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Well I had fun watching Lockdown. Muta was awsome. Where the fuck did Bobby Lashley come from? Willow and his random girly screams. Samuel Shaw attempting suicide. Abyss coming through the ring again. Bully Ray turning face. Every aspects of a classic TNA PPV.


There was also some good matches. The opening 6 man, Tigre vs. Manik, Gunner vs. Storm and Gail vs. Madison were all solid matches. Enjoyed them all. Some good stuff in the lethal lockdown too. World Championship match was a mess.


Otherwise a good show and a improvement on previous latest TNA PPVs.

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These pictures of empty TNA arenas are starting to piss me off. It seems there are sad acts actually making the effort to go to shows early, just to take the worst picture possible and get it up on the internet as fast as they can. Why? Everyone with half a brain knows it's not going to look like that on TV. We all know what their attendance figures are like without seeing pictures of the arena before anyone has shown up

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These pictures of empty TNA arenas are starting to piss me off. It seems there are sad acts actually making the effort to go to shows early, just to take the worst picture possible and get it up on the internet as fast as they can. Why? Everyone with half a brain knows it's not going to look like that on TV. We all know what their attendance figures are like without seeing pictures of the arena before anyone has shown up

Who are to blame for these? I mean, I get what you are saying, but Lockdown looked empty. TNA never make the shows look empty, because their camera men are really good. But this looked shockingly empty. Pretty sad to look at.




For me, any show where Abyss and Bobby Lashley return cant be considered good. I only watched half of it, so I'll post thoughts later on, but its a shame how uninteresting they are these days. I used to love Lockdown.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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These pictures of empty TNA arenas are starting to piss me off. It seems there are sad acts actually making the effort to go to shows early, just to take the worst picture possible and get it up on the internet as fast as they can. Why? Everyone with half a brain knows it's not going to look like that on TV. We all know what their attendance figures are like without seeing pictures of the arena before anyone has shown up

Who are to blame for these? I mean, I get what you are saying, but Lockdown looked empty. TNA never make the shows look empty, because their camera men are really good. But this looked shockingly empty. Pretty sad to look at.




For me, any show where Abyss and Bobby Lashley return cant be considered good. I only watched half of it, so I'll post thoughts later on, but its a shame how uninteresting they are these days. I used to love Lockdown.



The good thing about Bobby Lashley turning up is that it wasn't predictable and with a little luck this is a one off apperence. I wouldn't really be that happy with a Lashley return. From that picture it does look like a sad Lockdown turn out, the card isn't even that bad but TNA don't seem to able to draw a decent auidence inside the U.S.


The only way I think about it now is as long as Lockdown is fun to watch and TNA manage to make it look like Lockdown had a fair size auidence I won't think about it. If it turns out they they find it impossible to draw any size crowd much later in the year enjoying the shows while they are still around is the only way to see things.


One thing I would say is that the roster is utterly shallow and without star power that there isn't anyone major to come and see and I think TNA are thinking of making even more cuts, that may just be to people like Rob Terry and the like however.

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