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Can anyone remember TNA Reaction? Been torrenting the fuck out of that show recently. Wonderful show. Probably the best thing TNA ever did. Reaction, Spin Cycle, Before the Bell and those pre-and-post shows they did with West, Val and Borash years ago were some great stuff. TNA has often seemed like its been ran by two different people. There's the stuff they put out like Reaction and Spin Cycle and then there's what you see on Impact. Reaction was excellent. Shame nobody ever watched it, because if this was seem by more people I bet it would still be raved about.

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Yeah, I was a big fan of it too. At the time, it was unlike anything in wrestling, with the way they shot it etc. It was really well done by Team Bischoff. I've always wished WWE would try something similar with their Backstage Pass and Pre-Show programs.


Given it's TNA and it was on after a two hour Impact, it was always going to fail.

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They had these, which were TNA's post shows from the 2nd Monday Night War (aka the better Monday Night War), where it was Don West, Jeremy Borash and So Cal Val presenting it from either the offices in Nashville or live from the Impact Zone via ustream. They were great. They were very much like WWE Backstage Pass if you know where to look. Thing with TNA is, unlike Raw everything had to be recorded after the fact since they are usually taping in advance. They did do post shows for the live Impacts in 2010 and had all the big stars on from Hall and Nash to RVD to Hogan. So that was also really good for its time as well. There's just a different energy when you interview wrestlers live following the show. They are still in the moment. Way better than pre-recording stuff and pretending its just finished when in fact it was taped a fortnight ago.


I hope if TNA do go down Borash goes straight to Jarrett's group. He's way to talented to be out of wrestling. I loved the trio of Borash, West and Val. They were really funny and likable together.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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I could watch Jeff Hardy cut promos as Willow all day long. For all the wrong reasons. Utter nonsense, hilariously poorly delivered.


On the flip side, I liked the Knux vignette this week. Interesting little story being built there, potentially. I don't know if his family really own a small carnival his dad dreamed young Mike would one day inherit, but I really want it to be true.

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Big into where this Knux angle is going, I'm not going to lie. Always loved the big man. Now he's trying to give us a back story, so I'm all in with that. Amazing to think he's been employed for 2 years now. He's a veteran in the locker room. I dont even know if I've seen him win a match yet, but this is surely a step in the right direction. TNA do these videos really well I think. They're really good at giving a little back story to the characters. Glad they've done one with Knux. A beard vs beard feud is surely on the horizon with James Storm or someone.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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It annoyed me when Bully Ray went to the TNA headquarters. It looks so shit in comparison to WWE's, it just really underscored the difference between the two promotions. Obviously the TNA headquarters isn't going to have shit on the WWE headquarters, so common sense would be not to put that on the fucking telly. Accentuate the positives while hiding the negatives and all that bollocks

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For the first time in weeks I was intrigued by the Storm/Gunner fued. I love seeing people who have no business in wrestling on TV like Gunner's Dad so was great to see him blasted over the head with a bottle. He went down like a bag of shit. Did a little research into Gunners Dad and Storms made a rod for his own back cause he's picked a fight with www.lail-law.com

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I'm enjoying TNA just now. Trying out some new and different guys. I think Magnus makes a good champion good look, seems to get plenty of newspaper and magazine coverage and says the right things. Good use of Abyss as muscle. Storm/Gunner feud had built up well and will hopefully help make Gunner who seems to have something.

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^ So, any ideas where they're going with this Knux thing? I've been quite intrigued by it so far but then again I've always loved stuff like this where they introduce (or re-package, in this case) a guy/girl and give him/her an actual backstory. I wish more characters today had backstories right off the bat. That makes it so much easier to care about them. Anyway, I really have no idea where they're going with this but am very interested in finding out.


Also, I highly approve of the chick's ass in that 2nd video. Nice! Hope they bring her in as his valet. Keep the outfit too.

Edited by pgi86
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^ So, any ideas where they're going with this Knux thing? I've been quite intrigued by it so far but then again I've always loved stuff like this where they introduce (or re-package, in this case) a guy/girl and give him/her an actual backstory. I wish more characters today had backstories right off the bat. That makes it so much easier to care about them. Anyway, I really have no idea where they're going with this but am very interested in finding out.


Also, I highly approve of the chick's ass in that 2nd video. Nice! Hope they bring her in as his valet. Keep the outfit too.


The woman in the second video looks a lot Maxine from the older version of NXT. She was blessed with curves as well, so I'm guessing it's her.

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That wasn't Maxine. Maxine was Hispanic. The girl Knux was with looked like she pops in Tantastic a few times a week and whores it up especially for Big Mike when he pops round to fix the fruit machines. I dont get why they made her look so trashy? Knux made it sound like he was revisiting a childhood sweetheart last week. First thing I thought when I saw her was "she's shagging everyone who asks for a go on the dodgems".


I'm still into the Knux thing because I like him, but I have no idea what's going on. Its completely insane. Its like you switch Impact on and suddenly Mike Knox is the son of a Gypsy.

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That wasn't Maxine. Maxine was Hispanic. The girl Knux was with looked like she pops in Tantastic a few times a week and whores it up especially for Big Mike when he pops round to fix the fruit machines. I dont get why they made her look so trashy? Knux made it sound like he was revisiting a childhood sweetheart last week. First thing I thought when I saw her was "she's shagging everyone who asks for a go on the dodgems".


I'm still into the Knux thing because I like him, but I have no idea what's going on. Its completely insane. Its like you switch Impact on and suddenly Mike Knox is the son of a Gypsy.


There you go, then. I am overdue for an eye test, anyway :D


I'm curious to see where all this goes. But then I remember who we're dealing with here and get slightly nervous. And if you believe what you read, then we'll be seeing more of our tanned friend (whoever she is).

Edited by uklaw
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That wasn't Maxine. Maxine was Hispanic. The girl Knux was with looked like she pops in Tantastic a few times a week and whores it up especially for Big Mike when he pops round to fix the fruit machines. I dont get why they made her look so trashy? Knux made it sound like he was revisiting a childhood sweetheart last week. First thing I thought when I saw her was "she's shagging everyone who asks for a go on the dodgems".


I'm still into the Knux thing because I like him, but I have no idea what's going on. Its completely insane. Its like you switch Impact on and suddenly Mike Knox is the son of a Gypsy.


There you go, then. I am overdue for an eye test, anyway :D


I'm curious to see where all this goes. But then I remember who we're dealing with here and get slightly nervous. And if you believe what you read, then our tanned friend (whoever she is) will follow Knux back to TNA.


For what its worth, am seeing the name Mercedes aka Justine Silver mentioned around. She is a florida based wrestler/hooters girl who was photographed at Lockdown....

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So, TNA just released a BroMans music video and it's got to be the most annoying video ever produced by a wrestling company. Depending on your perspective that makes it either great or horrible. You be the judge:


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