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Its a heel turn, by all accounts. I dont know if next week is her being a subtle heel, but its all leading to Dixie turning anyway. Brooke Hogan was meant to be the lead heel (really) going into BFG against Hulk. But Hulk and Brooke are on the outs. So instead they've been replaced by Dixie and AJ. You have to get a non-wrestler in these main event angles, you see. The world champion just isn't enough.


They've had the Dixie heel turn in their back pocket for a good 3 years now. I'm surprised she hasn't already done it. A Dixie and AJ Styles feud has the potential to be on another level of horrendous.


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As long as Serg decks him again, I'm happy


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This is fucking amazing! From the Observer:

-- I wouldn't have believed this had I not seen it with my own two eyes, but I was sent a photo by reader Drew from Impact last night taken from behind the announcers, and they've got two monitors, one of which is showing Impact and the other of which is airing the NFL game. Tenay and Taz were watching the game all night while doing the show.


So know you know why Tazz was really good in WWE and sounds like he's watching something else in TNA. Because he is watching something else in TNA! I imagine when the football isn't on he's watching DVD's of Rising Damp and Open All Hours. Anything to pass the time away.


Seriously, though, this is pretty disgraceful stuff. Whoever give the go-ahead for the two lead announcers to have a monitor showing an NFL game while you are supposed to be at work needs sacking. But I imagine nobody cares. Which in itself is shocking.


Without wanting to take away from the absurdity, but isn't this so the announcers know when the game is stopped, at the end of a quarter or whatever? That's the point at which viewers might channel surf and so the tend to shill the main event at those moments.


I'm sure I've read WWE does this, and used to do the same with WCW back in the day.

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That's why they have ear pieces. Having a monitor for the commentators to watch something other than what they are supposed to be calling to the viewers at home is insane. Its a hard enough job as it is.


Also, TNA isn't live. Its taped an hour before it airs, so they aren't doing it for timing purposes. They have to tape 2 shows, so they want the tapings done around 11 o'clock, when the first taping ends on TV.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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They're going to get a 0.9-1.1 anyway so yhey should lock Jeff and Jerry in a room, sort out the Koslov thing. And just go back to basic booking being fuck all with Jeff and people they can trust on top. Simple formula. Jeff on top, build someone up for 4 weeks, if he catches a bit of fire then put him over. If he doesn't, then fuck him off. TNA could be such a great company if they were simple about things. But they aren't. It's no coincidence that TNA's best TV was when they didn't even have TV. Booking for 3-4 weeks in advance like Mempho. But instead they try to have these massive story arcs when they haven't the means or brains.

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That's a big loss to them I think. She's been excellent for months now. Christopher Daniels said this on an interview last year that if the pressure if lifted from you and you get to a level in your career where you can do what you want, you are better for it. Daniels got the sack in 2010, so since his comeback he's just acted how he's wanted because he knows he can survive outside TNA. That's probably why he's been amazing for 2 years now, after years of being pretty vanilla. Its the same with Mickie James as her contract has ran down her promos and character have been absolutely brilliant.


On the plus side, she's on good money by all accounts, so that's another contract off the monthly bill. There's only four women on the roster now. Brooke who is a non-wrestler these days. Velvet Sky, who is terrible. And Gail Kim and ODB (who have wrestled 800 times this month). Its pretty thin right now.

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Mickie is a big loss to that division. It's lucky that the division is pretty worthless at the moment, or it would have more impact to the whole TV show. That division has been really hot at different points but when you are down to about 5 people it's all a bit silly. In fairness Kim, Mickie and Tarryn (?) have had some really good matches recently, but when there are so few people it's all a bit "same old, same old" every week.


The promo Mickie cut a month or two back before her title match on PPV (where she climbed a ladder while cutting the promo) was probably the best female in-ring promo I can remember ever hearing. Confident, natural, on-point and pretty damned convincing. I'm not bothered about women's wrestling particularly, but it will be a shame is she ends up not being on TV again, because she's certainly one of the best going these days. She's also a million times better (and hotter) as a heel, so her last run in TNA was especially good.

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I think ODB as a character. She works far better with the men, though. Her whole act is to get that disgusted reaction out of blokes when she grabs her crotch or burps or something.


What is scary about TNA is that the amount of contracts that are up around the same time might not be manageable. Mickie James is gone. Devon is gone. Anderson is gone unless they reach an agreement (and like a bad penny, he'll probably be back). Sting and Hogan's contract's are coming up. AJ Styles has signed short term. And those are the ones we know about. Bully re-signed last year. I assume that was only for a year, like Devon. People are just disappearing from TV weekly now. I dont care if you hate Mr Anderson and think he's super shit, he's been in major storyline on and off for years and losing him and Mickie James in the same week is a big loss for their creative team. Anderson is like a shit goalkeeper. A shit goalkeeper is better than no goalkeeper, I imagine. And he's another body gone.


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Apparently, AJ's shoot promo next week includes the line "this company has never gone anywhere because you dont know anything about wrestling". I hope they cut that out, for their sake. Who thinks that would be a line fit to put on your own TV show?


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