andrews, Ospreay, Allen, Dunne and the like.

Edited by cobystag
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I looked at the brackets and thought Trav/Hayes or Trav/Dar for the final. If it isn't going to be Dar that unseats Lionheart, I want it to be Trav, and the lads that sometimes come to the shows with me share the consensus that PCW is "Trav's house." So I can't rule out that he might win, what with Dar still chasing a "fair" title shot and Joey holding the briefcase, this is a good way of getting Travis into the title hunt too.


edit - I wonder if and where Devitt will be working on the Saturday. Southside, or meeting up with the other New Japan guys in Gloucester??

Edited by air_raid
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The way I see it, PCW already is 'Trav's House'. He's a made man there - he's already on that level without having to win the tournament. It's a better opportunity for someone else to rise to that level and join him as a legitimate headliner, the type of credibility that would be gained with such a tournament win.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I wouldn't say Grado 'failed to get over'. He was popular and got cheers. It was three fellas at the back that shouted 'Shit Eugene' very briefly, mid-match, which got a laugh and Grado himself quickly responded to by doing a Eugene impersonation wave. The moment passed quickly, and the chant didn't 'take' at all.


Grado was facing Dave Rayne, who is PCW's resident cult favourite. The crowd mostly (understandably) sided with Rayne. If Grado had faced, say, Joey Hayes, or Bubblegum, there wouldn't have been an issue at all.


Hero vs Dar had surprisingly little heat. I think Hero was maybe shocked at how much support Dar had. He started off as a face, then switched to being an aggressive heel mid-match.


Show was good overall. Better than Festive Fury in December.


Night 2 tomorrow bodes well, some good matches lined up.

Edited by ClassicsGuy
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Scheduled Road to Glory Day 2 Quarter Finals:


Chris Hero vs Bubblegum

Chris Masters vs Joey Hayes

Kris Travis vs Mike Bennett

Dave Rayne vs Dave Mastiff


Rayne vs Mastiff is logical, as they have a beef stemming from Rayne interfering in Mastiff's match vs Vader back in December.


The way the brackets are, I predict the tournament final will be either Travis vs Hero, or Travis vs Masters IV.


Winner of the tournament gets a PCW title shot at the 3rd Anniversary show in August. Hard to look past Travis as the winner, logically.


Another prediction as well - Styles will beat Lionheart for the PCW title, but Joey Hayes will cash in MITB and win the title from Styles in the post-match.

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Looking forward to tonight. I was half expecting Mastiff/Masters at some point this weekend since they "had words" on one of the shows at the end of last year, and Travis/Masters IV which this seems to be leading up to will surely be another treat. Was anything else announced for tonight? Plenty of room for a few surprises as well, with a fair few of the regulars not having matches officially announced yet. Fingers crossed Papa Shango's suitcase has turned up!

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