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Game of Thrones - Season EIGHT (No book wankers)


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The piece of GoT merch I want most is the pop-up book they've brought out. It's like being in the opening credits!


Anyway, really enjoyed the episode last night. The opening of Tywin and the sword was very cool, I'm liking Prince Oberyn, the Night's Watch are back at the Wall which is good, and the Hound and Arya should be a great double act. Seemed like a lot of it was calling back to season 2, rather than 3, with things like Arya avenging her friend, Ser Dontos turning up again, Brienne going on about Renly, and so on. Did Sky Atlantic show a 'Previously on...' before the 9pm showing? There wasn't one on the 2am.


It also appears from this first episode that they've got more of a handle on juggling all the characters than previously. Everything seemed to fit together to make a whole, whereas previously it's sometimes felt like a case of 'quick, throw a Daenerys bit in at the end, she's not been in this week yet'.


Does talking about the 'Next week on Game of Thrones' video they showed straight after the credits qualify as spoilers? I'll ask first and take no risks!

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It's probably being a bit anal but I'mma say yes, as I actively avoid those.


I agree. Although I don't actively avoid them someone pointing out 'cant wait for character A to debut next week because I saw it in the trailer' or 'doesnt the fight between Mr 1 and Mr 2 look good' is a right pain in the arse if you haven't realised who the people in the trailer are.

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  • Awards Moderator
It's probably being a bit anal but I'mma say yes, as I actively avoid those.


I agree. Although I don't actively avoid them someone pointing out 'cant wait for character A to debut next week because I saw it in the trailer' or 'doesnt the fight between Mr 1 and Mr 2 look good' is a right pain in the arse if you haven't realised who the people in the trailer are.


Fair enough - that's why I checked!

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Whats the stance on prequals? I want to see Ned and Robert and Jamie back in the war

I've thought about this before. A feature length film based on Robert's Rebellion would be ideal, but impossible unless you recast everyone, which will be shit. Aegon's Conquest could make for a brilliant film, though. As it happened 300 years ago there would be no casting issues.

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Im to worried about picking books up incase i read the back of one that spoils the current lot.


Is there any that are about Robert's Rebellion? Or Aegon's Conquest?


Re casting wouldnt be to hard as they would all be much much younger, Robert was supposed to have been a bad ass before he got fat drunk and lazy

Edited by quote the raven
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Im to worried about picking books up incase i read the back of one that spoils the current lot.



The most recent books have massive spoilers in the blurbs for where the show is at right now. Don't see one in a super market at random and just have a look at the back. Good first episode, really looking forward to this season. Not surprised they've already greenlit seasons 5 and 6, it's crazy how big it's become.

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The ratings for this episode were the highest they've ever had for any of their dramas (including The Sopranos) and seasons 5 and 6 have been confirmed. HBO are raking it in from this show.

That's fantastic news and surely means bigger budgets. Anyone know how much more of a budget they've got for this series?

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The ratings for this episode were the highest they've ever had for any of their dramas (including The Sopranos) and seasons 5 and 6 have been confirmed. HBO are raking it in from this show.

That's fantastic news and surely means bigger budgets. Anyone know how much more of a budget they've got for this series?


I don't think a figure has been released but it's definitely got the biggest budget yet as the producers begged HBO for more money. The budget per episode in seasons 2-3 were about $6 million (the one exception being Blackwater which cost $8 million).

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Fuck knows what its going to cost when we get the white walker army vs whoever.


On that note, id love to know what those frozen bastards are doing, i dont quite understand why they left Sam alone that one time and do they just walk around outside the wall killing things? or do they have a plan?

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