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Regarding the talent leaving TNA and entering GFW, one of those not a storyline departure is Austin Aries as he's officially ROH-bound again

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I think Aries leaving ROH was to do with him being anti-Cornette (I seem to remember he coined the phrase "Smoky Mountain of Honor") rather than an inherent problem with the company

Edited by sj5522
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Syd Eck and Ross Abraham were the problem with a lot of old ROH talent. They have since been sacked. Its not the same company that Austin Aries left. Its a totally different regime. It makes sense they bring him back. He's one of the more recognisable names in that companies history. All they need now is Low Ki to make a return.


Kenny King of the other hand shook hands with Joe Koff and Delirious on a new deal and then went to TNA with no notice, while holding the ROH tag team title. I cant see them ever bringing him back. Its not like Kenny King would add to the roster anyway.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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Kenny King of the other hand shook hands with Joe Koff and Delirious


I asked this before but didn’t get an answer. Joe Koff is a stage name, right? Please tell me there isn’t a person actually called that?

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Pretty sure Low Ki burnt his bridges on this one.


Are ANY of the people Ki pissed off on his way out the door in 2006 still decision-makers in ROH in any capacity? Gabe's gone. Cary sold the gig to Sinclair. I don't think anyone in ROH in 2015 cares about how Low Ki left last time out if he still has value to them now.


Besides, "give Low Ki another run" is almost a cliche in booking meetings all over the world. It's probably ROH's turn with him next.

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Suppose, spoilers.


SPOILER - Highlight the black box to read
Dixie Carter is back and has turned face seemingly. I'm done. Mongs in the crowd started a Dixie chant. UGH.

It's only a matter of time (because it's already been taped) before another authority figure shows up.

This promotion just needs putting in a sack and taking out to the lake

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TNA is such a fucking mess, its stunning.

By Mike Johnson on 2015-07-15 18:28:19

An issue between TNA and Lucha Underground has led to a number of planned TNA TV segments being pulled from upcoming episodes of Impact Wrestling, storylines being dropped and one recent TNA signing being dropped from the company, PWInsider.com has learned

At the center of the controversy with Shawn Hernandez, who recently returned to TNA and became part of the Beatdown Clan after appearing on the first season of Lucha Underground on The El Rey Network.

TNA sources indicate that Hernandez was signed to a deal by the company after informing TNA that contractually, he was free and clear to do so. After Hernandez made a number of appearances at TNA TV tapings, Lucha Underground approached TNA and informed them that contractually, Hernandez was still their contracted talent, that he was not released from his obligations to their promotion an that he could not legally appear on TNA broadcasts.

As you might imagine, this put TNA into a legally actionable position and with Impact Wrestling already pre-filmed well in advance, to boot. I am told that TNA management attempted to work out an agreement with Lucha Underground that would allow the existing footage to be used, including offering to pay Underground for Hernandez' appearances, but Underground turned down all those attempts. Given that the producers of the series come from a film and TV background, I was not surprised to hear that.

Since TNA cannot use the footage, the decision was made to pull anything involving the BDC and all of their current storylines are completed and done. TNA will be replacing those matches and vignettes with existing material, including some matches from the TNA Slammiversary PPV from a few weeks ago. TNA also intends to film material at their TV Tapings later this month that they can drop into the segments that are no longer available to be used. The matches that were filmed are, for now, completely scrapped and TNA will have to re-edit all of their TV.

Hernandez, obviously, is gone from TNA and until Lucha Underground begins filming additional material, is now in a position where he's losing work as TNA wanted to use him and cannot.

As far as the rest of the BDC, MVP, Kenny King, etc. will effectively be off those TV episodes until TNA can get new material with those talents so a number of talents who worked those tapings are now off television for the next several weeks as well.


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they now have to edit out/find something to replace:



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