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In case anyone's wondering, King Mo has taken a bit of a break from training for his MMA return in June and is back in OVW for two more weeks of pro wrestling training. Also, he just had his first ever pro wrestling match last night. It was a short dark match prior to the OVW TV taping.




No word on when he's showing up in TNA but it looks like it's still happening at some point.

Edited by pgi86
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Ugh. He's marginally better than that Pacman Jones character, but only marginally. I'd rather see Lashley than him.

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Aries vs Joe in the opener at Slammiversary was my favourite A Double match of 2012, and one of my favourite matches of the year. The organic star aura he was gaining around that time was electric, and it's a superb contest. Aries cut a promo later in the show basically saying "Joe was hard, but enough's e-fucking-nough, I'm class and it's about time I won the main belt, thanks", and you completely believed it.

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Which turn? They were both disasters really. The babyface turn was obviously very organic, but they compromised far too much of his obnoxious side when he won the title. Then the heel turn on Jeff Hardy was probably a unnecessary evil for that feud, but really all that you had left was the wisecracking smug cunt of early 2012, but without the winning streak, credibility, and sense of cool. It went from the bes the worst combination of things. TNA is dreadful for that.

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Aries vs Joe in the opener at Slammiversary was my favourite A Double match of 2012, and one of my favourite matches of the year. The organic star aura he was gaining around that time was electric, and it's a superb contest. Aries cut a promo later in the show basically saying "Joe was hard, but enough's e-fucking-nough, I'm class and it's about time I won the main belt, thanks", and you completely believed it.


I'd say this match up to Aries capturing the title was the most invested I was in any wrestling storyline during 2012. Aries was proving his worth as a guy to get behind based on what he could do rather than what he said; a very organic turn into a fan favorite as mentioned.


Hardy's sudden surge towards the Championship did flush all of this down the toilet, as much as Aries did talk about wanting Jeff's bank account makes sense it did sound daft in kayfabe terms as Tazz would continually point out that AA should have Jeff's bank balance being the Champion and all. TNA were between a rock and a hard place though I suppose, there wasn't an obvious BFG opponent for Aries as Roode vs Storm was always believed to be the main event. Perhaps Roode should have kept the title, but I believe it was worth all the switching around for the summer of Aries.

Edited by thesimonbegz
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Austin Aries was very likeable when he was the intense undergog (in particular the Bully Ray match) and fans were really rooting for him. In many way's he was to be TNA's equivalent of WWE's success with Punk / Bryan, but it peaked the night Austin won their world title.


After that he started coming across as a cocky and genuinely unlikeable. I honestly believe he was turned heel because WWE turned Punk heel, and they shared similar traits. There was no need for it at the time. Much in the same way his tag team with Roode started off as a rip off of Daniel Bryan / Kane.

Edited by TheShowOff
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Shame how Austin Aries is now a midcard tag team attraction. He was really over at one point. They are starved for babyfaces at the minute. Turning him was a big mistake I reckon.


I wouldn't say it's a shame. He's hardly stuck there, him and Roode could slot right back into the mainevent when needed.


When you think about it they had the rise of Aries, Jeff's redemption and the final chapter to the Beer money saga which could have headlined BFG. That's a lot better than WWE have managed for Wrestlemania. Other than Rock/Cena what could they have really done?

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They didn't even realise Bobby Roode's contract was up last month. Slotting in an out of main events isn't where anyone wants to be. Only jobbers to the stars or (even worse) "good hands" do that. It could be worse. They could be James Storm. They've murdered his career.

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All the Aces & 8s chat about there being 'no more heroes' actually had me thinking that maybe we were gonna see cocky anti-hero Aries and maybe Roode start feuding with them. They both gave fairly un-heel promos about Jeff Hardy being stretchered out which furthered this. Aries being one of the catalysts behind beating them would work out well story wise too given he was the main man when they first appeared.

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The saviour will be 1997 Sting.. i mean AJ Styles, right? I get the feeling that this is going to be a real slow burning story up until Bound For Glory, Bully will still be champ and AJ would have won the BFG series. It's just a shame that i don't trust TNA not to fuck it all up way before then, i'm loving the product right now but they always seem to mess up somewhere down the line.

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The plan is for Hogan vs Bully to wrestle at Bound For Glory. So maybe Hardy vs AJ for the belt. Hardy is currently "retired" after that Aces and 8s beating the other week, so I'd say Hardy regains the belt with Hogan's help, AJ wins the BFG series and its Hardy vs AJ. And Hogan and Bully wrestle. Or Hogan and Sting will wrestle the Dudleys, if Hogan is injured/in the condition he's normally in. AJ has already spoke and wrestled and its moving really fast, so it looks like the AJ thing will come to a conclusion sooner than later. They seem to be building for AJ to get his revenge on Anderson, as scary as that sounds. Its usually them who are on screen together.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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Shame how Austin Aries is now a midcard tag team attraction. He was really over at one point. They are starved for babyfaces at the minute. Turning him was a big mistake I reckon.


He'll be back, they're just resting both him and Roode from the main event. 2012 was pretty much all Roode/Aries/Hardy so it's fair enough to have them doing what is frankly a great tag team gimmick for a bit.


As far as TNA goes, they're both established main eventers now. It's not like Joe, whose title run effectively ended his career.


Anderson though.. ugh.

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