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I'm now really tempted to do a "refresh TNA guys who have been around forever by giving them cartoon gimmicks so nobody notices" thread.


Do it. I'd say a good 95% of the roster need freshening up so I'm sure there will be plenty of ridiculous suggestions.

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Honestly, I found AJ the most entertaining personality wise as the dumb hick heel when he teamed with Christian Cage and Tomko. I still smile at him watching Kurt Angle getting his kids to carry his cases pass AJ and JB:


'That's Kurt wife?'


'She a little young for him?'

'No, the tall one'


He was fantastic in that role and never came over as too bland or boring. The current gimmick needs to be changed. I think he should have a classic Vickie Guerrero temper tantrum and just be a spoilt brat for a while. I think he could pull that off comfortably.

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I'm now really tempted to do a "refresh TNA guys who have been around forever by giving them cartoon gimmicks so nobody notices" thread.


Do it. I'd say a good 95% of the roster need freshening up so I'm sure there will be plenty of ridiculous suggestions.


Would love to see this. I have a couple of ridiculous suggestions.

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I'm now really tempted to do a "refresh TNA guys who have been around forever by giving them cartoon gimmicks so nobody notices" thread.

A while back I made a suggestion for Samoa Joe to do a cartoony 1930's Mafia boss gimmick, but the idea was for if he came over to WWE. Quite a few people on here thought it was a cracking idea. They could make the TV black and white for his matches and he'd wrestle wearing slacks with suspenders and a vest. Call him 'Fat Joe Gambino' or something along those lines.


He's actually in the Mafia now, but not in the way I wanted!

Edited by Arch Stanton
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Looks like Pritchard's on his way out anyway (from PWNet):


The restructuring within TNA has led to a number of wrestlers being released from their contracts or the company allowing talent contracts to expire. It is also affecting the office side of the company. Multiple sources report that Bruce Prichard, Sr. Vice President of Programming and Talent Relations, was among the office personnel asked to restructure his deal. Prichard is said to have rejected that request. It is believed that his days with TNA are coming to an end barring an unexpected twist.


That's some good news then. He's been a shit talent relations guy, by the sound of it. I wonder who'll get that job, Al Snow.


It's hard to argue with that but I like the idea of having someone like Pritchard around who has decades of experience with the WWE. Maybe talent relations isn't for him though, but there was a marked improvement in creative when he started there.

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I'd say that's fairly big news as well. Getting rid of Prichard altogether is a bit of a mental step. He had a big hand in creative and the structure of the TV shows. When he came on board, the TV improved dramatically. Who are creative now? David Lagana and Eric Bischoff? I dont get why they would fire him out right, instead of just bringing someone in as head of talent relations. Having the job of head of talent relations and being the bloke who oversees creative sounds like an impossible job anyway. Especially now they are on the road.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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These firings are the scariest things when it comes to TNA's financial situation. They aren't firing people in the traditional sense. They offer to restructure the contracts or release them but keep them on cash in hand deals. Then they sack them! Poor D'Lo got released a few weeks back and got his deal structured to where they were paying him on a night per night basis and now they've told him to never come back. What I understand they tried to do the same type of thing with Prichard, but they've parted ways. So I gather he laughed in their face. A lot of funny business going on it TNA right now. Hulk Hogan didn't get his money from last month until last week, which is incredible. Fucking Eric Young about is one thing, but messing Captain Lawsuit about is another world altogether. Sting sending out feelers to WWE, the head of talent relations getting let go and Hulk Hogan not getting his $140,000 for the month later than expected isn't painting the best picture of the state of the promotion.


They need to get off the road now. They obviously cant afford it. Its $600,000 a taping. How the fuck are they even affording that anyway. Unless they are rolling the dice on the promotions future by trying to put them in large arenas.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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Strangely the only thing I've noticed on Twitter about it all tonight is Smith Hart angling for a meeting with Dixie to take over the head of creative.


Imagine if that happened, we may all get our dreams to come true and Teddy Hart and his high flying cats on national television.

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Out of curosity, has anyone ever been eliminated from the BFG Series for Kayfabe or Legit reasons. Just thinking, if any of the current lot are let go under the current circumstances, will there be a precident to explain them away?

Guys have been eliminated in the past due to both real (e.g. Pope last year, Morgan in 2011) and storyline injuries (e.g. Crimson & Devon in 2011).

Edited by pgi86
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Out of curosity, has anyone ever been eliminated from the BFG Series for Kayfabe or Legit reasons. Just thinking, if any of the current lot are let go under the current circumstances, will there be a precident to explain them away?

Guys have been eliminated in the past due to both real (e.g. Pope last year) and storyline injuries (e.g. Crimson in 2011).

Wasn't Pope injured through Aces & Eights or am I making that up?


I remember Joe went on a rampage in first year and took a few guys out because he kept getting disqualified.

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Out of curosity, has anyone ever been eliminated from the BFG Series for Kayfabe or Legit reasons. Just thinking, if any of the current lot are let go under the current circumstances, will there be a precident to explain them away?

Guys have been eliminated in the past due to both real (e.g. Pope last year) and storyline injuries (e.g. Crimson in 2011).

Wasn't Pope injured through Aces & Eights or am I making that up?

He was injured for real so they did the Aces & Eights angle to take him out the tournament.

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More TNA in the shit news. Mike Johnson has this up:

While the company is putting on a good face in promoting tonight's Destination show, which is in essence a PPV quality free show, things behind the scenes are not so rosy. Given the recent cutbacks and releases, it's fair to say that morale is hardly high in TNA right now. The primary factor in TNA's recent belt tightening comes from the decision to take Impact out of Orlando and on the road every other week. The decision has increased costs dramatically with no rise in revenue to make leaving The Impact Zone a wise move. It has not increased viewership as the people that championed it, like Hulk Hogan and Eric Bischoff, claimed it would. With increased costs and stagnant revenue, belt tightening has become a necessity. As we saw yesterday with Bruce Prichard's release, it's fair to say that very few people, if anyone, is safe. Unless things do a dramatic turnaround, things will continue to be tumultuous down in Nashville.


Speaking of taking the show on the road being a less than smart move, there are a ton of good seats available for the show tonight. I just checked and can get seats in the fourth row on the floor. That is not good. If you are interested in getting tickets, click here.


Meltzer also said a few in TNA have told their friends in WWE to let them know they'd be willing to come in. I wonder who that means? Who in TNA would WWE be after? Sting obviously. Its not Hogan's style to look like he's begging for work. Hardy, Magnus and Roode fit their mold. Kaz and Daniels they've never wanted back. Interesting times.

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